Fight Time Finale

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Travis and Valentina smirked as they walked over to each other on the arena. She cracked her knuckles, staring at Travis with battle intent leaking out of her eyes. Travis had to do a quick Goku warm up to strike fear into his enemy after he was done he stood in a stance he had copied from the goat himself.

Valentinas arms were engulfed in red flames and two gauntlets sharp claws appeared on them.

She got ready in the casual fighting stance with one hand closer to her face while the other was underneath guarding her liver. Her tale was wagging around in excitement. Travis could already see the many weak points in this style but she had the advantage since she had gold scales in places that could be letal when hit.

She was truly a battle unit. Samantha sensed both their intents as a smile crept on her face. She knew this would probably be the best fight.

" Alright, Begin!!"

He stood is ground and waited for her to strike first and that's what she did. Valentina launched herself straight to Travis, she appeared under him and was ready hit him with an uppercut, sadly Travis saw her every move, he backed up as her fist passed right infront of his face.

He could feel the strength she had put in as the wind coming from the fist blew his hair into an odd position. He quickly fixed his hair and got ready for the following strike.

Valentina used her tale to wrap around Travis's waist as she pulled him close to her. A giant fist approached his face and Travis didn't even look fazed. This punch was severely going to hurt if it landed from his hypothesis.

But he used his legs to counter the punched pushing himself away from her. The power in the punch destroyed the wall from the force it had sent.

' Wow that was really a dangerous play. I should take this more seriously '

Even though Valentina was lower in strength, her dragon bloodline could draw power from the gauntlets. It sensed what its user wanted and granted her a bit of its strength. Even she was surprised of what she could do.

'I've become much stronger than I originally was. Is this power from my gauntlets?' She thought.

She was brought of her thoughts by Travis who was Sprinting towards her, when he reached her Valentina quickly brought her arms up trying to block the punch but Travis went under and sent a powerful blow to her gut.


She stumbled a little , wincing at the pain in her abdomen. She almost fell on her knees yet surprisingly the punch no longer hurt instead it fueled her rage.

' Fuck I hate how similar to Vegeta i made her.'Travis thought.

She straightened her stance and threw a punch at Travis who easily dodged it, yet the second he did another punch was about to hit him. Well it did.
Travis was sent back flying , when he was about to leave the arena he quickly grabbed the ground and got up. He stood back in the turtle hermit stance yet this time he looked different. The energy around Travis had turned much denser.

He wasn't angry or anything, instead he was serious.

Valentina felt her instincts screaming to her. Yet she didn't yield, her blood boiled in excitement. Her gauntlets got darker in color and they started releasing a red aura.

As this point in time Samantha knew that if she didn't stop this fight, they might just destroy the whole arena. Before they even thought about moving she blitzed between them.

" Alright guys that's enough. Well let's just say nobody won this battle. "

Travis lowered his hands and walked towards Valentina. He stretched his hand out and she took it in hers.

" Good fight."
" Yeah Good fight. I hope you don't think this the last time we have a spar"

Travis chuckled when be heard that." Well I was about to say the same to you. "

After that Samantha called everyone down to the arena.

" Alright I'd say I'm very impressed, you guys have a great amount of power at such a young age. Your future is sure to be bright but that doesn't mean you'll get stronger without working hard, so that's what I'm gonna do to you, I'll work you all till you don't even feel your eye lids. Okay class dismissed"

She then disappeared, they just heard the sound of the door opening and closing very fast.

" Well that was fun. Which class do you think we're going to next?" Travis asked.

" I sure hope it's not Gym class." Chris said.

They went to the lockers for a quick shower, after that they changed into their uniforms. Plus I might have forgotten to tell you the design of the girls uniform. It has the same style as the boys one but instead of pants they have miniskirts and normal ones. Most girls in the class wore black stocking as well, he could clearly see their thick thighs being tightly wrapped by them which looked really arousing.

Plus Travis would always question the physics on their breasts, they just randomly bounced when they moved. The slightest movements make them jiggle, it's really weird but beautiful at the same time.

' Whew that was close, I almost used my full power their. I guess it was wrong idea fighting a dragon girl.'

[ Yo bro did you feel that?]

' Feel what?'

[ Her power grew during the fight since she was drawing some of the gauntlets energy]

' Ohh yeah I kinda did notice a sharp spark when I was casually looking at her breasts bounce around'

[ Yeah well I hope your ready to hear this, because everyone in your class has grown stronger just from the fights . You gotta get your game up bro]

' Fuck I hate their potential. I also hate the wish I made. Well it don't matter to me right now. I am still the strongest '

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