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Grace ran to the Oni that were literally booking it. They ran around the trees which blocked their view of what was infront. While Grace was skillfully doing gymnastics using the obstacles. She had a smirk on her face, Grace found this chase to be very entertaining. Grace held onto a tree branch and swung on it till she got on her feet again and started running and leaping from tree to tree.

' I feel like I'm in Naruto' She thought.

Yes anime from the real world exist here. Even their Manga authors. But they prefer to stay incognito for some reason.

She continued to chase them till the reached an open area with no trees, Grace could have easily caught up to these dudes but she enjoys a good chase. She leaped high into the air and looked down at the Onis that were still running in the field.

' Time to Kill'

She threw her staff infront of the Onis. A barrier opened and closed them off, Grace landed inside the barrier which scared the Onis even more. She smiled evily hearing the sound of Onis squeal in fear.

'I Wonder what Travis would think if he saw me like this? Would he accept my craziness?' These kind of questions would roam in her mind daily. Yet she didn't have the courage to go and ask him.

This made her frustrated , so she'll take her frustration on the Onis. She vanished from sight and appeared infront of an Oni with blue skin. She grabbed its head and brought it down to her knee which was raised to meet up with the head.


It's nose bone cracked making it scream more. Blood  dripping from its nose as she raised it up , pulling it with its hair. The Oni was much taller then she was but right now that superiority was made into dust.

The other Oni was happy that they hadn't started with it, even though it knew that is was gonna follow. Well Grace didn't like the feeling of happiness coming from her victims. Being the hero parties healer she could feel emotions from any type of creature. This was made so that it would make solving problems easier. But right now it was used in a fucked up way.

Her eyes darted to the Oni which turned pale that very second. Her deep eyes staring at it with killing intent,  winds started blowing wildly which scared them even more. It looked down to her free hand , that was now occupied by her staff. Looking where her staff was originally placed and seeing it not there anymore.

Soul weapons are connected to its user in all ways. Meaning if a person lost their soul weapon. They could just summon it back since it's connected with them and is not just a weapon.

She let go of the Onis hair and whacked it using her staff. The Oni flew many miles away, crashing on the ground and created a crater. Focusing on the previously over joyed Oni that didn't get to go first.


She hit the Oni in its face making it scream out loudly. Another whack to its stomach, it bent down and clutched it stomach. Seeing it kneeling infront of her Grace started regaining her normal self back.

Yet she was still gonna kill them both. She stepped on its head which got crushed to the ground.


After feeling its life force dissappear she appeared infront of the other Oni that was still laying in the crater.

' I almost feel bad for him' She thought.

We all know that this was a lie. Using her death magic she sucked his life away all of its life force entered in the staff and got purified then it was added onto her life span.

This was one of the abilities she found her staff was able to do. It would take any living things life force and give it to the user. You're probably wondering why the previous healer didn't do this all their life if this would basically make them immortal. Well she didn't feel like living for a long time.

Grace took a deep breath and a smile blossomed on her face. She felt really satisfied that she take out her frustration on another person. But seeing the next army of Oni walking out the portal made her frown. At the moment she wanted peace and quiet to gather her thoughts but these Onis didn't let her do that. So she would kill them to show them how angry she was.

With Nicolette who was also faced with an Oni like all the others. She was one of the people who felt happy to fight an actual monster. She's always wanted a challenge even though she never showed it. She summoned her spear , which made the environment cold. The cold breeze brushing on her skin yet she found it refreshing.

She held the shaft of her spear tightly and stabbed it into the ground. It quickly turned into ice freezing everything on the ground, even the Onis feat were stuck under the ice. It tried to pull its feet out but to no avail. Seeing that her opponent was stuck Nicolette laughed.

' I thought it  be tougher but I guess that explains why Samantha was so confident in us Winning this fight'

Nicolette threw her spear and it impaled the Onis head. Killing it on the spot. She called her spear back and stood their in pride.

' Yeah I'm the greatest. Wonder what Travis is doing right now'.

On the other side Travis was getting ready to fight the Oni. Even though he knew he could win this fight fairly easily. He still had his gaurd up for any surprises that Samantha might pull. She always had the tendency to surprise them and he wasn't going to fall for it.

' I'm pretty sure he's alright. I wish I had my phone right now so I could take a picture with the corpse and show Travis. Well I'll just have to explain it to him then'

She skated on the frozen floor, then suddenly she saw two Onis walking out a portal. This only made her happier since she would now have more fun. Nicolette grabbed her spear and skated  towards them with a grin on her face.

' I hope I don't finish them too quickly 'She thought.

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