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~The One that Got Away~

"Whoo! And that was something, huh?" Buck asked about they're last call

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"Whoo! And that was something, huh?" Buck asked about they're last call. "A fire that big, and no fatalities. We have to celebrate. We should hit up that bar on Pico, you know, the one with the loaded fries. First round's on me"

"Wish I could, man" Eddie replied, closing his locker. "Christopher's hosting his first sleepover tonight. Hey, you're more than welcome to come and celebrate with a bunch of nine-year-olds"

"Hah, the rest of us will toast your absence" Buck told him and he walked out of the locker room.

"You're gonna have to toast mine, too. Tonight's date night with Karen" Hen said grabbing her bag.

"She can come" He suggested, Kat chuckled.

"I don't think that's her idea of a date, but have fun"

"Yeah, and I'm sorry, Buck, but, uh, Athena and I have a date night tonight, too so you guys have a good time. Good job" Bobby said and walked out.

"Yeah, sure, see you, cap"

"No offense, but you are not the Buckley i was looking forward to spending my night with" Hunter replied.

"I get it, Hunter. Go wine and dine my sister. Have fun" He told him and walked out.

"Sorry, Buck, I have a date" Chim answered.

"All right, have fun" and Chim walked out. Buck glanced over to the last person in the locker room as his girlfriend closed her locker "You can't be doing anything, Kat" she scoffed.

"Okay, rude. But I have plans with Bailey and Krystal" She replied, Buck groaned and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Seriously?" He asked, she nodded, he sighed.

"I'm sorry. Go have fun" She told him, giving him a quick kiss.

"Okay, okay, make sure you beat them at pool for me"

"Oh, i will" She replied and walked out.

"Okay, Buckley, guess we'll celebrate alone" Buck muttered closing his locker.


"At least, I can hold on to a lover" Kat sung, hitting one of the pool balls into the hole, Bailey gave her unamused look. "Actually, both Rivas and hold on to lovers" Krystal chuckled, in retaliation Bailey pulled out the hair tie on Kat's french braid. "Seriously?"

"Stop making fun of me" Bailey shot back.

"Don't let her wined you up" Krystal replied, taking a sip of her beer and shooting her younger sister a glare.

"She makes it too easy" Kat chuckled, Kat watched as Bailey missed her shot.

"Damn it!"

Kat's phone rang from her pocket, Kat grabbed it and saw it was Buck. "Bailey take's my turn"



"Kat..." Buck slurred.

"Are you drunk?"

"100%, can you come get me, pleasee"

"Oh my God, yes, I'm on my way" Kat sighed.


"Look, I'm just saying Red is a 40-year veteran of the department. Two citations for bravery. Now he lives alone in a one-bedroom apartment he pays for with his pension" Buck explained to the group. Red was a guy he meet last night on his little celebration.

"Well, form the way you described him, it sounds like he's okay with that" Kat said as she lined up her shot on the pool table.

"Well, I'm not okay with it" as Kat took her shot knocking it in.

"Nice one, Kat"

"So it's all about you?" Hunter asked him.

"No, come on. That's not what I'm saying" Buck said.

"It does seem likes his situation is bothering you" Eddie pointed out. "More than it bothers him"

"Yeah, I mean, it does bother me. Look, Red has no friends, no family. All the guys from the 134, they don't talk anymore. It's like they just left him behind"

"I'm sure they didn't mean to, Buck...Life gets busy" Hen told him. "It's easy for people to lose touch, especially when you don't work in the same firehouse anymore"

"Well, that doesn't make sense to me" Buck sighed. "I mean, that would never happen to us"

"Of course not. We're family" Bobby assured.

"Yeah, it's never gonna change"

"Yeah, like if Bobby retired" Buck started but was cut off by a confused look from Bobby.

"You know something I don't?"

"Someday. You know, or one of us got moved to another house, we would still all stay in touch" Buck continued.

"Exactly. Like you three" Eddie said, nodding to the OG three. "You still keep in touch with the guys that used to be here, right?" the three shared a glance before answering.

"Um, I don't know if we'd call some of them friends"

"They were racist...and sexist" Kat replied.

"Oh, I spoke to Tommy last year, I was calling to ask for a favor, but..." Chim trailed off.

"Anyways, that won't happen to us" Eddie said.

"Better not"

"I won't, Buckley" Kat assured her boyfriend.


Buck gasped waking Kat up, she quickly turned onto her side to make sure he was okay but saw he was on his phone "What are you doing?" Kat asked through her tiredness.

"I found Cindy" He said.


"Red's ex" He told her, she rolled her eyes and turned away from the light on his phone "Did i wake you?"

"No the alarm clock did" She mumbled sarcastically, he chuckled and ran his hand through her hair.

"You wanna meet Red?"

"I have a shift tomorrow, so for the love of God, go to sleep" She groaned, pulling her pillow over her face in frustration.

"Love you"

"Go to sleep!"


Kat and Hunter opened the doors to the ambulance and saw Hen with her hand inside the man's chest. "Oh, my God" Kat mumbled.

"Okay, okay, everybody steady. Lower him down gently" Hen told them, as they slowly lower the stretcher. "Be careful, be careful" as they slowly wheeled the stretcher into the hospital.

"What the hell happened?" One of the doctors asked them.

"He started crashing, too much blood loss. Did a thoracotomy to stabilize him" Hen replied.

"Are you kidding me? That's a surgeon's job" The doctor shot back.

"Well, it's a job she's done and done well, so you might as well tell us where we're headed" Kat snapped back.

"Hold on. Type and cross for six units. Page Dr. Royce. We got this, medic" pushing Chim and Kat back.

"No, I got it. I let for half a second and he codes before we make the ER. I'm on this train till the end. Now which way?"


Written: 06/03/2023

Published: 30/05/2023

Word Count:1026 

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