First Monster Hunt Finale

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Yet before Travis could move the Mega skeleton stomped his foot on the ground creating a massive earthquake. Travis lost his balance a little but he still stood straight. The mega skeleton was trying to intimidate Travis but it didn't work. He clenched his fits shut and sprinted towards it,  it was about to crush Travis with its foot but he dodged to the side.


Travis went under its feet and threw a strong punch at its heel.


The bone cracked a little but it didn't do much damage. It's backed it foot at Travis which hit him hard and be  flew back into a tree.

" Ahhh" Blood came out his mouth as he collided with it. Travis stared at the skeleton with enraged eyes. He slowly stood up but the skeleton kicked him back into the tree.

Travis crashed into many trees till he stopped at a much bigger one. He fell down to the ground as he groaned in pain. Yet he still got up and took on a fighting stance.

' I won't give up'

He repeatedly said in his mind. Travis was like any other shounen protagonist. He refused to yield.

[ Ding ]
[ Congratulations Host. You have awakened the skill (Unstoppable Will). With this skill you can temporarily gain the same strengthen and speed as you opponent: Side effects are nausea and excruciating pain( can only be used for 5 minutes)]

' Well fuck you System. It doesn't matter. Turn on the skill'


Travis was covered by a dark red aura. The aura shone brightly turning the whole environment red, strong gusts of winds blew around Travis as he felt his body becoming stronger.

" Ayt let's do this" He said as he smirked. Travis leaped into the air , cracking the ground underneath him leaving a dent.


He appeared infront of the skeletons head as he pulled his fist back. It glowed red as it caught fire , Travis lunged his fist forward and hit it on its skull.



The skeletons head cracked and got destroyed by the punch, yet the powerful force sent it crashing into the ground destroying the floor underneath it.

'That was soo cool. ' Travis thought as he stared at the damage he had created. He fell to the ground and landed on his feet.

' Man this was so awesome. I feel like a main character right now!' He thought in amazement.

[ Warning 2 minutes left till Skill: Unstoppable Will goes on drawback mode]

'Damn I guess that my que to leave'

Travis quickly sprinted back into the forest as he ran passed all the trees till he reached the wall. He leaped up and boosted himself on the wall sending himself flying into the air and getting on top of a building that was conveniently close.

He ran on top of the building,  leaping to the next in fast speeds. A minute later Travis arrived at his apartment. He quickly ran up the stairs and got on his rooms floor,  Travis took his keys out and unlocked the door.

' Home sweet hom-Arhrhhhhh fuckk!!!'


Travis fell to the ground as rolled over and and over. The pain he felt was much bigger the the one he had felt when be got crushed to the ground. Speaking of that he also started feel all the pain he got from the fight.

'Fuck man i hate this skill. I'm not Zoro who actually enjoys pain. '

Yet even though he felt so much pain Travis refused to let himself scream for he found that would be very disgraceful in such a situation.

Back at the forest.

Hunters arrived on the sight of the fight. They all saw the many dead skeletons on the ground and the destruction done to the environment.

" What happened here?" One of the hunters asked.

" It might have been a monster fight from what it looks like. But why was a level 5 skeleton doing in this area also which monster destroyed it is the bigger question" the team captain said.

" I think we have to report this to Hq sir so that they can investigate. " The vice captain requested.

" Sure do that but I want a full report back. This is our investigation and I don't want any other person to get the credit " the captain said.

With that they all blitzed from the sight leaving the area quiet as usual.

Back with Travis who was still rolling around on the floor. He was wondering when the fuck this mode would end.

[ DRAWBACK MODE: Deactivated]

[ Host are you okay?]

The robotic yet concerned voice rang In Travis's mind. ' Fuck you, you bitch. That was the worst pain I've ever felt in my life and I'd very much like to never feel it again so please show me the skill when I'm in a touch spot' he said to the system.

[ Good Choice Host]

With that Travis slowly got up from the ground , every fiber of his body was aching like crazy. Well except his ball and cock or Travis wouldn't want to live anymore.

' how the fuck did my balls survive when I got crushed. Well I won't question it because it what ever prevented it did me a great favor.'

He slowly walked to the shower and turned it on. The hot water rained down on his body which gave him yet another wave of pain. Yet he could handle it. All the blood on his body got rinsed off. Travis got out the shower and threw himself on the bed.

' Fuck I hope things get better from now'

His hopes will soon be crushed by reality for this worlds threats are much larger , stronger and much faster than the monsters he faught today. He better buckle up or he might die before he could even get to meet a single heroine.

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