What The f is Happening

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Chapter 70
Samantha laughed when seeing Travis try to  blow out the juices from his nose. She got off  the the bed and opened a portal back to her office, taking her phone from the table and passed it to Travis and sat back down next  to him as she  watched  him add  his number to her phone.

" I've been looking for a guy in this Kingdom so I guess you'll be him. Don't worry I'm a faithful girl"

Travis laughed at the last part, sure she wouldn't fuck anyone else but to him that doesn't mean anything. He wanted to raise her affection and the only way to do that was to act fearless.


" That's cool, I'm not keen on sharing things I own" He said.

She giggled and  crawled behind him wrapping her hands around his neck, and pressing her breasts against his back.

" So you own me now? I sort of like the sound of that." She said seductively into his ear. Travis was now fighting his demons and tried to act nonchalant.

Sure he's experienced but infront of an Eroge character who's very appearance can give any guy a boner, it was like all his Exp was nothing. She slowly began to lick his ear, he doesn't know why she liked licking his ear. Well he wasn't complaining.

" I wish we could continue but I have something important to do. Don't worry Travis I'll be handling all your sexual needs from now on, well until you decide to bang one of your Harem members. "

Travis laughed" I guess I'll also be handling yours too." He said in a teasing tone.

Samantha didn't say anything back instead she stared at him with her seductive beautiful blue eyes. She untied her hair and it fell  majestically down her face, she blew it back and created a brush out of fire.

Travis got up from the bed and looked around her realm. It was very overwhelming, this place was made out of pure energy and if a normal person would to enter this place they would die the next second.

He could also get a realm in the future but Travis doesn't really find any need to have one other then to flex on people. He turned back and saw her clothes were changed into newer ones.

Since this place is compressed of her element and desire, she could  do anything here, even kill Travis with a thought. Which is why most people don't pick fights with Elementals, they have the highest chance of getting a realms while domains have the lowest.

" Are you done looking around. Be grateful your the first person to ever enter this place and live to tell the tale. Now let's go back, I'll text you when I'm feeling like getting some of your cock. "

They were both engulfed with flames again and appeared back  in  her office with them both sitting on the chairs. Travis got up from his seat and walked out , leaving Samantha with her thoughts.

' I wouldn't mind being in his harem if he wanted me to ' She thought while staring down at his number. She went to her contacts and deleted all the previous men she had talked to during her adventures. Only 4 out of them all had sex with her while the others were just entertainment for her. Now remember these people have been with her about 40 or 20 years ago so bro she's basically a inexperienced. So yeah be happy bro


Travis went back to his dorm since there was no reason to stay in school. When he got to the dorms he felt someone was flying to his direction at blinding speeds,  he looked up and saw a girl with red hair and  blue aura surrounding her body as she fell towards him.

" Travie!!!!"

When she was close to crashing into him she stopped and landed on the ground infront of him. Lucy hugged him closely while trying to contain her excitement. Travis hugged her back which was very wholesome.

" I missed you so much!!! How have you been?" She exclaimed loudly while hanging from his neck. Travis held her up by her ass which made her pout.

" You only missed my butt, that's soo fucked up Travie!! Well it doesn't matter atleast you missed a part of me"

Travis laughed as he placed her down." I mean how could I not miss that ass. How have I been? Pretty Great. What about you?"

She thought for a second and thought of what she wanted to tell him, then decided to tell him everything. Travis already saw this coming so he said they should go talk in his room.

When they arrived Lucy became comfortable and took off her clothes and stayed with her sports bra and panties. She sat with her legs crossed on the couch while Travis sat with his underwear.

She stared at his body and started touching his muscles and was very impressed with his Change. Travis was also looking at her breasts which seemed to have grown bigger and when he felt her ass before he noticed that it had also became fatter.

Such wonderful character development.

" Wow Travis they've literally worked you hard. You now have the perfect male physique in my opinion." She excitedly said.

Travis pulled her close and placed her over him , she giggled and stared at his eyes and was Captivated by the sight. Travis ran his hand through her hair and pulled her into embrace. He had genuinely missed her.

After a while he let her  go and they continued to stare at each other. Lucy slowly went in for a kiss,  their lips were about to meet when the door suddenly bursted open.

' Fuuccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk' Travis screamed in his head.

Nothing pisses Travis off more than a cock block. The girls saw their wonderful student council president on top of their hubby. They looked closer and noticed that they were half naked. Listening closely they heard the sound of love music coming from the speakers. Lucy's clothes were also right on the doorstep which meant they were really excited to do it together.

" Travis!! How could you do such a thing. Think about the children Travis! The children!!! " Nicolette shouted while holding back her 'tears'.

She entered the room and pushed Lucy off Travis and got on top of him.

" He's mine,  so find another" She said while slowly sinking into to his warm chest and sniffing it widly.

'This is way better than any drug' She thought.

Lucy couldn't help but laugh out loud till she was brought to tear. She wiped them off and looked at Travis who was watching the scene with a blank face.

" They're really funny, I wouldn't mind being their fellow sister" She said.

The others who at the door and standing their with widened eyes came back to their senses. Behind them a two dudes were spying on the conversation. Cyrene blinded them with her light , she pushed the others inside and slowly closed the door while saying.

" This never happened"

A couple minutes later everyone was now caught up with Travis and Lucy's relationship. They were quite jealous that Travis and her had a date before and how she basically met him first. Well Travis was still sulking at the corner while looking out the window since he didn't get his balls licked.

"Don't worry  Travis , I'll kiss you" Azusa tried to cheer him up but it didn't work.

" Kissing won't lick my balls " He said as if he didn't just get some soul snatching head an  hour ago.

Suddenly a portal made out of flames opened from the ceiling and Samantha dropped in, literally. Then another portal opened yet this one made everyone shiver. It was made out of ice and cold mist came out the portal. Heather walked out with a tea cut and smiled at the sight of everyone in the room.

" Ohh is there some kind of meeting happening?" She asked while sipping on some tea.

Akari walked in through the door." There two guys screaming down the hall saying their blind, what's up with that?" She asked , then she turned to everyone and waved at them.

Serena came out Scarletts shadow  wearing a seductive black nightgown and said while her eyes were covered by a mask  "  Scarlett dear, Daddy wants to speak to you" She turned the portal towards Scarlett but when then she removed the eye mask after sensing many energies in the room she  was stunned.

" what the fuck is happening here!!!"

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