Alphas Return

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After watching Heather go back and sit on the Sofa Travis went on and thought about thing that could happen in the future. Even though things have changed he could try and predict thing just by understanding his characters mentality. He opened the window behind him and leaned on the wall as he was consumed by his thoughts.

Cyrene was playing games with the other girls. She turned towards Travis and saw that he was sitting alone. She didn't like the sight of him alone do she passed the joystick to Scarlett and went to him. She crawled on the bed and sat beside him.

"Travis why are you sitting here alone?" She asked in her cute voice. Travis turned towards her and smiled " I'm just thinking about something. How's the sleepover?"

She smiled brightly and said." Well I'm enjoying my time here. Even though I've been to countless sleepovers with the girls I think this is the best one yet"

Travis nodded, he moved his hand and wrapped it around her shoulder and pulled her closer. Cyrene happily snuggled his body with a cute smile.

The other girls saw this and felt jealous. They paused the game and went up to them on the bed. All the girls snuggled a different part of his body which was really uncomfortable for him yet he didn't say anything. The teachers who were drinking happily saw this and decided to get the to bed. Since the bed was bigger then before everyone had space to sleep on it, except Travis who was being cuddled by 8 girl's.

He checked the time and it was 22: 30.

'I'm gonna be here for a while'


00 : 00

Travis woke up as soon as midnight hit. He slowly got out of everyone's embrace and went to the bathroom, he entered and left the door open but it suddenly closed behind him. He looked behind and saw Heather Standing there with her back against the wall. She smiled at him and slowly walked up to him. Wrapping her hands around his neck as she brought her lips close to him.

Travis had his arms around her waist. They slowly went down towards her ass ,making her grin in a sexy way. Heather planted her lips on top his and they began to kiss passionately. She wanted to take the lead but Travis quickly used his skills and controlled the kiss. She smiled erotically in response and let him do what he wished. Her hand went down to his pants and started rubbing his cock while they kissed. Travis fondled her juicey ass nicely which made her moan slightly in between their kiss.

His tounge was dominating hers the whole time. Heather began to feel pleasure from their kiss, her panties slowly getting soaked by her juices. Her hand went into Travis's pants and grabbed his cock. She was a little stunned at how huge his cock was.

' He's soo big, that's why Samantha likes him so much.' She thought.

Travis gently pushed her against the wall as they continued to kiss. Non of them needed to take breath since they were both not normal. His hands went inside her pants, his spread her ass cheeks apart and entered his finger in her asshole making her twitch as she climaxed.

" That felt soo goood" She said seductively when their kiss broke. Her vision was blinded by her lust, she stared at Travis lustfully and was about to go down on her knees but Travis stopped her.

" How about we do this some other time " He said smoothly. Travis fixed his clothes and walked out the bathroom like a boss leaving a horny Heather.

' That boy is such a dream 'She thought while looking down at her drenched underwear and pants.


The next morning.

After everyone had woken up ,they sent Travis and Scarlett down stairs to get them breakfast since they both lost in rock paper scissors. Scarlett was and Travis walked in hand the whole time making every single guy in his dorm side jealous. He hasn't seen those four dudes in a while , he thought maybe they've finally gotten some bitches and don't have any reason to hate on him anymore.

When going he reached the lobby Travis saw a group of people standing at there staring at him. One person walked up to him and said.

" Our boss would like to see you... Alone"

Travis turned towards Scarlett, she was already ready to fight them off together but seeing Travis's gaze she nodded and walked back upstairs.

" Alright, Take me too your leader"

[ Pfft why did you say that. El cringe]

Travis followed them out the dorms, they went to a place behind the school close to the simulation forest. This place was covered with tall flowers , they walked through the field till they reached a hole in the tall walls surrounding the whole school.

' I guess this is how the Arc starts. I should get ready before i woop everyone's ass' he thought.

They walked out the hole and were now outside the school. Behind the school was a normal city. Which had sky scrapers and such. There was a black Rolls-Royce parked outside on the road. They lead him into the car and opened the door for him.

He entered and sat casually without a care. The door closed and the car started to move. He didn't know where he was going but he knew that he's was going very far away from how long the car was going. It soon stopped and the door opened. He looked outside and saw that it was currently night where he was , but Travis knew he was just underground.

He got out and saw Ryan standing infront of a gate of a huge mansion. This was Ryan's family home and also the base of his family's empire. It wasn't really a secret from the King that they had this place built, its cover was a mine but it was actually a nuclear power generator which they've been working on for years. This Power generator could make a person stronger by giving them a certain dosage of pure radiation. They've been in the testing faze for quite a while. His father created this place so he could make soldiers that could help him take over this Kingdom and other ones.

This was what made Ryan a top tier villain even the was just the son of the person in charge of this place. He started walking to him Ryan who still had his kind smile on his face.

" Travis, it's nice of you to come here. Come on in let me show you around " He said then turned back , the gate opened and they walked inside the mansions yard. Everything here looked beautiful but Travis wasn't focused on that. There were many classic sports cars around the area , these cars could be worth more than a billion due to the their rarity in these Futuristic times.

They entered the mansion where Travis saw a butler who offered him some wine. He refused politely and continued to follow Ryan inside.

" This is my family's mansion. We all reside here but since they're business people they're rarely here but you're in luck, it so happens that my mother is here today and I'd like to introduce you to her" He said.

' Chris easily believed this guy's bullshit in the original but I know better not to ever trust this guy. Upside is that I get to meet his beautiful Milf Mother '

 Upside is that I get to meet his beautiful Milf Mother '

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