Oni Fight

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After a couple seconds the pressure subsided yet the damage in the room was irreversible. Both ladies calmed down and spoke like reasonable people as if what had happened didn't even happen.

" So they're all in the High tier rank. That's good, they're progressing really well, more than I expected. I'm sure Serena will be happy to teach these kids when the time comes. " She said.

" Yes I know, she already knows about this and had confirmed her arrival in the next term. " Samantha said.

The Chairwoman thought about something for a second then she said." Tell me more about this Travis. He's extremely strong even for a Domain in my opinion. Not that I'm saying Domains are weak."

Samantha chuckled a bit and replied." No, I know what you're saying. Even I'm still surprised by him. But I'm much more interested in him than the others. He's a really rare specimen. Plus he's the strongest of them all even stronger than Damiens daughter."

Damien was Valentinas father and the king of the Dragon Kingdom.

" Ohh. Well that's a surprise. Damien has always boasted about his daughter being the future strongest hunter. Well thanks for reporting this to me. From now on I'll be looking into their progress myself"

Samantha nodded, after that she vanished. Stacy sighed in relief as she moved to infront of the Chairwoman.

" Did you have to destroy the room?" She asked.

The Chairwoman laughed and slowly took her mask off." Ohh yeah we tend to do that when we meet. She is my rival after all." She said with a smirk on her face.


Back in the forest we have the first fight against the level 10 Oni. This was Scarlett Fury, the smile on her face revealed her hunger for battle. The Oni also had a Sythe in hand. It had a blank expression as it stared at her.

It then launched itself to her in blinding speeds. When it reached her, it slashed the sythe downwards at her. Scarlett blocked the slash using her own blade. When they impacted it made a strong shock wave.


Scarlett pulled her Sythe back and got ready to attack. She decided to use her dark arts in this battle.


Her whole body was engulfed in shadow that looked deadly. Her beautiful red eyes began glowing brighter till they were the brightest thing in the whole forest. Her blade turned sharper and much more menacing looking.

The Oni was watching this and felt as if this fight would be the hardest it has ever fought. It readied itself for the oncoming attacks to come.

When Scarlett was done turning on her dark art abilities with the help of her shadow attribute she looked like a monstrosity that was gonna kill anything in her sight. She still had her beauty in fact she had become much more beautiful. Using her Dark Arts increased her level, since they multiplied a Demons strength.

Dark Arts were sacred Demon Techniques that were created by the hero. They cultivated these techniques ever since they're race was created. When Scarlett was 4 years old she began training in these techniques. They were really strong and deadly. Yet she could understand them well for some reason. Now she was using those techniques, the one she was using was called.

BLACK ATTACK. This allowed the users  to double their attack power.

Seeing as her opponent wasn't moving even the slightest Scarlett decided to attack.


She blitzed towards the Oni with her sythe tightly held in her hands. She got near it she swung her sythe, the sight seemed to dissappear from sight when she moved it.


It collided with the onis sythe yet the power which came from Scarlett broke its blade.

Spinning it around and swinging it down again , but this time the Oni dodged it and started to run.


Her sythe struck the ground breaking it from impact. Seeing her enemy running Scarlett smirked.

' Where do you think you're going!' She thought.


She dissappeared from sight as she chased after the Oni. A second later she reached it and kicked it on its back.


Crashing into the line of trees till destroying each and everyone one of them. She blitzed to the sky and held her Sythe tightly as she imputed her power into the blade.


The blade vibrated from the power it had gained. The very next second Scarlett slashed down to the Oni who laid in the debrees of the trees.


Seeing the slash force coming towards it, it couldn't do anything but accept its defeat.


A cut appeared on its body as it got slit in half.


A huge explosion occurred when the slash impacted with the ground. This completely destroyed the Oni leaving nothing. It also level the area, removing any tree that was in the explosions path. 

Scarlett stood in the air and looked down at the damage she had done.

" Damn , that wasn't even my strongest attack. Woah! how am I standing in the air!!" She shouted.

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