Harem Arc

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After a whole 2 hours of nothing but lying to everyone when he was asked questions Travis went back to his room. His dorm room was the only place where he felt free. I guess all those two years spent in doors made him less of a people person.
After getting changed he chilled on his couch while watching some anime.

He was watching while his body copied all the moves he saw. Yet due to him being Weak he still had to practice them so he could master them. Most techniques like ultra instinct needed him to be in certain level. If he tried using it now he would crash the whole world order since Ultra instinct is on a way other level.

So right now he could only copy some techniques in other shows with weaker power levels. Like Baki, he had already memorized Bakis fighting techniques he just needed to use them.

While Travis was sitting comfortably on the couch he heard a knock on his door. He was pissed since someone was disturbing his quality alone time.

He opened the door and saw Chris standing there. " What you want bro?"

" Yo, can I borrow you note book I'm not caught up in the notes"

Travis took the book from the coffee table and gave it to him." Give it to me tomorrow. "

" What about the homework?"

" I'll write it in class" after saying that Travis closed the door. He jumped on the couch and continued watching anime.

The next day Travis was again woken up by Coach David. He got up and washed his face and teeth. After that he wore his gym clothes and jumped out the window.

After greeting everyone they started their morning four hour run. This time no one complained. When their run was over Travis returned to his room and took a bath. He then wore his uniform and left his room.

On his way to school he caught a glimpse of a red haired girl who was surrounded by many other females. Travis identified her as Lucy since he saw her big booty and he could never forget the sight of a booty.

' it's been a while since I've seen her. Maybe I could give her a visit later on'

Travis arrived in class and sat down on his seat. Samantha soon got in class and took attendance.

" Alright today we'll be learning the basic fighting skills. We'll continue to learn these skills till you've mastered them all. Now let's go. "

Two hours passed and the period was over. Everyone in class master the first level of skills easily since they already knew them. The next two were a bit challenging but they soon got an understanding of it. After they mastered them. She didn't let them move to the fourth one because they needed a lot of time. She said they'd be learning them over the space of this week.

When they returned to class, Travis took his book from Chris and went to Scarlett and copied from her. Reason was he just wanted to get close to her. When he finished copying they talked for while, despite her love for battle she was a really kind girls. Sure she says really fucked up shit from time to time but she's good people.

He then saw Azusa sitting alone while texting on her phone. Azusa was a pretty easy  girl to attract since she had similar interests as dudes. Soo Travis just asked her about yesterday's game which really hooked her well as she started complaining about how her team got mistreated by the ref.

After talking to her Travis gave her his number since they were now close friends. She even texted him while he was sitting with the boys asking if he was gonna watch the the game today.

' Call me the Rizophile. I'm joking '

Suddenly he saw a message saying he got added to the girls group chat.

' Bro I'm in'

Azusa told the girls that she added him and none of them had a problem with it. This shows that Travis has successfully become a close friend to them all.

His job has become much easier. With this Travis could easily get them to like him in due time.

The bell rang and everyone went for breaktime. For some reason David didn't come to class so they a four hour break. Atonement to their four hour run. Travis sat with the guys since it was too early to make a move. If he did right now, he'd seem desperate.

So he'll wait until they call him over or their comfortable to come sit with them. He of course will never leave the boys remember always choose homies over hoes.

Let me check their affection for me'

[ Grace Johnson]
Interest: 25
Trust: 19%
Love: 0%

[ Azusa Strong]
Interest: 36
Trust: 21
Love: 5%

[ Valentina Rose]
Interest: 45
Trust: 27%
Love: 4%

[ Vena Ergella]
Interest: 22
Trust: 0%
Love: 0%

[ Cyrene Bright ]
Interest: 16
Trust: 10%
Love: 0%

[ Scarlett Fury]
Interest: 34
Trust: 16%
Love: 0%

[ Nicolette Adamos]
Interest: 39
Trust: 27%
Love: 3%

'I guess  those trust classes did... work. When I see Akari again I'm gonna give her a kiss'

Meanwhile in the faculty, Akari is currently marking books. She suddenly sneezed out of nowhere which was really odd.

' Who's speaking about me?'

Back with Travis who was done plotting his plan, he ordered his food and sat down where he had sat yesterday which was by the window.

'I guess the harem arc is about to begin. '

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