First Monster Hunt Part 2

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As he went deeper the environment in the forest got colder. Travis had his gaurd up the whole time since right now he was currently in the level 2 monster area. How'd he know well he passed a sign a while ago.

' Since I'm in  level two I gotta be careful. This part of the forest has two monsters races that have that are kinda slow but hella strong. So I should try to keep my gaurd up'

He kept checking his surroundings while walking, this place had trolls and skeleton warriors. The Skeletons were fairly easy to kill due to their low durability but Travis still had to be serious when fighting them since they are a level much higher then he is.

The forest had become dark as time went on. Travis was sitting on a tree and waited for any sign of monsters. Normally now that it's nighttime they would come out in groups but Travis saw non of that.

' Where are these fools. I'm soo bored I could sleep right here. By the way ,why am I even doing in this forest since I can't level up even if I fight those monsters. '

[ Ding]

[ Host you can gain exp from them though. So it would be wise of you to continue fighting monsters so that you can get experience. Plus it helps you adjust to your body more]

Travis sighed tiredly as he jumped of the tree.' Okay I guess that's a good reason. I should continue  my search for things that could kill me'

Suddenly Travis heart a cracking sound from his left ear. He quickly turned to that direction and saw multiple eyes staring at him.

' Man , that's creepy. I guess those are the skeletons. Why do they seem scarier in real life. '

The group of skeletons walked out of the tree line as they approached Travis with swords and metal clubs.

' Where the fuck do they get all these weapons. I mean I get that some dudes die here but bro that's alot of weapons '

Travis stood in a fighting stance as he got ready to strike them. His heart was racing in both fear and excitement. As they got a foot closer Travis began to run at them. The skeletons also raised their swords and were ready to fight. One of them swung down at Travis who side stepped to the side. He then punched the skeleton in the face destroying its skull.

'Okay that was easy but I still gotta make sure non of them has any magic '

Skeletons could gain magic if they stole a staff from a magic user. Most of the time when hunters go on hunts , when a magic user dies they try to take back the staff for they could make a monster stronger.

Travis pulled one of them by the head as he brought it down to his knee and crushed its skull. The other ones started swinging as well but they were hella slow so Travis could dodge most of them, sum did tare his jacket but after they did he instantly killed them. The skeletons didn't look like they were dropping in numbers which kinda annoyed Travis.

He back off a little so he can see them all and he saw more them 50 of them approaching him.

'I guess it's a hoard of skeletons. My lucky day. Let's get this over with ' he sprinted to a group of them and sent a powerful punch that destroyed them all.


He then dodged a swing from one of the by ducking underneath it. He tripped the skeleton and as it was falling Travis sent a powerfull upper kick to its jaw. It's skull cracked and flew off it body and it fell far in the distance.

He got up and looked at all the ones left and Travis smirked as he was really enjoying this battle. They really tested his Agility and Stamina which were very important in a fight. But as Travis was smiling a much bigger skeleton walked over to his direction. The lard skeletons who height towered over the trees stared Travis with his big read eyes glowing from its eye socket. The ground shook as it's heavy bone feet stomped on the ground.

'Bro that's a mega skeleton. What's it doing here!! This isn't level the level 5 forest. Fuck I gotta run or I'm gonna die'

Travis turned around and was about to book it but all around him were red eyes hiding in the dark tree lines. He stared at them all in a horrified expression.

'NAH fuck this , if I'm gonna die then I'll die like a boss.' He thought.

His expression soon turned cold as he turned back to the mega skeleton. It stared down on Travis as he also stared back. Suddenly the whole aura around the are turned dense, the wind blew wildly as they trees swayed side to side. This aura was coming from Travis, unconsciously Travis began to emit killing intent around the area. Yet even though it's changed the environment the Mega skeleton didn't even flinch at the intent.

' Okay if I wanna survive this I first gotta kill all the skeletons in my surroundings. '

With that in thought Travis sprinted towards them, seeing all the hundreds of skeletons with sharp swords Travis got a little scared but he did not let it stop him from moving forward.  He reached the first hoard and through a hard punch at one of them. The force of the punch pushed the ones behind it back and crashed into a couple trees.

Travis breathed heavily as he felt himself getting tired.' Fuck I gotta be quick ' Sprinting to other hoard, Travis did the same thing yet this time not all of them died. They got up and walked to Travis and swung their swords at him. Travis managed to dodged them all and kill each one. But he knew that if he continued he would very much pass out.

He took a deep breath as he relaxed his muscles. Travis turned his focus to the Mega skeleton that was still staring down at him. Surprisingly it didn't strike him till now. Travis exhaled and got ready to strike again. He ran to every skeleton and kill each and everyone without stopping. His power decreased everytime he struck so he ended using more then one punch to kill them. After he was done he stood there, he had a really hard time breathing from over using his body.

' Okay I'm pretty sure I won't be able to beat the big guy. But I can't give up. I gotta hold on until I finish. If I'm can't beat this level 5 monster than I'm gonna die'

He thought to himself. Travis looked down to his tattered clothes and bloody hands. All that punching really did fuck his hands up.  Yet he still had adrenaline in his body so he felt no pain. The cuts on his skin were bleeding a little but Travis hadn't noticed them.

'Okay now that I'm calm again let's go'

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