She Smiled

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The next day Travis was woken up by the loud sound of someone shouting his name outside. He got up and looked out the window and saw coach David in a blue and red Track suit. He saw his other classmates standing next to him, some were half asleep while the other were perfectly fine.

" Travis, get down here this instant. Gym class has started already!" He shouted.

" It 4 in the morning!!" He shouted back.

" Ohh really, to me its seemed like the day as already started. Now stop complaining and come down here or I'll get you myself!" He shouted.

Travis frowned, he went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. He then put on some gym clothes and jumped out the window.


Travis landed infront of David like a super hero. The loud sound of the earth cracking under him woke the others up.

" Ohh Travis, your here." Chris said while Yawning.

" Well I hope you're all ready for a four hour jog around campus. You'll stop when school starts. Which is eight O'clock. Now let's get to it"

They then ran for four hours straight. From the dark sky till the bright morning. They ran non stop. Which isn't really much for a Mid Tier Person but it did make them tired a little. Travis wasn't really fazed by this since he had ran for longer during these two years.

" Good job! Now get to the showers" David then left.

' Well that was boring. When are we gonna test or limits?' He thought.

He ran back to his room and got into his bathroom. One of the benefits of living at  the end of the hall. His newly washed clothes had also arrived at his door. After Travis bathed for a couple minutes he got out feeling refreshed.

' Yeah that felt really good' he said inwardly.

Travis wore the uniform and also put on his hoodie. Since today he felt really dripped out. He put on some white sneakers and walked out his room. He locked the door and left.

Kevin and Chris had already left meaning he was gonna walk alone to school but that was gonna change since he saw Vena walking alone outside.

" Hey Vena! Wait up" Travis called out. Vena stopped and turned towards Travis. She didn't even smile or anything she just stayed blank.

" Travis, how was the work out?" She asked blank.

He smiled and said." It was alright honestly. I'm not complaining since we're the hope of the world and stuff"

Vena nodded and said." Yeah I guess you're right. I'm somehow scared which is something not common for me"

" I mean we're all people at the end of the day. So it's normal to feel scared. But you shouldn't have to worry, we'll have your back the whole time. Well mostly you since you use a bow and arrow" He said.

Vena smiled for a brief second which got him surprised." You should smile more, it really suits you" He said.

" I've heard that line a thousand times, normally I would have just walked away but somehow I wasn't annoyed when you said it" She said.

Travis smiled in response "That's cool I guess. Now let's hurry before we're late"

Vena nodded and they started jogging lightly. What they didn't know was that behind them Grace was staring at the whole time.

' Whats is aim. I should get closer to him so I can find out' She thought..

When Travis entered inside the class he got a message from the system.

[ Yo bro that Yandere chick was behind the whole time]

' For real, she must have masked herself since I didn't feel her stare. Wow she's kinda creepy and I like it'

[ Bro you must be on some drugs cause me personally I wouldn't like a girl spying on me]

'Yeah but think about it. If you get her to like you she'll never fuck somebody else'

[ Hmm that do sound like something straight out of a Fairy tale.]

' In a way it does'

He greeted the whole class and sat down with the boys." Whats up"

" Nothing really. Just a tired mind. I felt like I was gonna die today" Chris said.

" Well this was a normal thing for me so I'm not complaining. Chris you gotta step up if you don't want to burden us in the future " Kevin said in a serious tone.

Chris also turned serious for a slight moment as he took in what Kevin just told him. " Yeah, you're right. I should get some extra classes. " He said.

" Nah bro just work a bit harder and you'll be fine. Overworking yourself just brings you back to where you were originally. So do stuff on your own pace. It's not like we'll be fighting the Dark King tomorrow. "

Chris smiled and nodded." Yeah, you're right Travis." He replied.

From the person who had created Chris Travis knew very well how he operated. He knew his flaws and his strengths. Travis knew that Chris would just get stronger even when he didn't try since his potential is great. But the reason he's strong as he is , is because he does try and that takes him to even greater heights.

' I mean he is the protagonist' Travis thought.

Suddenly fearsome pressure enveloped the whole room. Everyone fell to the ground as they couldn't handle it. The door to their classroom opened and a woman entered. The sound of her walking filled the quiet room.

" You're all a bunch of weaklings" She said.


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