A Good Fight Ruined

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While Travis and his dear milf mommy were bonding everyone else was planning on what they were going to do in this place. Since they're not just here to see the land but were actually here to train and get stronger.

" Now this place has a huge amount of concentrated energy meaning it doesn't just roam freely. That's what we want you all to learn. Don't just freely leak your energy, but you should learn how to control it. You probably think , wow that's such an easy task well no. The fact that you have the such talent means you all have alot and I mean alot of energy. And you have to control all of it, this going to take time. I'll give you all a month then we leave OK "
This time it was Serena who was in command.

The talk she had with Travis last night helped her alot. It made her realize that she didn't have to just sit and watch as everyone said things. She was also a teacher and she wanted to do her job as one. Heather and Samantha were quite impressed with her change.

" Wow Serena I never expected you to be so in control. I thought you were bottom"

Then there Samantha who likes pouring salt on the wound. Serenas face turned beet red in anger. She quickly turned everything in the room into shadow and dissappeared. And so did Samantha.

" Ohh no, they're going to fight. I hope it's far away from here or this Kingdom is going to get destroyed " Heather said with a sigh.

" They're many miles away from where the Kingdom is so there's no need to worry. Now let's continue with our discussion. Call Chris and Kevin over this is very important " 

Nicolette went over and banged on both their door. After a few minutes they came out their room wearing pants only. Yesterday they agreed to use thirst traps on their crushes. When they arrived in the room Grace and Valentina didn't even look in their direction.

In fact non of the girls did. ' LOL'

With Travis and Laura who were currently walking around the castle in hand. She was telling Travis about Grace when she was just a young girl.

" So I tried to feed her the greens right, but she took the spoon and threw it over to her father." She said this while trying hard not to laugh. Travis was clutching his stomach while laughing so hard he was out of breathe. It wasn't funny but it being said by her mother made it funny.

' There's something about being with your girls mom. I don't know what is but it's pretty neat'

They continued to walk until they reached her court yard. They walked over to the tall trees and sat on the bench which was conveniently placed there. She had a beautiful smile on her face as she gazed at the nature.

" You know, I love nature. I've always wanted to live in such a place. Sometimes I feel the urge to leave my castle so I can settle down in a nice cabin in the middle of the woods. But I have responsibilities so I could never do such a thing " She said.

Travis sat back on the bench and  said." Well one day we should have a nice trip to the woods where we'll scaveng for food. Have sleepless nights due to the loud noises of animals outside. And of course, mosquitoes."

Laura  felt those feelings die instantly.  She turned towards Travis and saw the mesmerizing sight of his handsome face. He was staring at the trees with eyes filled with life.

' My daughter is so lucky to have such a person to be her husband. I honestly feel jealous of her ' she thought with a sad look on her face. Travis turned to her which caught her by surprise, she smiled sweetly at him but Travis had already seen her sad look.

" Whats wrong dear mother?" He asked with a worried look on his face.

Laura got up from the bench and replied " Nothing I'm just feel famished is all. Now let's go take a bite. I would like for you to taste our vast cuisine. "

Travis didn't bother asking more and followed her back to the castle. While walking her asked her to talk about Grace even more which instantly brought back her mood.

On the Ourskirts of the Overland Kingdom. In a peaceful open area. Two figures suddenly came out of a shadow. This was of course Serena and Samantha. When Samantha got out she immediately flash stepped away from Serena getting some safe distance. She looked at her surroundings and saw that there wasn't many shadows here, but her own her shadow and hers.

' I'll have to quicken my reaction for this battle or I'll get beat up by that harlot'

She obviously knew how Serenas powers worked and understood that in this battle victory wasn't her goal. Yet when she realized that the sun was shining down right on her she got an idea.

" I think you're already know what I'm thinking about Serena, so why don't we make a fair fight. I won't use my attribute but only use it to create a weapon of course and you do the same."

" Sure I don't mind that. Now let's start I'm getting a little impatient looking at your face" She said with a smirk.

A beautiful black sythe appeared in her hand. No light could get reflected on this sythe, it only absorbed the energy from the sun making it even deadlier.

On Samantha's side a beautiful dark orange katana blade formed put of flames infront of her. Her weapon drew the heat from the sun to make it stronger. These were their soul weapons solely created from how sharp their souls were. They say a soul weapon is as strong or as smart as its user. Due to their intense amount of power their weapons are easily the one of the  deadliest pieces of weaponry on the planet.

The bright sun shining in the back ground, illuminating on the battle field. The stood there with smirks on they're faces. This would be their 1000th fight. And they were excited to see who was going to win this one.

When they were about to fight the ground underneath them began to tremble tremendously. Serena used her shadow sight to see what was happening underneath them. Then suddenly.


A giant earth worm came out the ground. Surprised by this a little they quickly backed up and gagged its level.

" Its a level 50. It's an easy target but the question is what the fuck is it doing here?"

Earth worms are creatures that live underneath the earth. They normally never come out the earth unless they need some supplements from nature, like trees and such. Other than that they mostly stay underground making them one of the most passive monsters. Yet seeing this was with clear intent to kill them really baffled them both.

" Let's just kill it we'll ask questions later" Serena said with angered tone. She was really annoyed the worm since it ruined their battle.

Samantha nodded and they both blitzed in sync.


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