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Buck stared at his girlfriend quickly bleeding out on the concrete

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Buck stared at his girlfriend quickly bleeding out on the concrete. Kat looked back at him before her eyes rolled into the back of her head and her eyes closed.

While the other firefighters yelled into their radios Buck tuned it out and focused on his girlfriend. He quickly rolled under the truck and crawled towards kat.

"Come on, Kat! Stay down! I'm gonna come! I got you!" Buck yelled. "Kat, hang on!" Buck grabbed Kat's arm and pulled her under the truck. "I got..." as he pulled Kat out from under the truck she screamed in pain.

"Get her in the cabin!" Buck quickly picked her up and lifted her into the cabin and put her down on the seats. "Go! Go, go, go!"

"Hey, come on!" Buck yelled. "We got you, we got you" and ripped Kat's shirt off. "I got you" and put pressure on the gunshot wound. "Hey, just stay with me, okay?"

"Are you hurt?" Kat gasped out looking at the blood on him.

"No, no, no. I'm good" He told her, "Hey, come on! Come on! Just hang on. Hey, three minutes away, you're so close. We're so close, just... I need you to hang...I need you to hang on"


"Come on! Come on, come on!" Buck yelled.

"Through-and-through. Upper torso!"

"Copy that"

"Large caliber!"

"We've got a transfusion ready. Did you say large caliber?" One of the nurses asked.

"It was a sniper"

"Pulse is weak!"

"Trauma Bay Two. let's set up for a thoracotomy!" as they rushed Kat into the hospital.

"You okay, Buckley?" Mehta asked him. Buck stood there frozen watching Katniss being rushed into the hospital.



"Buck!" Bailey called and ran towards him. "W-what happened? Who got shot?"

"K-Kat" Buck muttered shaky. "Kat got shot...she was right in front of me. And them, um..." as tear ran down his cheek. "T-They're not letting anyone in"

"You want me to take you back to the apartment?" Bailey asked, and noticed his blood on his pants. "So you can get cleaned up?" He took a deep breath and nodded.


"I don't understand, who'd want to shoot at firefighters?" Bailey asked the group.

"There's one person I can think of" Hunter mumbled, they all looked at him. "Matt"

"Isn't he in prison?" Krystal asked.

"Well, that's what I thought, but turns out he's not" Hunter sighed. "He got out something to do with his lawyer and asked for a retrial, and let him out until the trial"

"Okay, then was the trial?" Hen asked.

"It was put on hold because of the pandemic, and he's just been free this whole time"

"Okay, I get targeting Kat, but why other firefighters? Wouldn't it be the cops for putting him in jail?"

"The real question is how did he aim the sniper?" Chim questioned.

"Ex-military" Eddie suggested.

"Well, there's only one person who knows the answer to that...and we still don't have news"

"Where's Buck?" Bailey asked.



Buck's foot tapped against the floor worriedly waiting for news on his girlfriend. "Mr. Buckley?" A nurse asked walking towards him, Buck quickly looked up at her and stood up.

"How is she?" Buck stammered out.

"Still no news" She replied and passed Buck a plastic bag with Kat's stuff inside. "Excuse me" and she walked away, Buck sat down studying the bag of her things and placed it in his lap. Buck buried his head into his hands and let out a sob.

"I'm obsessed with your new hair" Buck told her, running his hands through her new short hair, she chuckled.

"Are you saying you weren't obsessed with me before?" Kat questioned teasley, wrapping her arms behind his neck.

"No, I was" He replied, she chuckled and stole a kiss from him. "I got something for you"

"Is Hunter leaving?" Kat asked excitedly.

"It's a surprise not a miracle"


Buck pulled out a small necklace from his pocket and held it up showing the heart pendant to her, she smiled. "Buck, I love it. W-when did you have time to get this?"

"After one of shifts" He smirked.

"I love you so much"


After a long shift Buck was sat beside Kat's hospital bed, he held her hand tightly. " felt like some kind of reverse psychology thing. I think I prefer it when he just yelled at me" Buck said to her. "I know you'd be mad at me...come on Kat, just wake up please...Maddie and Melody are doing well" still no answer."Come on, Kat, I need to you wake up" no still nothing Buck sighed and lowered his head

A soft sigh escaped her lips, her eyelids slowly fluttered open, Buck smiled meeting Kat's brown eyes. "Hey. Welcome back" He greeted.

"Hey" She replied weakly. "How you feeling?"

"Better than you"

"I'll be okay" She mumbled.

"Still...I think it might have been better if I was the one that got shot" Kat shook her head weakly.

"Don't say that, don't say that"


"Okay, the nurse is getting your meds and discharge papers ready. Than we can get out here" Buck told Kat, walking into her hospital room.

"Great, since we got a minute..." Kat started but trailed off.

"Uh, is everything all right?" He asked sitting next to her.

"No, it's not Evan. you came in here the other day and you said you thought it would be better for me if you were the one who was act like you're expendable, but you're not, you're not expendable, okay? Because I love you" She said to him with tears in her eyes and hugged him.

"I love you too" running his hand through her hair.


Kat unlocked the door and saw Eddie and Krystal in the kitchen "Uh...why are you guys in my kitchen?" Kat asked, walking in.

"Our" Buck corrected closing the door behind them.

"How did you guys even get in?" She asked

"...We have someone news" Krystal grinned and grabbed Eddie's hand.

"...I'm nervous now" Buck mumbled.

"Just tell us"

"I'm pregnant!" Krystal exclaimed.

"No, really?" She asked, Krystal nodded. "Oh my God, that's amazing" and hugged the two. "Just don't give Buck ideas please"


Published: 05/08/2023

Word Count: 1009

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