End this girls whole career

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When break was over , like usual Travis went back to class. However this time he noticed that many girls were looking at him when he walked through the hallway. He wondered why he suddenly got so much attention from them but he didn't bother trying to find out.

He entered the classroom and walked towards his seat. When he was about to sit down he heard the door open and saw Heather walk in while carrying some boxes. He quickly walked over to her and helped her carry them. Even though she didn't need his help the gesture was really appreciated.

" Thank You Travis, you're such a gentleman. " She said.

Travis brushed it off and walked back to his seat after placing the boxes on her desk. After a couple minutes everyone started arriving then class started. She gave everyone a text book which she would give us work from. She also gave them a novel in which they had to read and understand because later in the semester they would be tested on it.

This really made Travis feel like he was in school again. Heather started teaching. Travis was really having a death battle with his sleep but  he soon won the fight after being woken up by Cyrene who sat behind him.

When class was over she gave them a couple exercises to do at home which she would check on the next day.

Akari came in looking angry like usual. He wondered why such a cute girl like her would cope her shyness with rage. It was a real mystery.

" Okay now like yesterday we're gonna stay in doors. This time we're just gonna communicate together. Have a conversation with each other and try making yourself comfortable with the other person. I understand that the girls won't have a problem with this since yall are childhood friends so I want y'all to focus on the boys more"

Travis spoke with every girl in class. He was able to hold a really good conversation with all of them even the girls who still want to understand him more like Grace and Vena. Vena just wanted someone to talk too and that's what Travis. While Grace wanted a person that could understand her interests, he understood them since he was the person who gave her those kind of interests.

In the end Grace no longer found Travis to be suspicious infact she started liking him as a friend of course. These Trust classes might annoy him but they really made his life easier. With the other girls Travis was already in their minds so he didn't need much to do with them.

The bell rang and Travis took his books and left the class. The guys said that they would be training together in the gym so he was gonna walk alone today. Well not entirely, all the girls came to him and started walking with him.

When walking he gathered the envy of many men who saw him walking with a group of badies. Well what can he say, he is the rizz master. When they arrived at the dorms they said goodbye to him and went to their side of the dorm. Before he was gonna go Travis felt someone tugging his shirt. He turned back and saw Lucy staring at him with a smile on her face.

" Hey Travie !" She said happily.

" Whats up? Lucy it's been a while"

" Nothing really just the normal student council work. How about you?"
She asked.

" Been busy with school work which is something I hate." He answered.

Lucy giggled 🤭" How about we go for a walk?"

" Let me go change first. You wanna come with me?" He asked.

Lucy thought about it for a couple seconds then nodded. They then went to the elevator. Everyone was staring at Travis in either rage or envy since he got have all the girls in his class plus the student council.

When they got to his room Travis told her to sit on the couch while he changes.

' I'm in Travis's room. It's so fancy looking, he must be wealthy or something like that' she thought while looking around the room.

Travis who was in the bathroom taking a nice hot bath forgot to turn on the TV for her. He slowly got out and opened the door slightly so she can get a glimpse of his body.  Hes always wanted to try a thirst trap, this might be his lucky day.

" Hey Lucy " He called out.

She quickly turned her head to him, seeing Travis's head peeking out the door she couldn't help but laugh. Yet her curious mind slowly lowered her eyes down to his body, seeing the Godly chiseled eight pack she felt her heart skip a beat.

" Yeah?" She responded.

" You can watch some TV, the remote is on my bed." After saying that he closed the door. His trap had worked of course.

' I've never really checked her affection for me. '

Suddenly a blue screen appeared infront of his eyes. Travis opened the affection section and went down to Lucy who had just been added.

[ Lucy Gate]
Interest: 70
Trust: 50
Love: 10

' I didn't know Lucy was so into me. Pretty interesting I guess' he then closed the system and continued to bathe.

After a couple minutes he got out the bathroom while having a towel on his waist. Lucy tried by all means not to stare at him. Seeing a glimpse of him from the corner of her eye she got intrigued. She slowly turned her eyes towards him while she still faced the TV. She saw Travis's fully naked body, as he put some lotion on.

You're probably wondering why the hell would Travis undress himself infront of a female friend. Well Travis carries this infamous ability named shameless. Meaning he has no shame, so he can honestly do anything infront of someone.

Lucy gaped at the sight, feeling her face heat up while staring at his cock that swayed around.

' Wowza his jacked and packed.' She thought.

Travis got dressed and walked up to her,  he sat next to her and put his legs up on the coffee table.

" Let's go then" He said.

Lucy quickly got her mind straight and cleared her throat. " Nah I wanna stay here. I want to play some games. " She said.

Travis nodded and sat up and took the joysticks in the drawer. He turned the Joystick on which basically turned the console on. He then switched the Hdmi.

" Which game do you wanna play?" He asked.  She took the many games laid on the coffee table and looked for anyone that seemed interesting. She did this till she found a car game with bright colors.

" This one." She said ,passing the game to Travis. He took it out of its case and inserted it inside the console.

' I'm bouta end this girls whole career. '

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