I Do Not Have Plot Armor!!

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Travis quickly reached the floor and landed like a superhero, creating a powerful shock wave that shook everyone around him. As he surveyed the area, he realized that there was no one in sight. Determined, he entered the castle doors and sprinted towards the stairs, heading for the third floor where Grace's room was located. However, what he saw made him question just how foolish he had made Dream's character out to be. Dream was sitting on the door, singing the opening theme from Naruto Shippuden, "Sign Flow".

"Hey, Dream. How have you been?" Travis asked as he approached him. Dream quickly stood up and stared intensely at Travis.

"You're back! How?" Dream asked in shock. Travis didn't feel like explaining the whole story, as it would take too long for Dream to fully understand.

"Let's just fight, Dream. You know this won't end peacefully, so get ready." Travis said, assuming a fighting stance resembling the legendary Turtle Hermit stance. Dream smiled in response and summoned silver metal gloves.

"Alright, let's duel. And then I'll go take care of my darling," Dream said confidently. Travis nodded and the two of them dashed out of the castle at blinding speeds, appearing in the air as they unleashed powerful strikes at each other.


Their punches created shock waves that shook everything nearby, causing both of them to be momentarily pushed back. However, they quickly flew back towards each other. Dream attempted a fast jab to the head, but Travis dodged the punch and counter-attacked with a quick punch to the gut. The punch landed, but didn't do much damage. Dream then grabbed Travis by the head, attempting to bring him down to his knees, but Travis had a surprise in store for him.

"You fell right into my trap. Not that surprising, to be honest," Travis taunted as Dream fell to the ground. Travis watched as Dream writhed in pain.

With Dream incapacitated, Travis infused his fist with energy and delivered a powerful punch to Dream's internals, specifically targeting his unprotected lower body. Dream fell to the ground, and Travis couldn't help but recall all the events that led up to this moment, fueling his fury and causing him to scream loudly.


What happened next was unexpected. Travis's energy began to rise at an alarming rate, as if he was transforming into a Super Saiyan. Travis observed this with a smirk on his face. Suddenly, a green aura enveloped his body as he stopped falling. He turned his body upright and looked up at the now smirking Travis, only fueling his anger further.

Dream called for Paul, who appeared instantly. "Take care of him, but don't kill him. When I signal you again, leave," Dream commanded.

Paul nodded, and Dream disappeared, leaving Paul to face Travis with a giant smirk on his face. Paul had always yearned for a fight against Travis, and now he finally had the chance. However, little did he know that Travis was already preparing himself.

"I can't win here unless I use my Unstoppable Will. Ugh, I really hate that ability. Well, maybe it'll be better this time since I'm stronger now," Travis thought to himself.

" Nah it don't work like that fam"

"Hey, you're still alive? It's been a while," Travis mentally communicated with a voice.

"Yeah, I've been on vacation. By the way, you won the bet," the voice replied.

"I completely forgot about the bet, to be honest," Travis admitted.

"For real? Well, let's forget about that. The ability doesn't work the way you described. You'll experience all the pain and receive backlash. Many people will accuse you of having plot armor," the voice explained.

"I don't care. This guy wants to kill me, so screw that plot armor crap," Travis responded.

"Alright then. Good luck," the voice said before fading away.

Travis activated his Unstoppable Will. A dark red aura surrounded his entire body as he hovered off the ground, propelled higher into the sky by the surging power within him. The power caused the sky to clear, removing all clouds from the capital. Travis looked down at Paul.

"How is he just as strong as me now? That's impossible!" Paul exclaimed, trying to comprehend the situation. Travis saw this as an opportunity to strike.

In an instant, Travis vanished. The sudden change in weather ceased, as if nothing had happened, but Paul was fully aware of what transpired. This was because it had happened to him.

Travis's eyes glowed brightly as he appeared in front of Paul, his hand tightly gripping Paul's neck, causing him to struggle for breath. Travis's Emperor's Haki instilled fear in Paul, making his limbs grow cold. Paul couldn't move as Travis stood there, exuding an aura of death, even though he hadn't made a single move.

"I need to keep the pressure on and make him think I have the upper hand. Luckily, he doesn't know I only have about three minutes left. But it should be enough, especially since we're so fast," Travis thought.

Travis lifted Paul off the ground, only to slam him back down the next moment.


Travis then leaped back, allowing them to resume the fight on equal footing. The purpose of his previous attack was merely to intimidate Paul. Paul rose from the rubble as if nothing had happened, convinced that Travis had been holding back. He soon realized that the overwhelming feeling had vanished. He looked at Travis, who stood expressionless.

"Let's have a fair fight, no superpowers, just a plain old fist fight," Travis suggested with a slight smile, aiming to show that he was calm.

"Okay, that's fine. Let's go," Paul agreed. Travis smirked inwardly, knowing that Paul had fallen for his act.

"Get ready, then," Travis warned before swiftly moving towards Paul. Paul dodged the punch aimed at his face, but Travis quickly adjusted his hand and struck him with his elbow.

"Augh, fuck! You hit hard," Paul exclaimed, retaliating by hitting Travis in the back of his leg, causing him to slightly bend his knees. He then delivered a kick to Travis's gut. Travis, however, endured the kick with ease, only stumbling slightly before regaining his stance, which now resembled a normal boxing guard.

Travis threw a right jab at Paul's face, which he managed to dodge. Paul then aimed a left punch at Travis's liver, but Travis blocked it with his wrist, leaving Paul vulnerable to a punch to the face from Travis. Blood spewed from Paul's mouth and nose, and he staggered backward. However, he quickly regained his composure and returned to the fight.

It is important to note that their movements were not just fast, but incredibly swift and almost invisible to the naked eye. The shock waves generated by their attacks seemed to distort reality. Though Travis had landed a solid blow, he knew he had less than a minute left. He needed to end the fight before anyone could intervene. However, he hated relying on others, so he resolved to finish it on his own terms.

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