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~This Life We Choose~

After a long day of potential bombs and a man getting his hair stuck in his car

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After a long day of potential bombs and a man getting his hair stuck in his car. Kat was pretty excited to tour one of the apartments. "It has a full kitchen with a quartz backsplash, spacious master bathroom, elevated sleeping area and the view. You cannot put a price on that" Landlord explained.

"Yeah, but, mm- you did" Buck replied.

"There's wiggle room" The Landlord chuckled.

"Well, we are all about the wiggle room, right?" Buck asked Kat.

"Yeah, I like it" Kat said, glancing around the apartment. "Open floor plan. Touch of modern. A little a raw, I see the potential"

"Do you now?"

"Better than my place" Kat replied.

Buck chuckled. "This would be our first place together"

"Yep, and it's got closet space"


"118, 118, this is Dispatch. We got Bobby Nash on the line. He says it's important" The team shared confused looks with each other.

"Wait, what? Dispatch?" Chimney asked. "Dispatch, please repeat" An explosive went off behind them, Kat quickly pulled over the truck, she quickly go out the truck and saw Buck trapped under the truck.

"Buck!" She shouted, she went to bolt towards but Hunter wrapped his arms around her holding her back.

"Kat! Kat! Kat!" He shouted, well Kat was trying to get out of his grip. "Kat, you can't go over there!"

"I can't lose him too! I've lost to many people!" She yelled.

"Give me the captain! Where's the captain?!"

"You can let go now, I won't run in there" Kat told her brother, he looked at her in disbelief but let go of her.

"Cap-Cap!" Eddie tried but Chimney walked towards the guy anyway.

"I'm the captain, okay?" walking towards him with his hands up. "I'm the captain, so please just let me help them, okay? Please"

"No, no, I don't want you. I want Captain Nash" The guy said.

"Captain Nash! Don't confront him!" One of the FBI agents yelled. Kat watched as Bobby walked towards the guy.

The team team watch the conversion play out between Bobby and Freddie until Bobby charged at him restringing him from pressing the button while the SWAT moved in.

"Roger that, all clear" crackled through Chim's radio and the 118 quickly rushed over.

"Hey, hey. I'm here" Kat told Buck.


"He's awake" Kat said, walking into Buck's hospital room and walked over to Buck's hospital bed "Hey..." and she kissed Buck on the lips. "You were in surgery for a while. Too long"

ᴄʟᴏsᴇʀ - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now