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Buck stared at his girlfriend, Kat stared back at him and smirked

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Buck stared at his girlfriend, Kat stared back at him and smirked. "Oh, I know that smile" Buck replied holding his cards. "Pair of aces" throwing his cards down, Bailey and Josh glanced at Kat, she neatly put her cards down.

"Flush" She said with a smug look on her face.


"Yes!" Kat exclaimed.

"He falls for it every time" Bailey chuckled.

"How does this keep on happening?" Buck questioned with a frown .

"Because you suck at poker" Josh told him, Buck gave him an unamused look. "Spoken by someone who also sucks at poker. No judgment, but maybe you should quit while you're behind" Kat and Bailey laughed.


"Thanks again for having me. This was fun" Josh said.

"For some of us" Buck mumbled, Kat rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"You're just a sore loser" Kat shot back, Buck rolled his eyes. "All our couple friends were busy, so we figured we would target the solos"

"I thought Bailey had a girlfriend" Buck pointed out.

"We broke up"

"She has a new girlfriend like every month" Kat said, taking a sip of her beer, Bailey scoffed. "You're tragically single"

"Uh, Tragic seems a bit much"

"Closest you've gotten to turning on a woman in the past month is shouting out, "Hey, Siri!"" Buck joked, Kat laughed and hand-fived her boyfriend.

"Well, she's very good to me, she sings me songs. She delivers me food, she tells me where to be, when, and how to get there, that is pretty much love. And the rest i-"

"No, no, no, I don't wanna fucking know" Kat cut in, cutting her best friend off.

"Just ease up on the solos, It's hard out here" Josh told the couple.

"See? Thank you"

"It's LA. Everybody's always in their car or looking at their phones. Or in their car looking at their phones" Josh replied.

"Then we're stuck with online dating, which is-"

"An absolute nightmare"

"The crazies, the randos, the catfishers, and not to mention the liars"

"Profile pics brought to you by Photoshop. Face it, guys, you two got lucky"

"They did" Bailey agreed. "You guys have no idea how hard it is out there for the solos"

"Thank you"


Kat and Buck were doing their normal binge watching random show before falling asleep, Kat's phone started vibrating, she grabbed her phone and answered it. "Hello?" She asked tiredly.

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