Tournament Part 5

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He  summoned his water spear and pointed it to Travis, his body started to exude killing intent as he stared at Travis. Travis smiled in response he wasn't going to use his skill or the fight would end before it started. So he just got ready in a fighting stance and waited for the battle to begin. The Arena was dense as they both stood in silence,  no one atturted a single thing , they just watched in excitement.

"Alright Fighters. If you're both ready...  Start!"

Logan gathered water into his arms , all the water surrounded his arms and chest area. This would held with increasing strength and defense. He knew Travis was would pack a punch so he used the ability to absorb shock to his advantage. Travis just grinned.

He ran to Travis,  which was a really long one since the water on his body was heavy, when he reached Travis he thrusted his spear aiming for his head. Yet Travis easily shifted his head to the side and avoided it. This fight was already going to bore Travis.

' Why the hell do I get the weak fuckers' he thought as he sighed. He continued to dodge all the stabs without even focusing on the battle. Logan  was angered by this so he decided to drop all the armor on his chest. This made him faster but he was still not fast enough for Travis.

'He's just toying with me! Now I know why Master Ryan hates him' he thought.

Logan launched himself back using water jets in his legs and landed far enough to gather some energy. With that water slowly began to pour out his body. It started to flood the arena Travis hanged on the wall since if the water touched him he would get wet.

' Now that he's in my own environment let's see how he acts when a thousand water torpedoes fly to him' he grinned evily.

Logan shifted his hand and many water torpedoes with sharp points began to rise out from all the water in the ground yet it was still flooded. Travis seeing all the torpedoes being aimed at him smiled.

' Now this is gonna be fun!' He thought in excitement he let got on the ledge and landed on the water. Yet surprisingly he could stand atop it.

'How kind of him I guess' Travis thought.

Everyone watching this was hyped up and wanted to see what was going to happen. First a force fields were put up all around the stands so no one would get killed or hurt by a stray bullet.

Logan  signaled with his hand and all the torpedoes dived down to Travis in fast speeds. He smirked and watched the first torpedoe come straight for his head. Travis easily evaded it he began to Sprinting fast as he dodged all the torpedoes yet when one of the crashed into the water another came out and flew to Travis.

He began to glide in the water as he glid passed Logan  and all the torpedoes flew straight to him , before they even got to him they stopped in the air and continued to chase after Travis. Travis drifted on the corner as many torpedoes struck the wall.


It created a large dent in the wall and Travis laughed loudly and continued to dodged and destroy the other torpedoes that flew to him. Everyone who knew Travis knew very well that he was just toying with Logan  right now. Yet Logan saw no problem,  he in fact thought Travis was laughing in despair.

Seeing that the torpedoes did nothing he gather the water in a huge water ball, Travis watched as the ball covered the sky. This would mostly hit them both but Logan didn't care, he just wanted to injure Travis, which he would easily did he just used the waters Travis was standing atop of.

The ball slowly descended to Travis who was standing calmly. He raised his hand, when his hand entered the ball he snapped his fingers.



The whole water ball exploded and rained down on the both. Yet from the shower of water Logan could see Travis eyes shinning a bit as he stared at him. Logan backed up a bit and gather the water and made water armor and summoned back his spear. When the water had all gone back into the pool, only a ripple of waves was moving, both of them were standing there yet the water around started to boil and mist covered the whole place as the water evaporated.

Till the were back down on the ground, Travis blitzed infront of Logan when he was about to block the punch he swiftly went to his left side and grabbed his hand and pushed him into the wall.


Everyone was stunned at Travis's speed, non of them saw him even move except the girls and teachers. Travis still held his head in hand. He drew his hand back and threw a punch on his chest.

" Ahhhh!"

The layers of water of his shield slowly began to turn back into liquid. He threw yet another punch yet this one caused alot damage, Logan coughed up blood as it dripped from his lips.

Travis wasn't hero nor was he a villain, but he does like seeing the fear in people's eyes. Logan stared Travis in pure fear as he began to tear up. But Travis wasn't feeling any sympathy.

But he knew if be continued now he'd be seen as a bad person. Not that he cared. He let go of the grip of his head and he fell down to his feet. Travis walked away but realized that the match wasn't called of yet, the suddenly.


A giant of water pushed Travis into the wall, it continued to push him till it broke it. Travis used his hand to block the water and move out the way.

" Why don't you give up?" He asked coldly.

Logan was standing tall with cold eyes staring at him. Right now Logan wasn't fighting just to show that he was worthy to Ryan but for his own pride as a human.

' Well fuck you too' Travis Said inwardly.

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