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~Ghost Stories~

"Okay, everyone listen up!" Bobby announced, catching the 118 attention

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"Okay, everyone listen up!" Bobby announced, catching the 118 attention. "This is firefighter Karl Gomez from 136, he'll be taking over for Eddie well he's on leave"

"I swear I know him from somewhere" Buck whispered to his girlfriend.

"Yeah, the other firehouse, duh" She replied.

"No, somewhere else"

"Try and be nice" Bobby finished looking at Buck and Kat and walked away.

"Why'd he look at us?" Buck questioned, Kat chuckled.

"Guessing she never told you how many fire captain's she scared off" Chimney told him, she smirked slightly.


"All right, victim's name is Edgar Hill, he told dispatch that he was carjacked, got shot and buried in some sort of coffin out here. Based on the size of an average male, that box is probably 86 by 30 inches. That's 45 feet of cubic space, most of which is taken up by Edgar. So he's got ten minutes to an hour's worth of air left" Bobby explained.

"We don't know how long he's been underground, right?" Kat asked.

"Or which piece of ground he's under. Cell towers can only limit the search by so much. Let's fan out" Bobby ordered.

The 118 along with LAPD and search and rescue look around the woods but still no sign of him "This is Captain 118. Be advised. We are conducting a targeted sound sweep. Fire 1, give us five minutes of breathing room" Bobby said over the radio. "Everybody else, hold the work. Radio silent until my call"

"There!" Buck yelled. "Hey, come on! Come on!" Everyone rushed over and started digging the area, they pulled the top of the box off and lifted Edgar out of the box.

"We've got a pulse" Chim called.

"Roll him on his side. I'll clear his airway" Hen replied.

"Found the bullet wound. Pulse 120 and thready. BP 90/50. Breath sounds severely diminished bilaterally"

"He's aspirated. We've probably got hypovolemic shock. While we're waiting, let's start a line" Hen ordered.

"I'm so sorry" Edgar muttered "I'm so sorry, Lizzie" looking at Kat.

"Thought your name was Kat" Karl said to her, Buck looked over his shoulder and glared at him.

"I'm getting deja vu" She mumbled.


"I don't like him" Buck said, watching Karl and Hen talk in the living area.

"Why?" Chim asked.

"He's too cocky" He replied, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Funny" Kat shrugged. "I said the same thing about you"

"I wasn't cocky" He defended.

"I mean..."

"You did steal the firetruck to have sex in it"

"That doesn't mean I was cocky" He shot back.

"Okay, okay, jeez" Kat chuckled and grabbed her can of coke from the fridge and walked into the living area.

"I wasn't cocky" Buck muttered to himself, Chimney patted him on the back and walked into the living area as well, Buck sighed and followed a took the seat next to his girlfriend, putting his arm around her shoulder overprotectively, she rolled her eyes. "So, Karl. Do people call you Karl?"

"Yep, that's my name" Karl replied, Kat sighed.

"Why'd you choose to come here?" He asked.

"Uh, well, they need someone to fill in for Diaz so I thought I'd take that spot. It won't be that long"

"Good" Buck mumbled, Kat gave him an unamused look.

"Are we that bad that you don't wanna stay?" Kat joked, Karl chuckled.

"No, no, it's great here, just I like my crew more"


"Uh, is something wrong?" He asked Buck, Kat turned her head to see Buck glaring at him.

"Don't worry, he was like this when my brother and Eddie first joined" She replied, elbowing Buck in the arm.


"Oh, brother?" Kat went silence and looked at the floor.

"Sensitive topic" Chimney replied, Kat nodded in agreement.

"Buck, stop glaring" Hen told him.

"I'm not"

"Dude, if you're worried about me stealing your girlfriend, I won't. She's not my type" Karl assured him, Buck looked at him confused. "I'm gay"

"Ooh, that makes sense" Buck glare softed and nodded.

"Why were you so jealous?" Kat asked him, Buck shrugged.

"It's called being protective" Buck corrected her, she chuckled. "And you can't trust men these days"

"Well, I'm nothing like Abby so you don't have to worry about me abandoning you" Kat assured him, putting her hand on his thigh.


"Bailey? Why is the spawn of satan in my apartment?" Kat asked staring at the red head in front of her.

"Her names Taylor and-" Bailey started.

"I know Carrot Top's name. So why is she in my apartment?" She asked.

"They don't like each other" Buck mouthed to Bailey.


"Well I didn't know this was your apartment" Taylor hissed back.

"Ptf, you think Bailey could rent a place this good?" She questioned.

"Hang on, hey-" Bailey started.

"At least I wasn't named after a hunger games character" Taylor shot back.

"Excuse me?" Kat asked and went to to step towards her, but Buck grabbed her arm.

"Okay, okay, everyone just calm down" Buck told them with a sigh. "Now Taylor why are you here?"

"She's working on the case, I'm just helping" Bailey replied.

"Do it at hers then" Kat mumbled.

"Do you guys wanna help?" She asked ignoring Kat's comment.

"Sure" Buck answered and glanced at Kat.

"Fine" She sighed and sat at the table.



Word Count:852

ᴄʟᴏsᴇʀ - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now