The Emo

805 29 18

The Oni ran at her and began swinging their swords at her. Azusa dodged every single swing easily since she could see them move before they did. Everything to her was happening in slow motion. This was her ability Speed force. She stole the name after watching Flash with Travis. She used her agile and fast body and added alot of energy to those stat. This pumped her metabolism, when her heart beats faster her cells also do that. Allowing her body to move at blinding speeds without even making an effort. This only worked if her opponent was weaker of course.

Azusa held both their sword by the blade and pulled them away. She hit them on the gut so fast they could only feel the pain but didn't know what had caused it. She pulled the Onis by hand and threw them into the air. Using her naturally born Orc strength.

She was just playing with them right now, thinking of cool ways to test her abilities on them. Seeing them as geinue pigs. Azusa thought of a good idea, she summoned her Dagger which appeared in her hand.

She wanted to try using a technique she had been thinking off these passed few days. This technique was very deadly if used correctly but it's still in its testing faze. What better way to test it with your own personal geinue pigs.

Samantha sighed as she watched this on her screen. She wanted to make them get used to fighting monsters not for them to test their powers on them.

' Well it doesn't matter. It helps get rid of all these Onis. I wonder why I took so many.'She thought.

With Azusa who had thrown her dagger at them. She manipulated the lightning on her blade and moved it around. She was happy that she could move them at will using her attribute. Now that her plan was working she flew them over to the Onis and killed them instantly. After that she brought back her blade and took it in hand.

' Well i guess it works. Before when I tried it, it just ended up flying around and breaking stuff'
She summoned both her daggers and had held them, seeing the next wave of Onis marching at her. Azusa blitzed in great power.


She swiftly went under an Oni and cut both its legs off, getting up she started killing the Onis, using her new skills in close combat. Azusa cut them all on the throat which killed them. Their blood raining down and bathing the ground. Azusa moved like lightning,  killing all of them without any hesitation. When she was done she walked off, the smell of blood really annoyed her so she quickly moved away. She arrived at a river and got inside removing all the blood of her suit. When she was done she sat on a rock and relaxed her muscles. She normally never does this because it makes her feel vulnerable.

She gazed at the birds chirping and flying around. Azusa sighed." I should go back Maybe Miss Samantha has more Onis for me to fight"

Samantha smirked and pressed a big red button. This button was gonna release a nice present for Azusa. Since everyone was occupied in fighting their armies she was gonna fight a bigger army.

Boom Boom

Loud sound of walking sounded in the forest, birds flew off running away from the giant Oni. Azusa looked at it from where she sat and couldn't help but laugh. She knew that this was from Samantha, Azusa has always craved to fight a giant monster since she got her soul weapons. It's like they would talk to her in mind telling her to fight something big and tall and her seeing this made her blood boil in excitement. She got up and tied her back in a bun. Azusa summoned her daggers which crackled loudly.

Her eyes sparkling like lightning,  she blitzed at blinding speeds leaving a powerful gust of wind which blew some trees of the ground. Azusa leaped from tree to tree till she was above them, seeing her enemy from close really got her more excited. She kicked herself off a branch which made her fly into the air and landing on its arm, The Oni didn't see this happening, Azusa was running atop its skin till it reached it nape. She stabbed both her daggers into its nape.

" Rauhhhhhhhhh"

She left them on there and continued to move, when she was close to its face she sent a powerful punch to its face.


The Oni almost fell over but got back its footing, Azusa grinned, sending her power into her arm. Lightning flashing brightly of her right arm, strong winds blew wildly as the environment started to change. Thunder clouds covered the sky the lighting dull. Drawing back her fist like Saitama and punching foward.


Like the classic anime, the punch was played three times. The punch didn't just pack electricity, the force in the punch sent the Oni flying to the ground.


It landed on its back breaking all the trees underneath it. It continued to get electrocuted by the punch and the daggers she had left on its nape. Azusa leaped of the Oni and landed on a tree. She smiled at the sight.

'I guess that's mission accomplished. I finally beat a huge monster!!' She shouted in her head in excitement.

With Kevin the emo. He didn't know why the author hated him so much but he didn't bother asking him since he couldn't. He was sitting cross legged on the grass and meditating. The peaceful forest made a good environment for meditation. He was also thinking about Chris blowing his back out yesterday. They've been taking turns fucking each other. He first thought that he'd always be top but now being bottom didn't feel so bad in fact it felt good. Enough with the gay shi.

Kevin pulled his sword out when he sensed that he wasn't alone anymore. He saw an Oni walking while carrying a katana on his waist. He grinned and stood in a kendo stance.

' Let's dance muchaco'

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