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"...Kat, did you hear me?...Kat?" He put his hand on her shoulder making her jump.

"Yeah, yeah, I heard you" Kat breathed.

"Hey, you okay?" Buck asked her.

"Yeah, just tired" She said.

"So, what do you think?" He asked, she nodded.

"Yeah, great idea" Kat replied, not knowing what he said.

"I asked if you wanted coffee"

"Oh, yes please" He nodded.




"Guess this is where he went over" Kat told him, glancing at the phone on the floor.

"All right, everyone gear up. Hen, Chimney, get the winch and the guidelines. Prep a basket just in case. I'm gonna radio Aerial Recon, have 'em on standby" Bobby ordered.

"Copy that"


"Buck, Kat, you guys see anything down there?" Bobby asked them through the radio.

"No. just a million-dollar view" Buck answered, she glanced down at one of the rocks and noticed a skeleton.

"Cap, found something" Kat said into her radio.

"Is it our hiker?"

"A hiker. Don't think it's the one we came looking for" She replied. "It's human remains, Skeletal remains"

"All right. Well, flag it but don't disturb it. We'll call it in"

"Unless..." Buck started, holding up a phone.

"What? You think a ghost called 911?" Kat chuckled.

"I'm just saying" He mumbled, she rolled her eyes.

A yell came from the distance, Kat and Buck glanced at each other. "Okay, so, no ghost" She pointed out.

"What's going on down there, guys?" Bobby asked.

"Yeah, I think we heard something, Cap" Buck answered.

"Easy, bubby, we're here" Kat told him.

"Hey, Cap. we got a live one"

"Can you tell me your name?" She asked the guy.

"I-Ian" He grunted

"Ian, okay. We're gonna get you out of here, okay?" She told him.

"My le-my leg is broken"

"All right, guys, we're gonna send a basket down to you"

"How'd you find me?" Ian asked them.

"It wasn't easy, you weren't on long enough for them to ping your phone" Buck replied

"On with who?"

"With, uh, with 911"

"I dropped my phone when I went over, I didn't call 911" Kat and Buck looked at each other, then back to him.


I got back to my apartment and quickly locked my door, I walked over my window to close the drapes. I saw a car pulled up, I had a bad feeling but ignored it and went to get ready for bed.

I heard banging on my door "Shit, shit, shit" I swore under my breath.


Kat opened her eyes, she felt the wave of panic go away realizing she was at the firehouse, she got out her cot and walked upstairs.

"I thought you went to sleep?" Hunter asked from the couch well reading his book.

"Can't sleep" She mumbled sitting down next to him. "And I lost my phone again"

"You already broke one"

"Yeah, I know" She sighed.

"It's probably in your locker" He replied.

"I'll check after like 3 cups of coffee"


"I'm not going home, I'll sleep in my car" Kat said to Hunter, getting in her car, Hunter rolled his eyes.

"You're just being paranoid because it's halloween and you're dramatic" Hunter told me, she huffed.

"Fine, but if I die it's on you" she joked.

"See dramatic-" before he could finish Kat slammed her car door.


Kat slammed her car door shut before locking the car, she took a deep breath.

She had an uneasy feeling in her chest Hunter said it was 'cause of halloween but something about to night had her on edge.

She grabbed her duffle bag and walked out the parking lot, and down the dark path towards her apartment block.

"A hate this street" She muttered to herself, pulling her keys out her back pocket of her jeans and swung open the glass door.

After walking up the two flights of stairs to her apartment floor, Kat walked over to her apartment door and went to unlock the door but before she could a stabbing pain hit her stomach, she gasped in pain as her breath hitched and fell against the wall.

"I told you, I'd kill you" Another sharp pain entered her stomach, she let out a painfully whimper before she fell to the floor.

Her vision started to go blur and started to fade as walked the figure walk away.

Written: 08/02/2023


Rewritten: 26/02/2023

Word Count:695

ᴄʟᴏsᴇʀ - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now