Third Lesson

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The night went by and Travis woke with his cock getting sucked still. Lisa was now addicted to this which he didn't mind in anyway but damn she's clingly. While Heather was comfortably sleeping on top of him. Travis stopped holding back and decided to cum in her mouth. She smirked as she gulped down all his semen. When done, she slurped on his cock and released it.

" Haaaa that was good. I don't think I even need breakfast today" She said.

Travis laughed as he got off the bed. He put a blanket over Heather and went to the bathroom. Lisa following behind him with a skip. She helped him wash up since she saw him as her husband and wives help their husband's.

While played with her breasts which were really nice to hold. When they were done they got dressed and left the room, with Heather still sleeping soundly on the bed. Travis and Lisa split up when she went to the kitchen and began asking for some advice.

While walking Travis felt Grace's presence infront of him. Turning towards her as she smiled at him brightly.

" Travis my love, how's your experience in my home Kingdom ?" She asked.

"Its been great. I like the atmosphere around here. I would like to go to the city though and just stroll around " He said.

Grace stopped walking as she had gotten an idea. 'I'll pull him out the castle and proceed to make him mine, without any of those harlots there it'll be a piece of cake' She thought.

" Why don't we go on a date a week from now. It'll be our secret ok" She said with a smirk. She then dissappeared from sight.

'Wow she  abusing the new technique she learned' he thought.

He then continued to walk around the castle for no apparent reason.


After breakfast their third lesson started. These lessons are slowly becoming easier so Paul had something very hard for them to do today. Non of them could possibly know what he had in stored for them, is what he thought. Yet he doesn't know that when they learn something, it becomes a part of their life till they reach its limits and get bored of it,  just like a new word in a person's vocabulary.

" Alright today I'll be teaching you how to fly "

" We already know how to do that"

Paul scoffed and replied. " Don't joke with me this is a serious matter. If you all can fly then show me."

Suddenly they all began to hover, which made Paul's jaw drop. He stared at them with widened eyes filled with shock like Enel from One Piece.

He then realized what he was doing and quickly cleared his throat.

" Well that's it for today's lesson. Tomorrow is going to be a harder challenge then all the ones combined so be ready "

He then dissappeared. Travis chuckled and turned towards the gang" That sure surprised him. Why don't we all go play some football at the field?"

The girls cheered which meant yes but the two guys Chris  and Kevin didn't respond.

" Y'all Don't want to play?"

They shook their heads then walked off. Travis sighed , he then smiled at everyone and said."Let's go. I'm the striker by the way!"


[Filler time read if you feel like it.]

Travis and his team which consisted of Azusa,  Scarlett and Nicolette. While Valentinas team which consisted of Lucy, Vena and Grace. Cyrene said she couldn't plat so she sat it out.Since Travis was the first pick they were the side who would start with the ball. Nicolette was the goaly with everyone played field.

With Valentina,  Grace was in goal. When the match started Valentina passed the ball to Vena who began to sprint at the goal. Lucy was in the left wing while Valentina played striker middle.

Azusa went to defense while Scarlett and Travis marked the players. Well Travis started using his energy, he zoomed towards Vena and took the ball before she could even think.

" That's cheating!!"

" Tell that to Barcelona and they'll laugh!"  He said as he ran to the goal. They all started running after him, when Travis reached the box he saw Lucy standing infront of him, he nutmegged her and ran passed , he was now one on one with the keeper, sending alot of energy to his foot, Travis kicked the ball.


It flew towards the goal like a rocket turning invisible as light couldn't keep up with it anymore.  Grave casted a shield all around the goal post. The ball struck the shield, which created a huge wind wave.

" Travis you're going to have try harder than that" She said with a smirk. She was about to pick the ball up after she removed the shield but Azusa suddenly appeared right infront of her, making her eyes widen, Azusa kicked the ball in making them lead
1: 0.

After they all finished celebrating the game started again,  yet this time the my also used their powers. They all started to move at blinding speeds, running towards the goal. Travis and Scarlett chased after the ball, which was help by Valentina,  when Travis reached her she passed it over to Vena who chested it and placed it down with a trap, seeing Scarlett blocking her way she started to dribble, yet Scarlett wasn't going to be fooled that easily. Looking up she saw that Lucy was forward, she kicked the ball over to her,  she one touched the ball and volley kicked it to the goal with power.


Nicolette dived to its trajectory but suddenly the ball turned to the other direction and entered the goal.

" Yeahhhhh!!" She cheered happily. Travis and his team frowned as they started to leak their aura. Putting the ball on the middle start they send each other a short gaze.

Then he passed the ball to Azusa who began blitzing around the field, Travis and Scarlett also blitzed they were now infront of the goal box, the ball appeared on their feet, both their feet started to exude their auras, powerful winds started to blow in the field. Vena calmed it down but the aura didn't calm down. Then they kicked it.


A strong shock wave was sent to everyone in the field as they ball flew to the goal. Grace casted a force field but it was easily broken by the ball and it went inside the net. I don't what those nets are made off but they are hella strong.

The score was now [2:1]

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