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"Excuse me, clear a path

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"Excuse me, clear a path. Coming through, thank you" Buck ordered the crowd of people and a woman had her head stuck in a tailpipe.

"What's her name?" Hunter asked.

"Betty" "Jennifer"

"Sorry, I thought you meant my truck" A man replied.

"Oh my God" Kat muttered.

"This is your truck?" Bobby asked him.

"Yeah, but it's not like I backed into her. She did this out of her own free will" The guy told the group.

"You dared her to"

"We were flirting"

"Your idea of flirting with a girl is daring her to stick her head in your tailpipe?" Kat questioned, he nodded. "Oh, no wonder I'm single"

"Hi, Jennifer. LAFD. How you feeling?" Chim asked the woman.

"Uh, pretty good, actually. Except for this whole, you know, ginormous tailpipe on my head" She answered.

"Hey, Jennifer, you're gonna feel me poking around" Hen told her. "We're just checking you out, okay?"

"All right"

"Why is this tailpipe so large?"

"It's custom" He said, Kat glanced at Jennifer's arm and noticed multiple bruises.

"Where'd she get these bruises on her arm?" She asked him.

"That wasn't me"

"It's from the bull" One of her drunk friends spoke up. "She rode it, like, five times"

"There's no way we're gonna get a collar on her" 

"I got it" Hen said.

"Get me out of this thing" Jennifer sung.

"These things are meant to increase the power to the engine" Buck pointed out, sliding out from under the car.


"TSA 230 saw should do the job" Kat replied.

"Oh, yeah, like a knife through butter"


"Way ahead of you, Cap" Chim said, walking over with the saw.

"What?! No, I spent 1,200 bucks on that tailpipe"

"You might want to close your eyes during this part" Bobby told him.

"I think I'm gonna puke"

"You better not. These fire guys are totally hot" One of Jennifer replied.

"All right, can we please move the peanut gallery away" Kat told them, moving them away. "Thank you"

"Hey, you single?" A guy asked Kat. she ignored him and went to walk away but he grabbed her by her waist.

"Hey!" pushing him back. "Don't touch me!"

"Come on girl" He tried.

"I am not your girl" She spat back.

"I-" and tried to grab her arm.

"Hey, back off!" Buck yelled, pushing him back.

"Dude calm down"

"She told you not to touch her!"

"Buck, it's fine" Kat told him.

"No, it's not" He replied.

"Is there a problem here?" Hunter asked, walking over.

"No, this jackass was just leaving" Buck told the guy, and he quickly walked away.

"Thanks" she sighed.

"No problem"


"I do this too much?" Chim asked Christopher about him talking.

"We all agree, believe me" Buck replied, Christopher laughed.

"Christopher, I thought we were buddies, what happened?" Chim asked.

"What's this?" Bobby asked, walking over. "I don't remember asking the chief for reinforcements. You any good with a hose, kid?"

"I can try" Christopher answered.

"All right"

"So sorry, Cap. my aunt's trying to get off work early, but until then, I...I didn't know where to take him" Eddie told him.

"Yeah, you did. Right here" Bobby replied "Buck and Kat gave me a heads-up. I already cleared it with the chief" Before Eddie could reply the bell rang.


"These are great, see, ;cause we can talk to each other" Chimney explained to Christopher.

"Though sometimes I wish I had a mute button for Buck's-" Kat started until the truck horn went off.

"Oh, I'm sorry, were you saying something?" Buck asked her.

"Yeah, I was telling him how annoying you are" Kat shot back, he rolled his eyes.

"You have a scar on your head" Christopher pointed out, pointing to Chim's scar.

"That's very observant, kid. I had an accident. Got a big metal rod stuck in my head, but the doctor took care of it. You ever have surgery?"

"Two times"

"Actually, three times" Eddie corrected.

"Well, you got me beat, now I feel kind of lame" Chim answered.

"Because you are" She said, making Christopher laugh. "Your dad ever tell you why we call him Chimney?"

"No. no, no, no, no, no" Chimney tried.

"I'll tell you the story later" Kat told Christopher. Chim shook his head.



Rewritten: 26/02/2023

Word Count:677 

ᴄʟᴏsᴇʀ - Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now