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~Treasure Hunt~

"This is Channel 8 with breaking news"

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"This is Channel 8 with breaking news"

"Hollis Harcourt, the author of such cult classics as Agony in Atwater and Bludgeoned in Burbank, passed away in his sleep at 57, leaving behind an intriguing message to his loyal fans"

"Behold. My final gift to the citizens of Los Angeles...a rare and priceless treasure. Though, if I had to put a price on it for tax purposes, I'd call it about five million dollars"

"Whoa. Five million?" Eddie questioned.

"I'm gonna bury this chest somewhere in the city of Los Angeles. If you are clever, as I know you are, one of you will find this chest, and the treasure will be yours"

"We spoke with Harcourt's longtime assistant, Jeremiah Ruiz, moments ago"

"Hollis was...passionate, he had high standards. But he was a good soul. He cared about people and their stories. He will be missed"

"And he won't be forgotten. At least not any time soon. According to his final video. Hollis buried that five million dollar treasure somewhere in the city that was the setting for most of his work. A poem he recited in the video is said to provide all the clues needed to locate it" Taylor Kelly said on the TV.

"This poem is terrible" Chim said, looking at his phone.

"It's less of a poem, and more of a riddle" Bobby pointed out.

"Well, it's a terrible riddle" Hunter said.

"You know, the guy on the cliff- he asked me about willow trees" Eddie told the group.

"A real-life treasure hunt. Wouldn't it be..." Buck started.





"Probably not even real" The team listed off.

"What if it is?" Buck asked them. "How cool would it be to find it?"

"You know, this poem-riddle thing is getting a lot of traffic" Hen pointed out.

"Yeah, which means our friend Clyde is likely not the last emergency we're gonna see from this treasure hunt" Bobby added.

"A Taylor Kelly's new story's probably not gonna help out with that"

"Ugh, I hate her" Kat mumbled.

"She's just doing her job. Reporting the news" Buck said to them.

"Well, tell her to stop" She shot back.

"Well, at least it was the midday news. Maybe the whole thing dies off" Bobby said, the rest of the 118 got out and walked into the kitchen leaving Kat and Buck in the living area.

ᴄʟᴏsᴇʀ - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now