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"God, I hate Valentine's Day" Buck complained, Kat rolled her eyes

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"God, I hate Valentine's Day" Buck complained, Kat rolled her eyes. "Everywhere you look, it's perfume ads, candy ads, jewelry ads. It is a fake holiday designed by women to make guys feel guilty and go into debt" Kat scoffed. "What?"

"You do know that these companies are also ran by men" Kat said to him.

"Well, they're at least in on it" Buck answered.

"Well, I know plenty of women...who don't like Valentine's Day and plenty of guys who love it" Bobby told him.

"See, I hate it, because I'm always single" Kat sighed.

"I'll tell you what, you have someone to share it with, it could be pretty great"

"Mm, I'll believe it when I see it"


"Welcome back, Chim!" Bobby exclaimed, putting the cake of Chimney with a piece of rebar on the table.

"Aw, you guys" Chimney said.

"How does it feel to be back?" Buck asked.

"Uh, beats the alternative" He answered. "Seriously, though, everybody, uh, one thing I realized while I was gone, is that, uh, I really need you people, like I need a hole in the head!"

"Place hasn't been the same without you, Chim. you're the heart of this firehouse" Bobby replied. "Glad to have you back"

"Thanks, Bobby"

"Hey, you had a lot of people praying for you, not just this department, either" Athena told him.

"Well, I think somebody was listening. Even the doctors kept using the word miracle. I guess if you're gonna have a piece of rebar that's sticking through your skull, that's the way to do it"

"So not even a headache?" Kat asked him.

"Just you, Kat" Chim replied, she chuckled.

"Oh, shade, shade, shade, shade, shade"

"Oh, that's not funny"

"All right. Let's light you up so you can make a wish" Bobby said. "All right, who's got a match?" no one answered "Really? Firehouse and nobody's got a match?"


"Uh, so, everyone, um, this is Abby Clark. She is L.A.'s fiercest 911 operator and she brought cookies, so" Buck announced.

"Are you serious? I get dumped after surviving rebar through my skull and he ends up with her?" Chimney asked Kat. "What's that kid have that I don't?"

"I know, right? Hate being single" She replied, "You want some ice cream?"


"Ok" Kat said, and walked away and over to the freezer.

"...and this is Kat" Hen said, glancing over to Kat.

ᴄʟᴏsᴇʀ - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now