Woke Up Feeling Godly

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"Yeah, it is. A Level 40 one as well. The question is, where the hell did he find one? Aren't these beasts very rare?" Travis replied.

The colossal being stared down at them with its head above the clouds.

"Can we beat it?" Grace asked curiously.

"Yes, if we destroy that gem in the middle," he replied.

"That thing is faster and stronger, though. How the hell will we get close to it?"

"We need to get stronger, of course. You know what to do, right?" he asked as he stared at Dream's body. Grace finally understood what he was implying, and she loved that idea. Flying back down, she used her staff to revive Dream. As he was about to wake up, she killed Dream, then revived him again. This went on for about 20 times, and that's when she was confident in her power.

Both of her eyes glowed bright gold as she flew towards Travis and held his waist.

"Shall we defeat this mortal, dear?"

Travis turned on his Beerus template and smiled. "Yes, I think he's outlived his time."

Travis's entire body was enveloped by a raging purple aura, emanating an intense power. His once-red eyes transformed into a mesmerizing shade of purple, adorned with the ominous Destroyer insignia. Despite utilizing only one percent of his potential, the unfolding events around him surpassed expectations.

The very floor beneath him ascended, causing everything in its vicinity to float in mid-air. A vivid display of purple lightning illuminated the surroundings, casting an eerie glow. Travis, a figure resembling a god, nonchalantly stood with his hands in his pockets, locking eyes with the colossal Titan.

In unity, Travis and Grace confronted the Titan, standing resolute in its path. The Titan unleashed a deafening roar, dispersing the clouds that veiled its visage, reveling in the natural beauty surrounding it. However, an ominous desire to destroy everything loomed within the Titan. Travis and Grace were determined to thwart its destructive intentions.

As the colossal hand of the Titan descended menacingly, Travis and Grace remained undeterred. Positioned in its path, the Titan attempted a crushing punch, but Travis swiftly raised his hand, halting the colossal force in its tracks.


The halted force unleashed a powerful gust of wind, blowing into their faces as the impact of the punch was redirected, showcasing the immense strength at Travis's command. The environment crackled with energy, and the display of power became a mesmerizing dance between the forces at play.

"Grace, go give him a lovely tap on his worthless face."


Grace nodded, a swift motion propelling her away from underneath the Titan's descending fist. With unparalleled speed, she soared into the sky, reaching its colossal face in the blink of an eye. In a moment of finesse, Grace gently placed her hand on the Titan's face and tapped it.


The seemingly light tap unleashed a formidable strike, denting the Titan's entire visage. The impact shattered its confidence, casting doubt upon its belief in invincibility. Gradually, the Titan began its descent. In a seamless display of coordination, Travis intervened, gripping onto its hand with a strength that arrested the great fall. The harmony of swiftness, speed, and a strategic tap unfolded in a captivating ballet between the extraordinary forces at play.

"I prefer a bow, to be honest," he said as a powerful red wave of energy came out of his body and enveloped the whole Titan. This energy not only made it terrified of him, but it also proceeded to destroy everything in its way, except Grace, of course, who happily watched the scene.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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