Game God

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When they were all done running, Travis quickly went back to his room and took a bath,r right after he was done. He went down to the dinning hall to get some breakfast. When he arrived Travis saw the guys chilling together so he went and sat with them.

He ordered a proper meal instead of the pancakes he would normally eat. He talked with Kevin and Chris for a whole hour while he ate. Well he finished much earlier.

" Hey Travis, did Grace say anything to you?" Chris asked in a quiet tone, looking around to see if someone was looking.

Travis shook his head and said" Nah bro I haven't really asked. Didn't get a nice chance to do that. Maybe today I might get lucky and meet her. "

Chris nodded and didn't bother asking more about the topic. Travis checked the time and decided to leave.

" Aight boys, see y'all later"

He went back to his room and changed into a black long sleeve shirt and navy blue track suit pants. Which is a quite normal style but he didn't care. After that Travis laid back on his couch and waited for Vena to arrive. After a minutes he heard a knock on the door which he assumed was her.

He opened the door and it truly was Vena , who was wearing a gray hoddie and black mini skirt.  ' I guess she can drip'

He let her in , to which she didn't hesitate and walked into his room. She scanned the whole room and noticed the pile of games on his desk.

" I'm gonna go check if i like any of them" She said blankly.

Travis nodded and watched as she skimmed through the games. He sat on his bed which in this angle be could see her panties from, since she was crouched down with her legs joined together like a lady but he could see a glimpse of white floral panties.

'Ohh she wears the fancy kind of underwear. I mean she is a princess so why am I surprised. '

He removed his focus from her panties and started watching some TV. Since the TV was adjustable he could make so that it would face his direction while laid back on the bed. This TV was lazy heaven. Not contradictory.

When Vena was done she walked around the couch and approached him, she sat on the bed and shoved the games into his face.

" I like these ones but I'd like to play them first. " She said.

Travis nodded, he got up and readjusted the TV. He turned the console on and gave Vena a joystick since it was a player one game. He then sat back down and took his phone out and watched some Tubeyou.

Vena played the game for a while and found it very interesting, so she decided to take it. She walked to Travis again this time she climped on the bed and sat next to him.

" I like this game. So I'm gonna borrow it. Let's play some two player games, you have a second joystick right?"

" Yeah I do, let me adjust the TV so we can play while laying on the bed"  what he just said didn't even sound slightly wrong to her.

When he was done he laid back on the bed while she sat up and leaned on the wall. Travis opened the window which was on his left since he wanted some fresh air.

They then started playing, the game was basketball and Travis would destroy her, even if she was an experienced gamer, Travis was on Xgames mode. The first match ended in a draw which was due to Travis enjoying the sight of his prey having a bit of hope. The next match he won by 3  points more then she had. Which didn't make her lose spirit since she could have easily covered the score.

In the next 2 games they drew, then the last game came. Travis completely decimated her , she only got in a couple points which Travis had gave her through fouls but after that he would continue to ravage her.

' Yeah I'm the best in the game ' he thought as he slowly turned to Vena who was staring at the screen in shock.

' He was holding back the whole time.' She thought.

" Well those were some good games weren't they?" He said while getting up from bed. He took some drinks out the mini fridge and gave one to her.

" You were toying with me, weren't you?" She asked.

Travis nodded." Yes I was. How does that make you feel?" He asked.

' Good'

" I hate this feeling. I'm taking this game so I can get better at it. By Monday I'll be better than you" She said blankly.

She took a sip of the drink and liked the taste. ' This is good' She thought.

" Sure I don't mind you borrowing it. Don't really play this game." He said.

Checking the time, he saw that it was still early for him to go visit Nicolette. So he would spend some more time hanging out with Vena who seemed to be enjoying the drink he had gave her.

That's what he did, Travis and Vena stayed together for the rest fo the day. Switching from game to game when they got bored. In this process Vena began to trust Travis even more than before. She even started liking him in a way. Bringing Travis closer to his goal.

Well sure he still had to go through her arc but he's sure that he could maybe get her before he arc starts. Vena just needed attention and for him to notice the little things she cares about, with that Travis can make her like him even more.

It was now a couple minutes passed five, Travis was really tired of playing games the whole time. He told Vena he was going downstairs to get something to eat and she nodded in response.

When he came back he found her sleeping on his bed which looked really cute. He sat on the couch and chatted to the others since he had many messages he needed to answer. After that he ate some of the  food and left.

' Well she's now comfortable to even sleep in my room without no worries. Another W I'd say. Now I gotta go tackle a Succubus that might just kill me with its beauty'

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