Yo! Somebody Call Eren

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She tightly held her staff in her hand as she started to draw power from within. The bright blue gem on top began to glow brightly. Grace's skin turned lighter as she also glowed, her eyes suddenly widened as a bright light came from them. Her hair fluttered in the air as her power entered her body.

Bright white clouds gathered over them as she did this. White lightning flashed around them, destroying anything it touched.

Then, after a whole minute, everything went silent. Grace closed her eyes and her arms went down while she still held her staff.

"Wow, new power, pretty cool," Travis said as he raised his thumb up. Grace blushed and wiggled around while giggling. "Thank you, husband," her voice had changed from her normal one. It now sounded like a goddess speaking, which was pretty cool.

Dream watched this in shock, he didn't expect to see Grace gaining a new power. Then again, she did train with Paul before. But that didn't mean he had nothing up his sleeve.

"I see we're all using our full power. Good, now I'll show you what I can do," he said as he smiled evilly. Dream ripped his shirt off, revealing a red gem in the middle of his chest.

"Now you'll see what I can do!" he said with a loud, evil laugh. The gem glowed and red veins began to spread all around his body. His body grew stronger, his mind was overcome by something he had never felt before - pure evil. Dream's green eyes turned black instantly. He hovered above the ground as he looked down at them both.

"I will have my love," he said in a hollow, disfigured voice.

The gem had taken over his emotions. This wasn't Dream anymore, but an evil incarnation of him.

Dream is the son of Gregory, who is Grace's father's brother. Gregory is a Duke in the Kingdom. From a young age, Gregory always would succeed the throne. Yet Gregory didn't care; he found royalty boring, so he settled for just being a Duke in a small village many miles from the capital. With that, he found love and got married. He didn't have a grand wedding; it was just a family event and nothing big.

A couple of months passed, and his wife, who is Dream's mother, falls pregnant. Dream comes into the world, and everyone is happy to see the green-haired bundle of joy. Coincidentally, Grace is born a couple of months later, and they become playdate friends. They grew up and were very close, but then, as time goes on, Dream develops feelings for Grace. Like any other kid with a crush, he tries to push her into loving him. This doesn't go well since Grace would beat him up and run away. Yet Dream didn't give up; he continued to chase her, and Grace would beat the living shit out of him every time.

Now Dream and Grace are separated for good due to Laura finding out. She wants to protect her daughter like any other mother. Dream grows distant from their family and falls into depression. One day he awakens power, which is the power to manipulate dreams. He first thought it was just lucid dreaming, but he soon found that it was more than that. He began to manipulate people's dreams for the fun of it. His father started to train him so he could survive in the world; things go on until he meets Paul, who soon became his subordinate.

That's when he realizes that he has a goal to accomplish, and that is to make Grace his wife. So he becomes evil just to accomplish his goals. He uses his ability to manipulate many people into making them do what he wants. This attracts a certain someone who comes forth and funds his goals. He gives Dream a red gem and tells him that if things go south, he should implant it in himself, and then something big will come and help him.

Now we come back to the present. Dream uses the red gem, and now this giant Titan is ready to kill Travis and partially hurt Grace. Probably.

Travis and Grace stood there with calm expressions. They were busy calculating their chances of winning this battle. From how fast his energy and power were rising, they doubted it a bit, but they still won't give up, not even the slightest.

"Come on, Grace, this'll be the first time we actually fight together. So why don't we do it in style?" Travis said as he held his hand out. She smiled sweetly then took his hand and nodded. "Yeah, let's do this!"

Suddenly, both individuals disappeared.


They left a huge crater underneath their feet as they zoomed towards Dream at blinding speeds. When they got to him, they both sent powerful attacks. Grace used her staff while Travis utilized his fist, but he easily dodged it. The force from their attack could be seen blowing a huge, powerful gust of wind to their surroundings. Yet they hadn't finished, Travis and Grace nodded to each other, and they disappeared again.

Dream looked at them both as they vanished. He wasn't going to lie; at this moment, he couldn't see anything, but using his ears to sense where they were, he was able to dodge. But this time, it caught him by surprise. Travis suddenly appeared in front of his face and kicked him down to the ground.

'How didn't I hear him?'

Yet he couldn't find his thoughts fast enough because Grace also appeared above him and whacked him to the ground in a very powerful strike.

*Si Boooom*

He hit the ground floor at high speeds, creating a huge explosion. Dream hurriedly rose from the ground; he started to panic. Both Travis and Grace were moving faster than he could comprehend, but he could dodge them if he heard them. Yet he heard absolutely nothing.

Again, Travis appeared in front of him and sent him a powerful punch to the face, making him go airborne in high speeds. Yet Travis wasn't done; he flew towards Dream and grabbed his feet, pulling him up and slamming him on the ground a few times, then throwing him back up, where Grace came and kicked him in the gut. She then beat him up using her staff and whacked him back to the floor.

'They're playing with me,' he said.

Travis again appeared, this time he stopped and stared at him. Dream was about to pounce at him, but the pain from before came; in fact, he felt pain everywhere. All the places they had hit were extremely painful. Travis held him by the head as he picked him up; he stared at Dream and smiled, sending an extremely powerful punch to his gut. The force from the punch stayed in his body and dealt some damage. Grace appeared before him and watched as Dream hung from his hand.

"Let's just kill him, Travis. I'd hate to see if he has more surprises."

And that he did; the gem in Dream's chest flew out his back. It then took off into the sky at blinding speeds, then hurriedly came back down and entered the water, causing a huge explosion. Dream's body has been sucked of all his energy and was pretty much dead.

"Wonder what's going to happen now," Travis said with a smirk. He wasn't confident in them winning, but he knew that it would still be fun.

Suddenly, the ground underneath them began to tremble. The ground underneath rose; Travis and Grace leaped off the ground and stood in the air as they watched.

A giant monster head rose; its bright red eyes darted towards Travis and Grace. It gritted its teeth and released a loud roar from its mouth towards them. A strong wind gust went directly at them, blowing them back a few yards. The monster then took its hand out and picked itself out of the ground. It was extremely tall; its head was well above the clouds. The body of the monster was huge, with muscles on every part. It had a human-like body but had many scales on it as well.

"That's a Titan, right?" Grace said in shock.

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