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"Maybe we pop the hinges off the door" Kat suggested

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"Maybe we pop the hinges off the door" Kat suggested.

"Or we use the Jaws of Life" Buck added.

"No, no, no. It has to fit" Maddie told them, walking out. "I measured it twice. Can't you guys just, you know, turn it around the other way?"

"And then the pizza will slide off" Buck answered, Kat chuckled.

"You have pizza on my new sofa?" She asked.

"It's on the plastic" Buck said, as Maddie picked up the three boxes of pizzas off the couch and walked back inside.

"All right, come on" Kat groaned. They turned the couch on the side trying to get the couch through the door.

"Life with your legs!" Hunter told them from inside.

"Shut up Hunter!" They finally got the couch through the door and put it down.

"Hey, thank you, guys, for helping me on your day off" Maddie thanked.

"Don't worry about it, plates?" Hunter asked, taking the pizzas from Maddie.

"Countertop" She answered. "Kitchen"


"In the fridge" She replied.

"Clever" and he walked away.

"He is so cute" Maddie said, and followed Hunter into the kitchen. Kat and Buck looked at each other confused.

"Hey, sorry I'm late...traffic" Krystal spoke up walking in.

"Yeah, has nothing to do with the coffee in your hand" Kat scoffed.

"Shut up"

"Oh, Buck this is Krystal, she's-" She started.

"Yeah, I remember your sister. You two actually get along?" Buck questioned.



Kat woke up to a noise outside. She glanced at her alarm clock reading the time '1:47 am' she sighed and tried going back to sleep. she heard another noise outside making her jump awake. She checked the time again '2:33 am' She groaned.


"Why does it look like you were hit with a truck?" Buck asked me as Kat walked up the stairs.

"Wow, thanks, Buck" Kat scoffed, and walked into the kitchen and poured herself her 3rd cup of coffee today.

"I'm not kidding. You look exhausted" Buck told her.

"Just didn't sleep well"


"...please, god, tell me there's a Dalmatian around here somewhere" Kat heard a woman say well Kat and Buck were washing one of the cars.

"I'll be back" Buck told her, and got up and walked over to the red head, she realized she was the woman we saved from the helicopter yesterday.

ᴄʟᴏsᴇʀ - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now