Fight Time Part 2

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Cyrene normally wouldn't be into fighting but today she wanted to prove to everyone that she *isn't* weak, she gripped her the hilt tightly and prepared herself to strike. From *childhood* she was taught the sword techniques that her ancestors used to fight monsters. She could easily grasp everything they were teaching her *though* her parents started investing in teaching her powerful techniques that could very much kill a normal Fairy. But she was somehow able to take all the knowledge in and make *use of* it into her fighting style. Now at the face of an opponent She's more than ready to go all out and show them that she isn't weak.

Kevin on the other hand wanted to prove to Valentina that he grew stronger and wasn't the timid and submissive little bitch from the past. In almost every way,  Kevin was more powerful than Cyrene yet her sword prowess would be the thing that helps her clutch.

They both moved at the same time, Sprinting fast *toward* each other as *they* slashed their swords at each other.


They collided together, fiercely staring into each other's eyes they leaped back and got read to strike again. Kevin swung his sword down  to Cyrene but she skillfully redirected the slash with her sword man it hit the ground,  due to the power he had put in the slash he couldn't control his own strength so the sword got stuck into the ground. She quickly moved her sword to his neck signifying her win.

" Wow! Good sword skills. Cyrene I'm very impressed. You used his own strength as his weakness good job." Samantha said while clapping her hand.

Cyrene blushed and quickly covered her face.' So embarrassing!' She thought.

" Kevin, you got too worked up in your own strength that you couldn't think straight. I know you could've won this battle if you used *your* head but I guess you had something bigger that was driving you. Overall I'm happy that you can atleast use your sword. Last I heard someone rumored it to be very heavy. So you're atleast strong enough to carry it. "
Kevin *listened* to what she had said and nodded. He knew that he got a little cocky and tried to *show off* his strength to Valentina. He glanced at her and saw that she was currently staring at Travis who was just checking on her big boobs.

' I Shouldn't let my goals be my weakness. I'll put this goal to the side for now. I'll work on becoming stronger for myself instead of others' he thought.

In the game Kevin had also lost to Cyrene. He had the same thoughts as right now which really boosted him in the future fights. You could say this was his first character development.

" Okay now that we're done with the first fight the following people can go on the arena." She said.

The ones who were going to fight right now was Nicolette and Vena. Talk about two odd opponents, since Nicolette had her long crytal blue spear while Vena had her golden bow and arrow. Luckily all her arrows were made out of wind so she didn't have to carry any on her.

Nicolette had a smirk on her face as *she* extended her hand and her ice spear formed on her hand. She spun it around for a bit till she finally pointed it to Vena. Who stayed cold and unreadable the whole time.

Vena snapped her fingers and strong gust of wind enveloped her *arm*. Her bright golden bow was now in her hand.

" Okay Begin!"

Vena quickly pulled her arm back while aiming the bow at Nicolette. Bows have a huge disadvantage due to the person needing accuracy to be able to use it. In the heat of battle having a bow would be suicide,  but not for your average Elf. Elves have keen eye sight that allows them to see futher than other races. They're eyes are able to focus more which gives then an advantage during battle.

A wind arrow appeared as she aimed it straight to Nicolette. Nicolette knew that she could easily win this battle if she got closer to Vena. Yet Vena wasn't just good at using her bow.

She fired the arrow straight to Nicolette. Powerful gusts of wind in the form of an arrow flew towards her, Nicolette quickly stood her *guard* cause she knew that this was just a normal arrow.

She thrusted her spear at the arrow, the arrow split into four other parts which all went straight towards Nicolette in different directions. She dodged the first one that came from her left side and slashed if with her spear. The one behind her almost made contact but a quick side step and a slash stop the arrow. 

Vena knows that Nicolette has mostly memorize almost every move she has in her book. So she would work on getting her tired instead of beating her head on. Vena drew another arrow yet *this one* had more power then the last one.

Nicolette smiled since she knew that this would take time to fire. She quickly sprinted towards her breaking the ground underneath her with the force of the take off.

When she got near Nicolette she slid underneath, Vena cursed inwardly.


The arrow flew in blinding speeds , going Nicolette who was underneath it.


The arrow hit the wall and it completely broke from contact.

Nicolette stood got up quickly and pointed the spear at Vena, but while she was getting up Vena had drawn a weak arrow and pointed it to Nicolette.

"  Its a tie!!"

Samantha shouted. Vena took a deep breath and put her bow down. Nicolette also dropped her spear.

" Wow, I didn't see that coming honestly. " Nicolette said while breathing heavily.

" Yeah me neither. I guess you know me more than I thought. " She said blankly.

Samantha appeared infront of them , which surprised the shit out of them.

" Good work you two, I'm really impressed with how fluent you faught together. You have the harmony of a good team. Now I know where you *both your weaknesses are*"

Nicolette and Vena nodded in response. They walked back to the stands and relaxed.

" Okay next fighters, in the arena"

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