Harem life

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While Travis was sleeping on the couch, the girls came and took him back to his room, they didn't even leave after that, they stayed and waited for Travis to wake up so that he can get his reward. Grace had already healed Travis which made her gain even more power, making everyone jealous of her hacks. Now it was just a waiting game.

While they did that they explored his room even though it was pretty small but the had many cool things. Like a huge TV and a console. Plus the mountain pile of games on the floor. They were shocked to see Travis's bathroom, especially Vena who didn't remember it being this nice when she was here before.

After a couple hours of waiting Travis woke up and saw some of the girls laid beside him while others were playing games on the console. He slowly sat up and leaned on the wall behind him, Grace and Scarlett who were right next to him were happy to see him awake.

" Yo! Travis, how was your nap?" Scarlett asked with her usual foxy smile planted on her face.

" It was alright, but why is everyone in my room right now" He asked while staring at her  cleavage, everyone had gotten comfortable and either removed their shirts and stayed with bras or unbuttoned their shirts.

She saw Travis was fully focused on her breasts so she held them and pushed them together. " Ohh we just wanted to surprise you. Do my breasts arouse you or something?" She asked in a teasing tone.

Travis nodded and just wanted to sleep on those melons." Why don't you grab them then?" She said while staring into his eyes, she was completely serious about him touching her boobs right now.

And Travis who wasn't a pussy, moved his hands and was about to grab them but Grace got in his way." No Travis! You first have to grab mine before you grab hers. Since mine are much bigger I'm sure you're going to enjoy them." She said in a commanding tone.

Travis scratched his head in confusion. All these girls were really open to him right now and last he checked they weren't even fully in love with him. He checked his System and saw that he had gained a skill when he won against Chris.

[Male bestie Rizz: The ultimate skill that makes every girl want to test their skills on you before they ever try them on their boyfriends. DRAWBACK: every guy hate your guts when activated]

' Who the hell turned it on. Ohh yeah its must've been bro. Well that doesn't matter.'

While he was thinking the who were playing games came to the bed and they all climbed on it and huddled around Travis who was in their middle.

" Now that you've won Travis,  we want to give you your reward. All the girls have decided and chose to have the same reward as everyone. So get ready to get your mind blown" Azusa said with a smirk on her face.

' Are they gonna give me head??' Travis wondered.

One by one all the girls took off their shirts and bras as they're boobs were revealed to Travis. Even Cyrene did it which was something extremely rare.

' Yesss every man's dream. Yet I get to live it!!!' He shouted in his head in excitement.

If he wasn't a pro , he'd have already gotten a boner right now. Luckily he had experience. Travis was looking at all the boobs which all looked mesmerizing and hot. He even noticed that some of the girls had gotten a tan from training in their spots bras during the hot blazing sun was shinning over them. This made them look much more sexy.

" So what do you think?" Out of everyone. The cute innocent Cyrene had asked this question.

Travis quickly got his thoughts straight and began to focus on all the breasts that were spread around him. " Its alright honestly. I would've preferred them pressed against my face honestly " He answered. This was the ultimate degenerate thing to say and Travis said it without hesitation.

Nicolette of course wasn't going to let Travis's hope and dreams die so she did what he had preferred. Planting her huge boobbs on his face to which Travis happily accepted while holding her waist. This was of course meant that she was choosing Travis to become her lover.


[ Host has stole another Heroine from the protagonist. Nicolette Adamos is now in your potential harem list.]

' Where the hell his  bro. Maybe he left on vacation with his family'

[ Reward

5 level ups]

'What the fuck!! Thats too op' Travis thought.

Your probably wondering how was Nicolette putting her breasts against his face an act of confession. Well first of all, Succubuses are not allowed to do anything intimate with a person who they don't love. Also all this time Nicolette hasn't had had her ring on her finger. This ring allowed her to seal most of her beauty so that men wouldn't turn into horny monsters. And in Travis's presence she roamed around with that ring on her and he didn't seem to become crazed in lust for her. This confirmed the second requirement for a Succubus to see a person as a lover. Immunity to her beauty. So she decided to go in and make Travis her lover.

' I made the right choice. But we still have to go through the south side together. But I believe we won't have a problem with that when the time comes.' She thought to herself.

This action made all the girls angry, they pulled Nicolette away and one by one they shoved their melons on Travis's face. Which he happily welcomed. They were all squishy and plump which Travis loved. With this he was sure that dying anytime soon wouldn't be a problem cause he now had no regrets.

After that Travis laid on the bed while the girls cuddle around him. Nicolette being more assertive she, slept infront of his dormat cock. She hoped to wake up and see it awake in its glory.

'Yeah I'm living the dream '

While with Chris who was sleeping in the next room thinking about today's match. He was impressed on how quick he could easily get stronger then a person just from refusing to give up. But he still wonders who was the voice that spoke to him during the match.

' I guess I'll have to get stronger to find out'he thought.

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