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~A Whole New You~

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

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"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What was that all about?" Chim asked Bobby as Kat, Hen and Chim reached the top of the stairs.

"What?" Bobby asked.

"You closed your laptop as soon as we walked in here, like you were hiding something" Chim pointed out.

"No, I didn't"

"Yes, you did" Kat replied.

"I just took a sip of tea" Bobby said, Chimney grabbed his laptop off the table. "Chim!"

"Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah" and Chim opened the laptop. "RomancingTheUniform.com? That's my dating site, that's where I met Tatiana. Holy crap, are you actually putting yourself back out on the scene?"

"My sponsor said maybe it's time. I spend too much time in work, in my head, and that dating, having a girlfriend would help get me out in the world" Bobby told them.

"I think it's great, you taking the leap. It's brave. While at the moment, I think that dating or sleeping with someone is not worth the trouble, but I'm happy for you" Hen said, he sighed.

"Look, this isn't me. I-I feel like a probje stretching his first job"

"You're not a rookie, you're just rusty" Hen replied.

"Last time I had a date, I was in my 20s" Bobby commented.

"Yeah, this is terrible" Buck spoke up, looking at the laptop. "And this picture looks like you're trying to sell real estate from a bus stop bench" Kat laughed. "And you know what? I will not be buying. All right? You cannot describe yourself as, 'I am a lifesaver, not a heartbreaker'"

"Why not?" Bobby asked "That's solid, it's sweet"

"No, it is cheese. Sweet, sweet cheese" Buck laughed.

"You like flan?" Chim asked him.

"Good flan is the bomb. You don't?"

"Oh, he..." Buck paused from laughing. "You have an AOL email account still? It is literally like you were frozen in ember in 1995"

"It's amber not ember, you idiot" Bobby said to Buck.

"Who cares?" Buck questioned. "You can never show this to a girl"

"Why not?"

"Okay, this profile is a joke profile for a guy no one ever wants to go out with" Buck answered, Kat cleared her throat.

"You know what, maybe you are not the right person he should be taking dating advice from, Buckaroo" Kat commented.

"And why is that? Because last time I checked, I'm in a stable monogamous relationship with an amazing woman" Buck said. "He...I'm the healthiest dater at this whole table"

ᴄʟᴏsᴇʀ - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now