Tournament Part 6

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They both stood in the same position as they were before the fight started, yet this time Logan wasn't just here to injure him, if by chance he wanted to kill him. Travis wasn't fazed in anyway. He  would still win this fight. Plus he was holding back the whole time. Of course he wouldn't tell Logan that or he'd really be terrified.

Logan made yet another spear yet no armor,  he infact pull all his energy into his physical body instead of his attribute. He wanted to fight him like a man. Totally forgetting he just water blasted him while he was back was turned.

' I guess he's finally taking this serious. Well this might be fun then' he thought.

Logan blitzed to Travis slashing his spear at him, Travis side stepped and threw a punch to his face which landed and jerked his neck back. But he did fall he continued to strike Travis,  as he slashed left and to right in fast speeds. Travis was dodging him like a black father dodging child support.

Logan stabbed at Travis,  who leaped up and landed on his spear and kicked him in the face sending him flying into the wall.


Thought the kick packed some power Travis didn't put enough to get to pass out. On purpose of course.  Logan got up and winced in pain, he noticed that his nose had broken from the kick yet he didn't focus on that. He threw his spear at Travis as it teared through the air and flew to him.

Travis blinked and the spear evaporated into vapor. How'd his do that, well he scared the water. Well explain later. This fight was completely one sided. Logan hadn't injured Travis even. While he was completely fucked.

Some of them watching just wanted him yo quit cause this fight is clearly going no where. While others admired his courage and will. Ryan who was watching this smirked and thought.

' Maybe Logan is not bad after all'

Back with the fight Travis was completely bored. So he decided to end it one and for all and what better way then a nice show.

He pulled his arm back as his whole body got surrounded by a dark red aura. His eyes shone bright and the ground underneath them started to tremble. It trembled so much that it broke into tiny debrees that floated into the air. Logan slowly began to back up as he felt the intent coming from Travis. He was terrified. When looking at him he saw nothing but an empty abyss that threatened to kill him.


Travis blitzed towards him like lightning as he flashed infront of him, and threw a punch yet stopped right as it was about to impact.


A strong gust of wind blew Logan into the wall , he felt himself being crushed by the sheer power of the punch even though it didn't touch him. Logan passes out a second later and fell to the ground when the wind stopped.

Like that the fight was over. The whole coliseum of people roared in cheers. For the this fight was the best they had ever seen yet. Travis walked back to the tunnel without even waving at the crowd, he was too lazy to do that.

He didn't use his full strength in the last blow or he might have destroyed him. Even though that punch was strong , Travis still couldn't destroy the barrier, in the future Chris was named as the first ever to destroy it during a different tournament. He used this calculate his level of power in the feats Chris had made in the future.

When he came back to his room , he was about to lay down when he felt his head landing on something squishy and warm. He looked up and saw Samantha staring down at him. Travis laid back and closed his eyes as he enjoyed the rare lap pillow.

Samantha said nothing to him, she just wanted to praise him for his calmness in the heat of battle which was a rare thing for someone as young as him to be able to do. She enjoyed the show of strength he had put in this match and decided to congratulate him with a nice pillow lap. This was the most greatest reward a man could get besides a blowjob and pussy. So he Travis treasured this wonderful soft and squishy lap pillow by the fifth strongest woman in the world. Even though she was number 3 on the SS tier hunter list. There were four other women who were stronger than her. The ones revealed being Serena Fury Scarletts sister and Heather Ford.

The other woman will be revealed in time. Chris who was in on the other side was busy preparing himself mentally,  he was an active overthinker which was how Travis designed him.

' I just have to end the fight as quickly as I can or I'll lose alot of energy. Since he's fast he might get tired of avoiding me then should I drag the fight? Fuck I don't know 'just that he began overthinking again.

In the original game Grace would have game and calmed him down with a hot kiss to the lips, but he doesn't have that affection from her at the moment. Well it's not that he was gonna lose.

Greg who wasn't that focused on anything was busy watching videos on his phone. He was very calm at the moment. He knew the fight would go his way since he had a great secret that no one knew, except for Travis.

' Alright time to go' he told himself as he got up.

Chris also got up from the couch and walked out the room. He appeared in the dark tunnel and saw the light at the end or it. Slowly walking towards it with a calmed expression.

' Alright I got this!' He told himself.

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