First Lesson

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Serena and Samantha suddenly appeared infront of the worms. It's large razer sharp teeth dripping with saliva, the worm hadn't even noticed them since they were too fast. Serena went on top slashed at it. Green blood splattered all over as she kept slashing. She was going to release her anger on the worm since she couldn't do it to  Samantha.

Samantha laughed out loud as she sprinted on its left side.  The sword in her hand was engulfed by a Blazing hot flame, Samantha peirced its side and began running, cutting open the beast.

While Serena was in a rampage. She kept slashing its face, the worm shreaked loudly in pain, yet Serena showed zero signs of remorse. Her mouth was curve upwards in a widened menacing smile. Her beautiful red eyes hollow devoid of any emotion as she slashed repeatedly. After a couple minutes it died and so did her anger. Well no really.

She leaped high into the air, and sent a powerful slash below at the worm. Samantha quickly blitzed away as it came down at blinding speeds.


It cut the hole worm in half but it didn't stop there. Completely destroying the whole ground below the worm ,leaving a giant crater that seemed bottomless from how deep it looked.

Serena hovered in air and nodded in satisfaction. ' That was good. Time to go back' She then opened a rift of shadows and walked in.

Samantha stared at Serena with an annoyed expression " She didn't even bother saying anything to me, that bitch " After that her whole body was engulfed in flames as she disappeared, leaving the battle ground empty with nothing but a hole in the ground.

Back at the plane where Samantha and Serena suddenly appeared , they found that everyone had left already. Frowning a bit they went and changed into more graceful clothes and left.

Down below in the royal dinning all everyone was sat down and eating. Grace and her mother were sat closer to each other with Travis being in the middle. She kept glancing at how Travis treated her daughter. From how she fed him the food and how he ate without question.

' She's really in love with him. But what about Chris. I think I'll have to talk with his parents one of these days about their engagement '

She glanced at Chris who was struggling to eat since the sight infront of him really hurt his heart. Well no one cared, not even Laura.  Samantha and Serena came into the dining hall dressed beautifully but when they saw everyone in casual clothes they froze.

' Wow that's awkward ' Travis thought as he looked towards them. They both disappeared and appeared a second later with normal clothes that fit everyone else. They sat down and waited for their food, which soon came a couple seconds later.

" Now that we're all here. I'd like to discuss about your training schedule. All of you will be trained by the same person which is the royal body gaurd, Paul Tomet who he incharge of gaurd the royal family at all times. Paul you may appear "

Suddenly a person walked out of thin air behind Laura. He bowed his head down with his arm on his torso.

" Yes,Your Highness it would be my honor. Now Paul is very tough with his students. So I expect a couple bones to break during the process. But I know my darling daughter will be there to help you. Or if you want you could personally visit me and I'll heal you in a instant. "

After she explained that everyone continued to eat and Paul dissappeared. He was now in a dark room. He was standing behind a dark figure who had a cigar in his mouth as he sat back on his seat. His mouth curved in a smile as he looked at the beautiful painting of the Grace hanged on the wall.

" One Day, I'll have you become mine. "

The very next day their training started. They were outside in the training ground for the soldiers. Paul was walking around everyone and staring at each of them carefully. While walking he stopped right infront of Travis and looked right into his eyes.

He then backed off and went across them at a certain distance. " Now let's start. You all know the basics of how to use your energy right?" He asked in a loud commanding tone.

" I do" Grace answered. Since she was born here it's no surprise that she knows how to control her energy. Yet now that it's grown in abundance, she's lost her touch on its control.

" Okay now let's begin. Firstly i want you all to picture your energy. Everyone energy has a certain color. It could be red, blue ,or green but it should never be black, if it is then you'll be killed right on the spot"

' That sounds so racist. '

Travis began to picture his energy. Seeing the beautiful dark purple energy made him smile a little but then suddenly his energy started to turn red, than a hue of black in the middle.

' Damn when did I ever take in beast energy?' He thought. Black energy meant a person had monster energy in their system. This also means that a person could become a monster if they cultivated that energy unconsciously. Monster energy can be gained by getting surrounded by a lot of its energy.

' Wait my first monster hunt. My energy wasn't matured during that time so I must have got it then. Well fuck it,  I would never turn into a monster.' He thought.

" Godd now release that energy in the form of an aura, it can surround your whole body or just an area, it doesn't matter"

They all did so. A dark red aura was surrounding Valentina, Dark blue Chris, Dark Green Azusa, Yellow Cyrene, Red Scarlett, Purple Kevin, Green with blue Lucy,  Clear energy Grace, Bright Pink Nicolette and Dark Purple with Red Travis.

" All your auras are beautiful. They all show what type of personality you have if you study colors you would understand. Now let's move on. Using your energy I want you you destroy a Boulder"

They were suddenly in another place without them even noticing until they looked around. Behind them Boulders were placed.

"Send your energy to destroy this whole Boulder. After that I'll tell you want to do next"

Paul dissappeared again leaving everyone with their Individual boulder. They all thought it would be simple ,yet they didn't know that the Boulders weren't just normal ones.

" Paul Do you think Grace  would like this suit?" The Dark figure stood infront of a mirror as he gaged his looks.

" Yes My Lord. She Most definitely likes the color white"

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