Dream King

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In a dark room a man with bright green eyes kept staring at the photo on the wall which depicted the fall of the castle of Overland Kingdom where the royal family resided. He smirked even though it wasn't very visible in the dark room. The picture soon changed and turned into a picture of Grace wearing a wedding dress. These Ai pictures are getting out of hand real fast. He took of his pants and began to wank at the photo. When he was about to nut Paul appeared and by coincidence he had his dick pointed at his face , so all his guey whites were sprayed all over his face.

" Uhhhgg fuck Paul what is wrong with you!!!. Can't a man jerk off with no problems!!!" He shouted in anger and he turned around with his chair and stared at Paul who was blank faced.

" Sorry Master Dream but i have something important to report to you" He said with a bow.

Dream wiped his face off with his shirt and cleared his throat. " Okay tell me these important news you have "

" Thank-you for sparing me Master Dream. But I'm afraid the news I bare are bad ones. Young Miss Grace has a Lover and His name is Travis Wyatt a commoner" He said. These words had Dream shocked to his wits. His eyes flickered bright as he stood from his chair.

" Yess now I see him, Travis Wyatt, I wonder how he'll enjoy a dream filled with his worst nightmares" he said while snickering. He went to the picture of Grace and caressed it with his hand.

" My Darling Grace, no one other than me can have you. You might get mad when you find out that i killed you boyfriend but I assure you it was out of love and not pure Fury." He said with a crazed smile,  his dick began to get hard again and he stroked it widly while breathing like a pig.

Paul had to turn around and cover his ears as Dream began to moan. He went pressed a button on his seat and a 6inch glass dildo popped out, he sat on top of his and he started to move up and down as he masturbated.

' My Master Sure is Kinky, it's getting me hard as well'

[ A/N: And no not all the Villain will be like this, I was just feeling a bit of inspiration after seeing a video on Tiktok]

When he nutted Dream sighed tiredly. He cleaned his hand and turned around and faced Paul who was staring at the ceiling with his ears plugged.

"Alright I'm done Paul let's continue with our discussion. I want you to keep gaurd on this Travis guy and find out all his weaknesses." He commanded.

Paul nodded and opened an invisible door and entered in it. After he left Dream put on a mask and took  his laptop out and started his stream.

" Alright guys today we're playing Rlcraft"

Back with Travis after the dream and the talk with Lisa,  he was now outside on the courtyard looking at some ants walking on the ground. Then suddenly Paul appeared beside him.

" Where are the others?" He asked.

Travis shrugged his shoulders and continued to watch the ants travel in a straight line. The others soon came and they're training began.

" Alright since I told you all today's Training was going to be hard right. It's time for for you all to suffer the true pain of controlling your Energy. What your going to do is stop a flowing river of water with your energy. This isn't a simple assignment, you have to control your thoughts and emotions while having to keep your energy stable while aslo moving the right amount to you hands. Pretty hard right, yeah I know. Let's go" They all dissappeared and were now in the middle of forest beside a river.

" I'll demonstrate of course " He said with a cockly smile on his face. He entered the water and placed his hands inside. Suddenly the water began to glow bright orange, then the water stopped. No water passed behind him him.

" You see easy right. Now I know this will take too much time if I make you all to this one by one so why don't you all go at it at the same time" He said while laughing hard. He sat on a Rock and  took out a thick book which he used to taunt them. Well it didn't work.

" Alrigt let's do this. He doesn't know that he just made our job easier. We all have individual jobs, well some have to work together now that I think about it. You can all sign your own job I'll just embue my energy" No one had a problem with that plan. Travis's job was arguably the hardest since he had to stable his energy to not kill everyone else in the water by mistake. Well they didn't know that could happen if things went wrong, which is probably a good thing.

Travis took his pants off and shirt and entered the water, everyone else did the same after they had been assigned their jobs. The river was waist deep so he didn't have to bend ,his hands were already in the water as he began to embue the river with his energy. He used the red one since they normally saw that instead of the purple. The river glowed deep red as it filled with blood. The others began to do what they were said to do.

Slowly and slowly the river water began to slow down. The wild rapids turned into a  calm stream as they water continued to flow down. Then suddenly every single drop of water in the river stopped.

Paul who was reading started to hear nothing. He looked to the side of his boll and saw that they had all stopped the flow of the river water. His jaw dropped to teh floor like a  cartoon. Paul got off his rock and walked towards them.

" How did you?...... so fast........ it's not supposed to go this fast" He said with wide  open eyes.

The water began to flow again and they all got out the river with happy expressions. Paul frowned  and went back to his rock.
They got dressed and he returned them back to the courtyard. While Travis and the others were busy celebrating he suddenly felt the same aura he felt last night when he was outside. He saw Paul entering through his doors then the aura vanished.

' Ohh so Paul is on his side. Not surprising Honestly ' he thought.

Many days passed and they had finished all they're lessons. Paul retired as they're teacher due to stress and continued to work as the Royal Family Gaurd.  Today was the day of his date with Grace and she was very excited for it. She wore a beautiful white shirt and a black shirt with a black jacket and she also carried a purse. She wore tall sneakers and some jewelry. Grace was looking hot asf, and Travis was looking drippy as always.

'With this Travis will be fully drawn to me. For today that is ' Through the days she learned to share him but she was still a crazy yandere that would kill any outsider girl who stared at Travis. Let's hope that doesn't happen today.

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