Tournament Finale Part 1

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John was really weirded out by Travis's power since technically speaking there shouldn't even be another person with SSS talent. The prophecy made by the passed heroes was pretty specific on that point on how only 8 people would awaken this kind of talent. So Travis being here was a little suspicious for him yet he couldn't do anything until Travis would show any signs of being evil.

Travis sat back and thought of things he could do during the fight to make it much more interesting for him. He couldn't use any of Beerus's powers since it would completely shock everyone here that he had any other powers besides being super strong.

With that the 30 minutes passed and the final fight was about to be in session. Travis left everyone and went back to his room and waited for his name to be called. Chris did the same but his mother refused to let him leave for a while. After he got her off him he quickly sprinted to his room and sat patiently.

Travis was again picturing the fights while having some rage music playing in his ear. Honestly he's sure that any  character could become stronger if they just listened to his Playlist. Of course he's a massive gate keeper since these relics are illegal. Their names were called and they both got up and walked out the room. After getting teleported they started walking out the tunnel. Both their eyes focused on the other person.

Sylvia who saw Travis walking out, was very surprised since she didn't know that her son would be fighting him in the final. She started doubting his sons chance of winning more and more but as his mother she still had to support him. She stood up from her seat making her breasts bounce up and down. She started cheering him on and the crowd also did the same.

'Wow that's not fair. Well fuck em. For that I'll beat the fuck out your son' Travis thought to himself, his eyes flashed a bit sending some of his aura to him.

Chris froze in place from the chill running down his spine. He looked at Travis and smirked.' TravisI I hope you not planning on holding back in this fight.'

He took his sword out and stood in his kendo form, with lightning flashing from the blade and crackling loudly. His left eyes began to glow as well and a blot formed on side of his eye. He spike his energy up which made the aura around him become visible, it was a mixture of dark blue and black.

Travis stood in the turtle hermit stance and  pressed his foot on the ground making it crack. They were both ready to strike at any second,  but they had to wait for them to tell them too.

"Alright Fighters. If you're both ready............  Start!"

Chris flashed towards Travis destroying the ground beneath him as he launched him to him. When he got infront of Travis he swung his sword right to his neck, Travis who had seem him move way before he even did, easily dodged the sword. He sent his a fist to his face which had no power in it but back alot of speed. Chris couldn't even see the punch coming to face as it landed on him. He wasn't sent back or anything but just jerked his head back from impact. Travis held his hand and pulled Chris closer and threw a barrage of punches to his face , they all went unnoticed by Chris but he felt them all hit his face sending his back a little. He got his footing back and started swinging at Travis with precision,  all of them had a designated area of impact but Travis's speed made it impossible for him to even touch him. Before he could even move back Travis had sent a power kick to his stomach making him wince in pain and hold his gut. Then a upper cut to his chin sent him into the air.

Travis appeared on top of him and Smacked him in the face which sent him flying Into the ground.


Dust covered the coliseum as Chris laid in the crater he had created when he landed. He got up and got his stance up, but behind Travis swatted the side of his face sending flying into a wall


' Yeah I'm that guy' Travis thought.

Chris got on his feet and spiked his whole energy and placed it all into his speed. His eyes filled with rage as he stared at Travis, his air slowly began to rise. His other eyes began to glow as well, but this made a loud sound of lightning striking.


Chris spun his blade around and cockly smiled at Travis who just stayed cold faced. He blitzed infront of Travis and using the hilt of his sword and hit him In the gut.

" How that feel huh! Hahhahahah" He laughed hysterically but seeing Travis not even reacting to the blow he frowned.

Before he could even react Travis grabbed his face and flew him into the wall and repeatedly banged him on it,



After that he sent many powful punches to his gut. Each blow made Chris scream in pain,  Travis was doing this out of love after all. Sylvia watching this started to hate Travis even more but this was what Travis wanted after all.

He coughed up blood as Travis had yet again sent a powerful punch. The sound of the blows filled the quiet coliseum.

' Alright I'm done' He grabbed Chris's head again and threw him into the air, while Chris was staring at the blue sky as he was hovering in the air, Travis appeared above him and together with his hands joined,  he slammed him back to the ground.


The impact created a mask of dust around the arena. Chris laid in the crater and stared at Travis who was standing infront of him. He was really amazed by his speed and strength. They haven't even reached their speed but Travis was already as fast as some second years.

He smiled and was ready to admit defeat but a voice in his head told him otherwise.


" IM GONNA CRUSH HIM!!!!!" Chris shouted loudly.


Travis was sent back by the shock wave put easily got his footing back. Chris was being surrounded by a bright blue light that shone brightly,  this light made him slowly rise from the ground and getting him back to his feat. Chris's eyes were closed as his flicked his hand.


His sword came back to his hand and he pointed it at Travis with a smile slowly creping on his face. The energy kept sending waves of winds that were really powerful. Travis had to squint his eyes a little so he could see Chris.

With a loud bang


Chris opened his eyes and all aura that surrounded him vanished. His sword reflecting the sun's light, he looked like a God that just descended to this arena. He looked Unstoppable. Yet Travis seemed unfazed. The word Unstoppable was the word you would see if you searched up his name on the internet.

' Yess this Is what I wanted!' Travis thought.

He was of course lying.


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