Change in Plot

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After sometime she grew tired and stopped jerking him, Travis then turned the water on which rinsed their bodies of all the soap. He got up and turned to her which put his cock right in her face. She stared at the long thick cock that stood atop her face. She sniffed it and smelt his manly aroma.

' Fuck he's so alpha, I fucken want him to break me' She thought.

Travis pulled her back up and took the shower hose and poured her with water till she was all rinsed.

" Alright let's get dressed. " He said while grabbing her ass and squeezing it.

'I'm gonna be flexing on all the girls after this' She thought while trying to hold herself from moaning. They walked out the bathroom while Travis was sitting holding her ass which she enjoyed very much. Her beautiful huge ass was one of her most prised assets. You see what I did there.

They got clothed and walked out the room. On their way he saw Chris and Kevin walking out his room together. When they saw Travis they didn't even bother greeting him, but seeing him walking with Grace really made his heart ache.

' I'm only doing this all for pleasure,  my heart still yearns for Grace and I'll make sure that I make her mine' he thought.

Well he should have read the memo. He wasn't going to have any screen time for a hot minute whilst Travis on the other hand would always be mentioned even if he wasn't having any screen time. This could only mean one thing,  he might be the protagonist of the game but Travis is the main character of this novel.

He held her waist to which she happily abided with no resistance, she always wanted Travis to treat her like his girlfriend even if they weren't dating just yet. He's been holding back all these months and now that he's confident in himself , he can do just about anything he wants.

They arrived downstairs where Travis got some food but they didn't stay at the Cafe Instead they went to class and ate there. He wanted to get closer to Grace even though she's already fully into him yet he's never made her his priority. Now is the time he makes his first move.

Grace was enjoying the wifey treatment Travis was giving her, it's like all her plans are coming into view and she could just about grasp it. Sitting on his lap while feeding him, with his hand under her skirt fondling her ass.

' uhh I'm so in love. Always knew he was gonna pick me first' She thought.

Well not really,  Travis only picked her since the plot wanted that, and nothing else. Yet he couldn't tell her that. After they finished eating she still atop his lap and sending love filled eyes. Travis was sat back without  a care planted on his face. His classmates soon came and the seen really made them angry.

" Grace, you cheat!! We said we'd all get him at the same time." Vena shouted.

Grace said " Tee hee" which angered more.

" Tee hee what does that even mean!" They all shouted. Travis slowly got up and put her on the table. He didn't want to be part of this argument. They girl started fighting in a dust ball which really baffled Travis on how they were able to do that.

While Chris and Kevin watched from far with faces filled with rage. They now knew that every girl in class liked Travis. They couldn't do anything to him since he's their fellow classmate so they could only watch in rage. Travis glanced at the two and smiled smugly which made them even angrier.

' Well they were going to find out sooner or later.' He said inwardly.

Samantha walked in and sent pressure to the girls, they held on for a bit but soon fell down and got crushed by the weight, the ground underneath slowly turning into a crater.

" No fighting against each other for any reason! Now let's start. Today is a very special day, your fellow upperclassmen are coming back from their training camp at the southern side. "

She removed the pressure of the girls and continued. " So we won't be doing anything today, so do whatever you want I don't care. And Travis I want to see you after break" She then walked out the class.

The girls got up from the ground with frowns on their faces.

" She didn't have to crush us with pressure!" Valentina said, her eyes turned to Travis who was trying his hardest to no laugh. He held his face while giggling.

" Whats so funny, we're only in this mess because of you!" Valentina shouted, Travis turned towards her with one of his brows raised. " No you all fought because you were angry at Grace"

" Yes but you're still the cause. And we all want an apology from you and  Grace of course" Azusa said.

Travis got out and stepped up to them, they all wondered what he was going to do.
He raised both his arms and patted the girls on the head.

" THIS ISN'T A FLUFFY ROMANCE ANIME!" They all shouted. Travis laughed even more which made them pout cutely, even Grace did and she was the main reason this is even happening.

'Well I'm not going to apologize, my pride as a future God of destruction wouldn't allow me to do so.' He thought.

The guys watching this from behind were really pissed beyond repair. They both felt their hearts ache from seeing their waifus who alway act cold to them, act cutely with Travis. Well not everyone is blessed with God tier Rizz.

Time passed and the girls had forgotten about what had happened, they were now sitting in a circle with Travis and talking about random things. While Chris and Kevin were just brooding in the back.

Travis doesn't really need them in the future adventures they would take but to not cause another huge butterfly effect he was now going to stick with the plot and not interfere with anything except the heroine's of course.


In the boardroom where all SSS class teachers were sitting. The Chairwoman was discussing something very important to all of them.

" You all have probably noticed but there's been a shift in the rift recently. It's become much bigger and many A tier beasts are invading our planet. Which is why we pulled the third years from their trip in fear that they would get caught up in the mess..... now I'd like to discuss what the Hunters Guild has decided. All SSS tier students will be moving around the world to learn as much as they can so we can quickly deploy them when they've reached their peak. It's clear that our teachings aren't enough for them. Now I'd like 4 volunteers who would be in charge of them."

Samantha, Heather, Akari and the Serena raised their hands.

" Well I guess the ladies will be in charge. They'll all move during the middle of year on the following year,  right now let's try to train them so they can get ready for anything they  might encounter in the future "

The meeting was adjourned and everyone left the boardroom except the woman who raised their hands. Serena smirked when seeing Samantha who sat across her.

" Samantha dear, you've taught them well I'm impressed." She said with a slight tone of arrogance.

Samantha shrugged it off and said." I haven't even tried to teach them yet they're already to you standards. That's something I'm very proud of"

This made Serena smile angrily with her left eye twitching.  Akari was cutely looking at both of them while trying to make them calm down. Heather was sat down gracefully while she sipped on some tea.

" Alright ladies break it off. Let's talk about what you are needed to do"

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