Tournament Part 9

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While Travis was happily surrounded by breasts while he sat back on the couch there was something happening in the other side of the kingdom. In side the royal Kings Castle, white and gold decore filled the whole place. The floors were like mirrors ,reflecting what was walking on it. A man with wearing a black suit walked in the whole way. You couldn't even here his footsteps as he walked which showed how dangerous this man was. He had an expressionless face , looking forward to the halls he had walked passed many times before. When he reached the end of the hall , a huge golden door was stopping him from entering the throne room.

" Your Majesty, I've brought the utmost important news coming from the Academy" He said ina noble voice. His brushed his long mustache , waiting for the an answer.

" Alright,  You may enter" A melodic deep voice sounded from the other side of the room. Hearing this, the man slowly pushed the door open. No normal person could ever dream to open this door that was made out of solid gold. What was its use. Well it's just for the flex.

The man walked slowly, the room was filled with many pictures of the Kings family,  from hid father to the first ever king which was the Hero Party's Leader. When he was a few meters close to the throne he went down on one knee and awaited for the King to give him permission to speak.

" You may speak Will" The King said , keeping the deep and powerful voice he always has.

" Yes Your highness,  His Majesty the Prince has reached the final of the first years tournament , Your Grace " he reported.

The King nodded in response,  he slowly got up from his seat and a holographic screen appeared infront of his face. The live footage of the arena was being played on the hologram.

' Chris is in the final, wow I'm so proud of him. Maybe I should take Sylvia and go watch out boys win the match'  he thought to himself.

" Okay Will,  Thank you for the report! You may leave now" He said to the servant named Will.

" Yes Your Highness" After saying that Will dissappeared from sight.

In the royal palace, no one is allowed to enter a room where royalty resides using their powers, they may only exit. Now you probably think that's a dumb rule but mind you no one has ever entered the castle without no one knowing. Yet, that is.

The King named John also dissappeared,  he soon appeared inside his wife's Garden as he walked through the sunflower field till he reached the rose field which had many different types of colors. He then saw a shed which was also extravagant as the castle. He heard the sweet melodic voice of a woman who was humming coming from inside the shed. He opened the door as saw his wife sitting on her desk while sniffing a rose. Seeing the beautiful sight of his beautiful blonde haired woman infront of him. She opened her once closed eyes and glanced at her husband.

" Dear, what brings you here?" She asked in a sweet motherly tone. She moved closer to John as her boobs bounced from the slightest movements.

" Our son is in a tournament. I just heard he reached the finals so I'd like us to go watch his match" He said kindly staring into his wife's eyes that seemed to be glinting a bit.

" Our my baby boy is in a tournament. Then let's go, I'm sure he wants us to be there and support him" She said in a surprised tone. She placed the rose on her desk and walked passed John and dissappeared. John also did the same. After Sylvia and John finished changing into more respectable attire they flew to the arena using their hover car. They could have just teleported there but they didn't want to surprise anyone.

When they arrived they're car was hovering above the coliseum which made everyone look up into the sky in curiosity. They saw the Royal family emblem on the side of the car , which made them all stand up hurriedly. The barrier which was covering the coliseum open and the car slowly hovered to the ground. The doors opened and John who was the King was first to walk out and went to the side. He held Sylvia's hand as he helped her out the car. Everyone was standing there and waiting for the King to announce himself but that never came. The car quickly rose of the ground and blasted into the air flying back to the castle.

' Its been a while since I've been to this coliseum. It hasn't really changed a bit.' Sylvia thought. She looked around the crowd till her eyes fell on Heather and Samantha. A smile grew on her face and her figure completely vanished leaving a dent on the ground


The people who sat infront of them felt a strong gust pushing them back and spilling all of their food. Sylvia appeared behind the girls as she hugged their neck.

" How I've missed you two!" She said loudly while squealing in a girly way. Even though the milf mothers acted mature most of the time. When she was infront of her best friends that temperament completely dissappears.

" Yes we've miss you as well Sylvia. How about you sit down and we catch up on some things" Heather said , she had a beautiful smile on her face which caught every guy in the crowd off gaurd and making them blush.

Even Samantha wa smiling brightly as she was also excited to see  her friend. The beautiful aura being exuded by these three ladies completely blinded everyone in the crowd. Chris suddenly came up to them,  when he saw his mom he tried to go back to his room but when he turned back he saw her standing there. Well not really but her clone was. The original was still busy with her friends.

" My baby! How I've missed you. Are you eating well. Is school treating you good. Is anyone troubling you. You better tell me if there is so I can kill them now!" Her voice changed in emotion in every sentence yet the last one spooked Chris the most.

" No ! Mom there's nobody troubling me!" He said hurriedly while waving his hands trying to show her that everything was alright.

She smiled and continued to hug him pressing him deep Into her large boobs.
" My handsome son has gotten stronger. I can't wait for you to finish school so you can come back to mommy" She said in a motherly tone.

" Mom you know,  I have to save the world right" He said in pleading voice.

" No I am not sending my precious baby into the scary battle field. If needed then I'll there Myself you know " She said while pulling Chris cheeks. Chris could only nod without any other thing he could possibly say to pursued his mom.

' Man my mom is such a soncon'

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