Time to scrap, Part 2

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He began to use his Saitama template; that's right, folks, Travis has been holding back. In fact, this fight would've ended already if he had used it. Everything in his body began to get stronger, his facial structure was much more serious, and his eyes were blank like a sheet of paper. Travis drew his fist back and sent a powerful punch.

His fist cut through the air as he went straight towards him.


The punch sent Paul flying far into the distance and crashing into a hill, breaking it down completely. Travis flew towards him and stomped him right on the chest, making him bleed out like a bitch. He picked him up and punched him again, this time aimed at the ground. Travis continued to punch Paul until he was unconscious. He then put Hakai on his finger and touched his forehead; he turned into purple particles and disappeared.

"That was fun. Yet what's about to happen is the opposite of fun."

Laura arrived at the capital and went straight to the castle.

"Travis must have fought Dream before, look at the destruction. Is he a hero or a villain?" She wondered to herself. She followed the trail until she found him laid down in the middle of the empty field.

She hurriedly went down towards him and checked for any signs of lethal injuries, but seeing as he was alright, she calmed down. Laura took him back to the castle and laid him on the bed. She then went to Grace's room and brought her to her room as well.

"What should I do? That fool took the girls; I need to stay here and keep guard for that man. But I also need to go get the others."

Suddenly, by the power of plot armor, Grace began to wake up. She looked at Travis, who was laid beside her, and pulled him close to her.

"It wasn't a dream after all," she said.

"Grace, I'm here, you know." Laura suddenly announced her presence, which shocked Grace to her core. But she soon calmed down. Laura went on to tell her about the situation. That very moment when she finished, Travis woke up.

'I'm never using that ability again,' he thought.

He then looked down and saw Grace holding his waist tightly. He patted her head and looked up at Laura, who was still wearing her nightdress.

"Umm, why don't you change before we do anything?" he said. Laura looked down; she smiled at Travis and ran towards her closet, coming out with another set.

"Okay, firstly, I think you and Travis should go look for Dream while I take care of the capital. This should be a simple task, just look for any of the girls' energy; he's probably holding them all in a single place. Now, Travis, go take a shower, then you can go."

'Why, though? I'll get all dirty when I fight Dream King in his final form,' he thought.

After Travis finished taking a nice shower, he changed into better clothes that were suitable for the occasion. He wasn't really sure what he would face when he got there, he got out of the room, and saw Grace standing right in front of his door.

"Travis, let's hurry up. I don't like the thought of that guy being around my friends," she said.

"Who is the Dream King, anyway?" he asked.

"Ohh, umm. That's a long story, but I'll keep it short. The Dream King is actually my cousin." If Travis hadn't known this, he would be surprised.

"Why the hell does your cousin want you as his wife?"

"I don't know, maybe it's because I'm beautiful, I guess. Now let's hurry up," she said. Travis nodded, and they both ran out the hole in the wall Travis had created when he flew out with Dream.

They zoomed into the air, flying straight into the clouds, then disappearing. Right now, they were searching for any signs of their energy. It would probably take a lot of time, but they were ready for that.

"Ohhh! that's Lucy's energy," Grace suddenly said as they were flying. She pointed towards the east and looked at Travis.

"Alright, let's go."

A minute later, they arrived at the place where they felt her energy. It was a valley surrounded by mountains all around them. It was quite the breathtaking sight, from the glistening rivers to the calm tall grass. Yet they had no time to look at that; they both landed with a boom, making a crater beneath them.

"It's so nice of you to fall for my trap, and look what the cat dragged in. My beautiful wife who is also my cousin," Dream said as he hovered down to them.

He was now fully recovered from the ass-whopping Travis had given him before. Grace stared at him with disgust.

"Travis, could we just beat this fool and get the girls and the boys? I hate the thought of him existing," she said.

"Sure, but we need to first make sure that the girls are fine."

"Don't worry, they're fine. But I'm willing to give them to you if you hand over Grace," he said with a widened smirk.

"Ohh, okay. But firstly, tell me where they are," Travis said.

"Well, they're right over on that mountain. There's an energy blocker around this area so that I can't feel any other energy here."

This guy was just as stupid as Travis had created him. He literally just told him where his hostages were, knowing full well that Travis could beat the fuck out of him. Well, fuck it.


He then vanished and returned a second later. "Can we beat him up now?" she asked with her eyes sparkling.


Her beautiful cute smile turned into a smirk that very second. She spread her hands then.


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