Time Skip

859 31 10

Well class ended after they fought the Onis. Samantha was very proud of everything for easily defeating them, she even told everyone a secret that really shocked them to the core. Well except Travis you sort of suspected it.

" Those Onis were actually level 9. That's why it was so easy for you all to win. I mean you all even fought a hoard of them yet you didn't lose. No matter how strong a level 10 you are you can't beat another enemy with the same level as you who has strength in numbers. So now that we're done I hope you're ready for survival class on the next term it's not gonna be tough for I trust you all, now let's go back"

After that they all returned back to the school and took some showers rinsing of their sweat. Even though the sudden truth did make them feel a little less confident everyone decided to put this expedition behind them and move on. When Travis was done taking a shower he got out and sat on a bench and waited for the girls to finish. Grace saw Travis from her shower window and told everyone that he was waiting outside.

" Well then let's hurry up so that we don't  make him wait too long" Azusa said.

They all agreed and started bathing faster, Nicolette finished first and ran out the bathroom , when she saw Travis she jumped on top of him as she held his face and slowly leaned down for a kiss. Travis didn't stop her and let her kiss him. They're lips joined together as they started kissing, slowly but surely they got in sync with each other, Travis's tounge entered her mouth that happily accepted it as their tounges clashed with each other fluently. She blushed a little as they kiss was very arousing to her especially since she now wanted to make him her mate. Nicolette felt her mind tingle in excitement which went down and rushed to all the parts of her body giving her a wave of bliss. She moaned seductively which didn't got unnoticed by Vena who was quickly trying to put her clothes on.

' That Thot, how dare she steal my man!' She thought angrily and ran out the bathroom. Seeing Nicolette sitting on his lap and while they kissed really enraged her.

" Hey you wench! Get of my man!" She shouted and appeared right infront of them, pulling Nicolette away as a string of saliva still connected their kiss. Her eyes were filled with love as she stared at Travis with amazement. She wanted more.

" Now it's my turn" Vena said as she got on top of Travis and repeated the process of a passionate kiss. They're kiss was much more sloppy and sexy in a way from how possessive Vena was of Travis. She knows that in the end Travis might not pick her only but atleast she wanted to be his first wife.

Which was never gonna happen since Travis doesn't plan of having marriage hierarchy.  They continued to kiss while Nicolette sat their beside them and trying to gather her thoughts into one her head was completely filled by the mesmerizing kiss they just had.

The other girls soon came and saw Vena and Travis kissing passionately while Nicolette sat their in daze.

" What just happened?" This was a question they all asked themselves.

Even though seeing Travis and Vena kissing made them want to murder Vena right now they were able to hide that urge like normal people would. If hiding was death glaring at Vena for the whole three minutes the kiss lasted then yes hiding very well. After that they all somehow wanted to come to his room to which he didn't mind.

' Yeah I need some rest. Not that I'm tired but I just feel like sleeping for some reason' Travis thought.

While walking he noticed some people were spying on him from very far. Travis acted as if he didn't even notice them since they weren't worth his time. When they all got to his room Travis laid on the bed on his back while the others either sat on the couch and watched TV or sat next to him and watch him sleep. Well whatever they did had nothing to do with him in any way.

After a couple minutes Travis had already fallen deep in sleep.

" Hey guys I think he's sleeping. Let's check what we said we would check" Scarlett whispered which everyone heard loud and clear since they were waiting for this.

They all gathered on the bed around Travis and stared at him as he slept. Nicolette was busy taking photos of him from all angles while giggling like a crazy person, it seemed that the previous kiss was still planted in her mind.

The confident one which was Valentina slowly pulled his pants down, they saw the huge bulge from his cock. They blushed a little and Valentina wanted to pull down his drawers when Travis suddenly opened his eyes and stared at everyone. He was calm as ever and didn't say anything for the next 20 seconds which was very awkward for everyone, well Nicolette was still taking pictures of course.

" You could have asked me to send you nudes of my own you know" Travis calmly said.

They're eyes shone brightly in excitement. " Then will you send them to us?" They all asked in union.

" no not really. " He said blankly.

They're smiles returned to frowns, Travis sat up and sat against the wall behind. He looked at everyone with a complex stare. He didn't really care that they tried to get him naked since he had zero shame. In fact this would just amplify their lust for him since right now only Vena and Nicolette were turned on right now.

The system unlocked the lust meter right after he made the girls fall in love with him. Most girls felt aroused by him during their  fights which was very weird while Nicolette and Vena were constantly aroused by him. 

' Yeah they're really built different. I should start working on making everyone feel lust from me just by my presence'

[ Mission Complete]

'Oh yeah I  did get a mission, how'd I forget that.' Travis thought.

[ Mission objective: Kill 50+ Onis using One Punch. ( Status; complete)


Love Pheromone: This will make any woman fell aroused by the aroma exuding from your body( Requirements; A person should be weaker or on the same level. If they're much stronger they'll just find your aroma pleasing)]

' That's a convenient skill even though I didn't really need it but I use it since it makes my job way easier '

He activated the skill and a violet  aura started coming of his body. He was the only person who could see it of course, Travis started focusing on everyone's reactions while he spoke to them about today's challenge. They all had a visible blush on they're face, everyone stared at Travis affectionately the whole time, they're eye contact was very attractive and could make a peak rizz master stutter while talking. Of course Travis being the rizz God was unfazed by this level of beauty.

He easily brushed his rising boner away and continued listening to everyone's explanations of the fight, they really went in detail , good thing they all basically did the same thing or this would be awkward right now.

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