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~New Beginnings~

"Morning" Buck said, walking into the kitchen

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"Morning" Buck said, walking into the kitchen.

"Morning" Kat mumbled, putting the coffee machine on.

"What's wrong? You sounded stressed" Buck replied, she sighed.

"Athena's parents are in town, and I have to go. And for some reason Athena's mother doesn't like me...I don't know why"

"Yeah because you're so likable" she chuckled. "I can go with you"

"You can come to the dinner, the first introduction between Bobby and Athena's parents will probably be awkward, so..."

"Yeah, I don't wanna be there for the awkward part"

"This is gonna be a fun week" Kat said sarcastically.


"We're here" Michael called.

"They're not here yet" Kat replied, putting the cake on the table.

"Hey, you can still make your escape" May joked.

"Uh, you know what, just put your stuff away before your grandparents get here. Oh, this is nice, very, very impressive"

"Well, impressive is what we were going for, so thank you" Bobby told him. "Can you stay? Will you join us?"

"Oh, hell no, thank you, Beatrice has never been a fan of mine, or Kat"

"I don't get it, I'm likable" Kat said with a shrug. "You have no earthly idea, what is about to happen to you, do you?" Michael chuckled.

"Tell 'em I said hi" and started to walk towards the stairs.

"We're here" Athena called opening the front door.

"Oh, man"

"Grandma! Grandpa!" Harry exclaimed.

"How I have missed these faces"

"You still here?" Athena asked Michael. "I thought you'd drop the kids and run"

"Well, they wouldn't jump out of the car, well it was still rolling"

"Remember, no matter what happens, they leave on Saturday" Athena told Bobby and Kat.

"Beatrice, how you doing? It's good to see you"

"Michael, what a pleasant surprise, I didn't know you'd be here" Beatrice replied.

"Uh, Mama, Daddy, this is Bobby"

"Hi. Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Carter" shaking hands with Athena's father.

"Oh, no need for that. Christian names will do. Call me Samuel"

"Will do"

"Boy, that's a good-looking spread" Samuel commented. "Katniss lovely to see you again"

"Hey, Mr. Carter" Kat smiled.

"He's living here already?" Beatrice asked.

"Uh, no, ma'am. Not until after the wedding" Bobby told her. "And it's a pleasure to finally meet you"

"You're very...tall. So, Michael, will your husband be joining us?" Beatrice asked him.

"Oh, no. Uh, Glenn and I aren't actually married" He said.

"Mm, of course you're not married yet, you're barely divorced. And Katniss..." She paused looking Kat up and down. And walked away.

"Uh, Saturday, you said?" Kat asked.




"LAFD. Make room!" Bobby yelled, the 118 walking through the crown off people and saw a shark with a guy's arm in its mouth on the freeway.

"What the hell?" "The fuck?"

"Tiger shark, we were transporting her for release into the wild. Truck jackknifed" A woman told the group.

"Jaws!" Bobby yelled.

"Right" Kat chuckled, Bobby shot her an unamused look. "Oh, right, those Jaws. I-I'm on it"


"I don't understand why your mother would reorganize the entire kitchen while we're at work" Bobby pointed out, as Buck, Kat, Athena and Bobby were searching the cupboards.

"Oh, she said it was impossible for her to find anything in this kitchen" Athena told them.

"So she retaliated by making it impossible for us to find anything?" Kat questioned.

"Found it!" Athena called.

"Ah, thank you"

"What is this?"

"Oh, that is Harry's science project. Michael had that conference, so I was helping him out with it. Harry was supposed to put it away, but tell you what- I will move it" Bobby replied.

"That boy has you wrapped around his finger, you do know someday soon you're gonna have to go from being best buddy Bobby to stepdad Bobby"

"You are right. I will have him put it away, can one of you help me find the damn cheese grater?" Bobby asked Kat and Buck, Kat groaned.

"...They are not your children, and you are not their father. I was very sorry to hear about your family's situation, but my grandchildren are not your consolation prize" Beatrice said from the living room. Kat and Buck shared a shook look as Athena walked into the living room. An argument between Athena and Beatrice broke out only certain words caughting the couples attention.

"...I'm gonna move to Los Angeles. I'm gonna drop out of law school. I'm gonna become a cop. I'm gonna marry a gay man. I'm gonna foster a teenager. I'm gonna marry a white man! Sometimes I think it's a miracle those kids are alive-" Beatrice ranted.

"That's enough!"

"I need more beer" Kat mumbled.

"...we'll leave in the morning" Beatrice said.

"So...Pizza on the way home?"


Well in the middle of binge watching Criminal Minds, Kat's phone rang. "Can you pause it please?" Kat asked, Buck nodded as she grabbed her phone off the coffee table. "Hello?"

"Kat- it's Hunter" Krystal answered.

"What? What's wrong?"

"He's in the hospital"

"W-wh- what happened?"

"He was stabbed..."

Written: 24/02/2023

Published: 10/04/2023

Word Count:804

Thank you for reading <3

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