Demon Time

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On the other side of the forest his other classmates were wondering around looking for monsters as well. Some of which were lucky enough to meet level one other two monsters. But non had met higher levels of monsters. So they walked aimlessly till they saw a couple signs on they're way indicating the level they were on right now. After clearing the small levels they got to the fifth just like Travis. Yet it looked as if nothing was gonna come from how long they waited but the next second they heard  loud booom to which they all followed.

All of them saw a different type of monster in its colossal form. Chris saw a giant Skeleton which was named the Mega skeleton. This was Travis's previous advisory well not this one but the last one was his enemy. He drew his sword out and slashed at it.


A huge wave of energy from his slash was sent to the skeleton. Who didn't even see it coming.


The skeleton was cut horizontally instantly killing it. All its bones fell to the ground making loud sounds. But they soon dissappeared into particles.

' Wow that was soo realistic. This place is awesome. ' Chris thought in awe.

With Azusa who had her daggers out and ready to fight giant Cyclops , she had a smirk planted on her face the whole time, it kept on stomping like a mindless fool. So Azusa leaped into the air with power, the ground underneath her destroyed leaving only a crater.

She threw one of her daggers right at its eye, it flew right into it and came out the backs of its head. Azusa appeared behind the Cyclops and caught her dagger.

It's slowy dissappeared into particles and she landed on top of the tree.

' That was fun ' She thought.

With Grace who was standing atop a tree. She stared at the giant zombie walking around the forest without any sense of direction. She used her staff which started glowing brightly. The light stared burning the zombie into ashes as it vaporized into the air. This was her new skill named holy light. Just as the name describes, it casts a bright light that exterminates all foul or evil things. She smirked lightly and vanished leaving the tree shaking slightly.

With Cyrene who was hiding from the giant Golem walking around in hopes of finding her. She took a deep breath and summoned her sword while had changed in color after her training. Her sword was originally silver , but now it turned blue which she really liked. She sprinted on the ground, zooming around the golem. When she got close to its feet she slashed at them.


A clean cut appeared on its feet , when it was about to fall she swung her sword down on its body, cutting it cleanly in half.

The golem turned into particles and dissappeared. Cyrene smiled happily and blitzed off into another direction.

Vena like all the others was in a different location. She hadn't met any giants but she did run into some smaller monsters that weren't that strong. She had her bow out and was ready for anything. While she walked she heard a loud crash somewhere near her location, she blitzed over there in a second and saw a giant serpent slithering around the forest. She drew her bow out and leaped over the snake, an arrow made out of wind materialized. She fired the arrow which flew at the serpent in blinding speeds. Literally.

It flew through its head and was planted on the ground.


A huge tornado suddenly appeared on that spot, destroying all the trees around her. Samantha who was watching twitched in anger.

' Why the f is she leveling area?' She thought.

Nicolette was casually walking around while spinning her spear around when she saw a huge shadow over under her. She looked up towards the giant goblin staring down at her. She didn't seem to be frightened by its sight since it couldn't hurt her. She raised her hand and on her palm a diamond shaped ice crystal started form. She threw it in the air and whacked it towards the giant using her spear.

Like always it flew through its head and instantly killed it. She continued to walk forward looking for stronger monsters.

Scarlett sat atop at tree thinking of some random things. Her road to this place has been peaceful which made her  bored. Scarlett didn't even know which section of the forest she was in right now.

' Sigh... I'm so bored. I wish Travis was here' She thought.

Samantha who was observing decided to give her a nice surprise. Slowly a monster began to materialize behind Scarlett. In the shape of a huge dog with three heads.  Cerberus, in Greek mythology, the monstrous watchdog of the underworld. These dogs were sort of a pet in her home Kingdom but they weren't as big as this one here. Seeing the shadow over her she turned back and smirked, her Sythe appeared in her hand the second she thought of it.

' Woah this must be a test from Samantha. Good thing I lack Sympathy' she thought as a evil smile crept on her face.

She slashed at the monsters the very next second without even thinking about it.


The large cut appeared on the dogs head, but it didn't stop there. The power of the cut went on and sliced the trees behind the dog leaving an empty space with fallen tree's.

' That was soo cool. Wish Travis could have saw this!' She thought.

With Valentina stood in an opening which spread really far. There was no sign of a tree in miles. This was very strange yet she didn't seem to care about that right now. Her mind was occupied by the song she had heard this morning and its now stuck in her head and she can't get it out. Not that the song was boring but after sometime it became annoying.

She had her a single gauntlet on since the monsters in this area were very weak in level.

A Giant Gorilla with spikes and long fangs suddenly appeared not far from where she stood. It charged at her the second it saw her. Valentina was unfazed by the large animal marching at her. When it got close to her she stretched her arm out.


The Gorilla stopped in its tracks which really surprised her.

' Aren't they supposed to be holograms?' She wondered.

" it is a hologram , it's just that the suit you're wearing allows you to make slight contact with it"

She heard Samantha's voice coming from the sky which startled her a bit.

'Did she read my thoughts?'

" No I did not"

' Nah she definitely read my thoughts'


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