True Intentions

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Chris was calmy staring at the Oni standing a couple meters away from him. It hadn't moved from the moment he saw it in the forest. He had heard Samantha talking about it being real instead of a hologram. He was a bit shocked but he calmed down after hearing Samantha's words of encouragement.

" You can do it"

This made him confident in beating this Oni.  He stood in a new sword stance which he had learned from a book. The name of this technique was Sword King style and he really liked how effective it was when fighting monsters. So he decided to use this one.

The Oni just held the sword without and did nothing else. Chris used this to his advantage.  He ran towards the Oni and swung down at it.


The swords collided which made a bright spark. He drew back and swung again yet this time horizontally. Yet the Oni blocked him again. Chris wasn't being serious right now, he was just testing his opponents ability in swords.

'It doesn't have any sword knowledge yet it can block , attacks, and think. This fight is gonna end in any moment ' he thought.

So he started using his lightning attribute.


The sound of lighting strikin sounded when he activated his attribute.  Chris smirked. Everytime he activated his attribute it would make him a bit cocky. He enjoyed this feeling , it made him feel as if he could do anything. And that he could, well not now but in the future of course.

He moved towards the Oni.



Chris sped behind the Oni with his back turned. Chris had already sent a clean cut to its throat before it could even move or think. He walked forward without looking back like a power ranger.

The Onis head fell to tye ground and blood poured out like rain bathing what was close to it.

" Good. job Chris. Get ready for the next wave" Samantha said.

This made Chris smile brightly. He really enjoyed being complimented. Wonder why since his mom did this every second of the day when he was back home. While his father was a quiet guy he did compliment his son when he did good.

Chris got ready for the next Onis which appeared the next second yet these ones did even waste anytime and started attacking. They both held swords which shone brightly reflecting the sun's light.

Chris dodged the slash and hit the Onis chin with the hilt of his sword. The next one came and stabbed at him, to which he swiftly went under it and kicked it feet getting it off balance. While he it was falling,  Chris hurriedly got up and slashed the Oni in half , the other Oni that was still staggering behind, Chris made  a clean cut to its throat.

Both Onis fell to the ground with blood spewing from their bodies like crazy. Chris smirked and placed his sword on his shoulder and awaited the next wave. And it came.

An army of Onis suddenly walked out of a portal. Chris got read to have a massacre, this would be the first time he faught multiple enemies. Yet he wasn't scared one bit, in fact he was excited. A little bit too excited for my standards. Chris ran towards them all with his sword held behind him.

When he reached the first wave he slashed at the first batch.


Blood rained down as all their head suddenly fell to the ground, Chris blitzed behind them and embedded lightning into his blade, he stabbed and Oni in its chest which got it electrocuted. He watched as it screamed loudly while he had a smirk on his face with no hint of hesitation. The other Onis saw this and began to run with the tails between their legs.

Chris smiled devilishly and wiggled his finger.

" Ah, ah Ah. No running"

I don't know what these guys are on but they are straight evil. In a good way.

He blitzed at them, reaching them the very next second and slashing at their backs which were turned. He then realized that this is considered to be unmanly. Idk if it's a word but I don't care.

So Chris leaped into the air and went over the Onis and landed right infront of them.


He landed like Superman but smiled like Joker. ' Let's get it' he thought as he went to first Oni that was close to him.

It didn't even see Chris moving but it was already dead, Chris stood in the middle of them all and used his newest technique called. All is Lightning.


His body flashed in lighting as he vanished, his was so fast he broke the sound barrier as he went all around the Onis and sliced them to bits. He was bathed in blood after all the killings.

' Uhhh that was refreshing. I wonder if Miss Samantha is gonna send another wave'

" Yes I am. You'll fight until you crash."

' Good' he thought.

He saw the next wave but these ones were much stronger looking. Some even had Attributes but he could count them by hand. He flicked his sword removing all the blood on it.

He removed his hair from his face revealed the lighting crackling from his eyes. He stared at them like a racist staring at the race he hated.

' You're all monkeys' he thought.

What did he say!! Well folks its official. Chris is a racist.

He wasn't even close to them at all but he swung his sword.


An invisible force flew towards them all in blinding speeds, literally. When it made contact with the Onis. It sliced them all without stopping. It killed every single Oni leaving a pool blood and bodies on the ground.

Samantha was laughing in the control room which entrance all the guys there.
' That's what i like. With this even Serena would be surprised'

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