Tournament Part 7

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Chris and Greg to on opposite sides of each other. Both of them has serious expressions on their faces, Chris drew his sword out which started crackling loudly from the lighting on the blade. Like before his eyes glowed but this time the light was much brighter. Greg saw this and felt a little threatened by Chris's aura, but be quickly put the thought behind his head and focused on the battle, he unsheated his sword and stood in a kendo position but with his blade tilted to the side.

Chris tightly held the hilt of his sword, he slight cracked the floor when he changed his form. Suddenly on the side of his eye a bright blue lighting bolt appeared as his whole left eye glowed white. This was the new technique he had created while training with Samantha.

He called it the bolt of Hermès which everyone was impressed with the name since it sounded cool. Chris was really to use his most strongest ability. While Greg still hid his abilities thinking Chris would be a small fry.

"Alright Fighters. If you're both ready............  Start!"

Silence rang around the whole arena, yet the loud sound of lighting cracking continued to sound in people's ear. Chris moved forward but.....


Chris crashed into the wall behind Greg, he slowly got up from the rubble of stones and got rid of the debrees on him.

' Damn, I did it too much' he thought. He quickly fixed his stance but when looking at his opponent he saw him frozen while staring at him.

Chris wondered why he was frozen , he thought maybe this was his trick so he didn't let his gaurd down. But when catching a sight of one of the crowds people, he saw them also having the same expression as Greg.

' Am I in some kind of Genjutsu?' He wondered.

Travis who was in his room laughed out loud as he watched Chris standing there in confusion" I made him a little too dense" he muttered to himself.

Greg was having an inner battle against his own fear, he scared shitless right now, he's never been close to death like this. Even though Chris wasn't allowed to kill him, the feeling that was running in his body kept warning him that if this wasn't a tournament, he would've been dead.

Chris refused to strike Greg right now since he seemed to not have his gaurd up. Silence continued to consume the arena till the sound of a sword fell to the ground. Greg fell down to his knees and slowly went down to the floor. Foam coming out his mouth as he passed out.

' What just happened?' Chris wondered.

"  Uhhhh yeah. Chris has won this fight!" The ai girls voice sounded in the whole coliseum.

" Yeahhhhhh!!!!!"

" You Gooo prince Chris!!!!"

" I love you!!!!!!!"

" Impregnate me with your greatness!!!!"

" What the fuck!!"

" Man that's to much information"

" I know right, plus it was a guy "

Chris smiled awkwardly and slowly walked back to the tunnel. He kept asking himself what had happened right now. But his mind completely switched and thought of the final.

' I'm facing Travis after this. I should go get some water before the match starte' he thought.

Travis sat back on the couch and was trying his hardest not to laugh. ' Yeah that was a good match. I should go get some food at the snack table outside'

After that Travis left the room and went down the hall to the snack table which had many scrumptious delights of food. Travis took a burger and a drink,  he also took another burger but placed it in his inventory. He then went back to his room and sat back while he ate.

' Are there any other channels on this TV?' He wondered.

In the teachers Lounge,  like usual everyone dude was talking about the match. Saying stuff about Chris's speed and sheer power. The girls however were just talking together since the men were all meat heads. Their thoughts not mine.

" I hate being here. Why don't we go watch the final from the crowd?" Heather asked while sipping some tea in a Nobel way.

Samantha agreed with a slight nod and they both vanished from their seats. They both appeared in the seats behind the girls from SSS class. Normally they'd be supported but they were now used to them popping out from nowhere.

' I wonder how Travis is doing' this thought was from every girl. They had really missed him even though only a few hours had passed without him with them. But this experience made them appreciate his attention more.

Seeing the girls sighing in union both teachers understood that it was probably a boy problem, well a Travis problem since he's the only guy they seem close to in this school.

' I remember a time when I used to fawn a guy but that all changed when I stronger. Now I don't find any guy that appealing or Interesting. Not that I like women though. ' Samantha thought.

' I sort of happy I did change since most girls I used to school with all fell pregnant after we graduated. Well at least they were all married so no one would call them slut. But now that I'm half immortal I'm not that rushed on settling down. There's still alot of time to do that. But maybe Travis might change that for me' She continued, a slight smirk on her lips as she thought about it.

Heather noticed this and also smiled but her smile was pure as the sun.' Little Samantha has found an interesting man for herself. I wonder if it's the same boy as the one , they like. It certainly wouldn't be surprising. I find that boy to be very special in some kind of way' She thought.

Travis was gulping down the soda after he had finished eating all the food." Yeah that hit that spot. "


'What did I get now?'

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