Tournament Part 4

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In the coliseum, everyone was  sitting in enticipation for the following matches. They all mostly wanted to see Travis and Chris since both of them knew how to impress a crowd. This of course went both way with the teachers, most of them already knew who would be the final Fighters. 

The girls were also excited to see Travis fight his next opponent. They all had discussed and thought smartly about what they were going to reward Travis. Some who don't have a deep relationship with him were still thinking about what to give him. It was only two people and after this Travis would fix that problem.

Chris was sitting idly in his room thinking about his next opponent. Samantha had told him to never take his opponents lightly or he might get surprised during the fight. So right now he's diligently thinking of how to take advantage of his opponents abilities. Since he had watched his first fight he knew well how Greg used Speed to his advantage.

While Travis on the other hand was just sitting back on the couch without a care in the world. There was no reason for him to care either way since his next opponent was just a pebble that he could easily walk over. He's more interested in what his reward would be instead of his match. He had good grasp of what the girls were like since he created them but since this is real life they might surprise.

Logan  was the person Chris was supposed to be fighting in the final. He was fairly strong but his attribute had a huge advantage against Chris since it was water and was basically the weakness for water. But since Travis is Travis,  he does not have that weakness but he knows that Ryan has something planned.

Though he wasn't worried about that. There's still 30 minutes till his fight so he would be sitting here for a while.

In the teachers Lounge.

Almost all the teachers were discussing the following matches or something completely unrelated. While Samantha like usual sat back and did nothing. She wasn't really a people person , she mostly liked training and munching on sweet things. Bored by the old dudes who kept talking loudly she got up and walked out the room, when she was in the hallway she had her hands wrapped under her chest while walking. She had reached the door and left the building.

' Where is the waiting room again?' She thought while walking around the coliseums corridors. When she found the rooms,  she went to Travis's door, since he hadn't hidden his aura from her.

She walked in and saw him relaxed back on the couch. She smiled a little at his carefree nature. He had all the right since he was the strongest in his class , in fact he's the strongest first year at the moment. Travis sat up and grew a small smile as he saw who it was.

" Travis,  you seem quite calm about fighting your next opponent " She walked up to him and sat on the couch he sat at.

" No reason to panic when fighting a weakling. So what are you doing here?" He asked while sitting back on the arm stand with his leg on the couch and facing her.

She shrugged and also sat back." I have no reason on being here honestly. I'm just bored of sitting in a room filled of old men and haughty youths" She answered.

Travis nodded" Well you're more then welcome to sit here with me. Who do you think is gonna win this?" He asked with a smirk planted on his face.

She rolled her eyes and sighed." Of course it's you. Not that I doubt Chris in anyway. But the gab between y'all is pretty large especially since you're in the peak stage of a first year"

" Wow I thought I hid that well, I guess I can hide anything from my lovely Samantha " He said with a slightly chuckle.

She also chuckled a bit and said." Well you gotta be in my level to hide things from me. I know all about you Travis Wyatt "

' Nahh you don't '

" Kinda pisses me off when thinking of another person knowing me. Might just have to silence you in the future" He said in a cold tone.

Of course Travis was just joking right now. He was just trying to play the part of the type of guy Samantha liked. Which a man who has no fears and isn't afraid to fight stronger people even when he's greatly weak. Basically a dumbass like Luffy and Naruto. If they were in this world there's no doubt she'd be fanning over them.

Samantha glanced at Travis with a seductive smile bitting her lower lip" I love that bravery of yours. Get stronger then we might have a proper conversation about silencing me Travis Wyatt "  She used her index finger as she poked his left peck and slowly going down to his abdomen. " Wonderful body you have. But still weak."

After saying that her whole body was engulfed in bright red flames and she disappeared.

' That was Vortax movement, it shows how huge our power is apart. Well I'll get stronger in time I guess '

Samantha appeared back in the room she was originally and sat back and waited for the next match to start. Yet in her mind she was grinning so hard that it would scare anyone if they saw it. She was excited to see Travis's development then when the day comes where he's stronger than, he'll silence her.

Heather also suddenly appeared back in her seat causing a huge gust of wind. She placed her hand mouth as she chuckled a bit.

" Oh sorry about that. I must have forgotten to control myself."

All the people in the room except Samantha laughed awkwardly as they wiped the sweat on the foreheads. Everyone knows that you should never anger Heather.

In the Battle Arena. An announcement rang around the whole place.

" Can the next fighters come to the Arena. The first battle of the semifinals is about to start in a minute"

Logan  who was sitting quietly in his room started smirking and got up from the couch and walked out the room. He was instantly teleported to the tunnel.

While Travis was also teleported. They both walked our the tunnels as the loud roar of people filled the coliseum.  Travis and Logan both had a smirk on their faces as they stared at each other.

' Time to beat the fuck out off a guy named Logan'

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