Sniper no snipping

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[All these fights are sponsored by my Playlist]

[ Also if you're wondering when do the sexy fun time chapters start then honestly idk. I'm just writing as I go]


Nicolette slid passed them which surprised the Onis. One of them had conjured a wind attack but seeing Her slide by really had them confused. What they didn't know was that this was all part of her plan. She drifted on the ice which made her switch directions. Now she was skating back at them but this time she was much faster.

She reached them seconds later and while they were standing there waiting for the attack. Nicolette hit one of them in the face with her spear. She really wanted to play with these guys before she killed them. The Author is always thinking of things to make these characters look menacing.

The Oni slid on the floor after it got smacked by her. She giggled, her eyes slowly following on the other Oni which was gathering its energy into a wind attack. She didn't even bother disturbing it and waited for it to shoot. Since they were basically the same level she wondered if it's Attribute was also that way.

When it fired it Nicolette was very disappointed. The wind attack didn't even reach her and she was a few Meters away from it. She thought maybe it was because she scared it with her immaculate strength but remembered that she hadn't even used a single bit of her power.

' Well I thought drawing the fight would be fun but I was wrong. Let's just finish them' She thought.

Nicolette raised her energy as an violet aura surrounded her body. She grinned at the sight of the Onis freaking out at her energy spike. She didn't even give them a second to run, Nicolette appeared infront of them both and hit them hard using her spear which sent them flying far. While  they were still in the air, Nicolette leaped of the ground and charged up her newest ice technique. Called, Minus Zero.

A huge ice crystal appeared on the edge of her spear, aiming it right at the Onis, then she fired it.


The crystal appeared right infront of them in a millisecond. The Onis got inside the crystal as it continued to fly away, when it far enough behind the mountains, it exploded.


A strong shock wave was sent through the whole forest. Every felt it and sighed, they knew that this was Nicolettes newest techniques. Even though she had never used it to this grand scale but the winter storm coming in ,in fast speeds gave it away. Snow filled the whole forest for a couple minutes then it became clear again.

' Wow that was cool, didn't know my attack could be this strong. Wonder how big it would be when I become the strongest. '

Now let me debunk another thing for y'all, many of you might be thinking that if they're this strong while they're in their first year would that mean in a couple years they'd be able to destroy the planet?  Well the answer is no. This planet is much bigger than the earth Travis is from. Much bigger than jupiter even. The solar system they live in is in a grand scale compared to ours. So let that sink in. All the other details will be explained later on.

She smiled brightly and unfroze all the ice on the floor. When she was done Nicolette was ready to move on into the forest but a huge portal opened around all the trees surrounding her. She wondered what was coming now and seeing the many Onis marching out she sighed.

' I was bored of these guys already but I guess I'll be fighting them longer than in enticipated. Curse that Samantha! Couldn't she bring other kinds of monsters?'

Well she could bu they didn't let her do that.

' this time how about I test all that spear combat training I did with Samantha and see how good I am. I'm pretty confident in myself winning this' She thought.

Nicolette nodded to herself and started waited for them all to get close enough to her. When they did, she moved.


She used her spear to hit a Oni on its stomach, he got lucky on that one. Nicolette stabbed at one of them in the face, her spear going right through it, she sliced horizontally making her spear head come out of the other head and cut four onis heads clean. Her back was vulnerable but she didn't only focus on her front. Nicolette elbowed an Oni in the face sending it fly back and hitting its own kind. Her foot stomped on a head as it was completely crushed. Good thing she  weren't wearing her  clothes.

Nicolette spun her spear and got  back into form, she blitzed away from the hoard and Started hitting them all from the back. Literally. Nicolette continued to massacre the whole hoard of Onis till none of them were left alive. She was really proud of her achievement. Yet she knew that this was only the start. Luckily she hadn't even used a single bit of her energy so she could literally go on for the whole day.

With Vena our Elven pervert she was sitting atop a tree while thinking of Travis like usual of course. It's been sometime since she confessed her feelings for him yet they haven't done anything except kiss all the time. She's not gonna lie and say she doesn't like the kisses and they always do their job in getting her aroused but they haven't went to the final stage. She knows that Travis is only doing this because of the laws of her race but she didn't really care about that anymore, she thought about it for a long time and she's sure that having sex with Travis would never come and haunt her in the future. Yet  Travis was too much of a Chad to fall for her seductive ways.

She sensed something suddenly appearing in her area. Vena looked down and saw an Oni walking around carrying a bow and arrow. She quickly drew back her wind and arrow which she put alot of speed in.

The she fired it.



The arrow flew right through its head making it fall to the ground in and drown in its own blood. Vena was more of a silent attacker which was perfect considering her weapon type. She's been practicing in assassination techniques these few weeks and she thinks she's progressed alot in that area.

Then another portal open and two more Onis walked out yet these ones seemed to be more observant then the one from before so she had to be careful.

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