Magical Hands

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After a couple minutes all the ladies in the room woke up and the room was lively again. Travis sat on a chair and drank some coffee while watching some football highlights. In these months Travis learned how to relax , when he first arrived in this school, he's normal day to day plan was to get the girls in this world. Right now he doesn't really care about that, all the girls now live with him in his dorm. Well except Etser but Travis knows how to deal with her already.

He finished drinking the coffee, he sighed and started to think about the things he's done during this whole time. The whole class has been training relentlessly for this day where they would leave this Kingdom. They've all surpassed all second years on the first 3 months of this year. Since then they've been doing other things to help them  get stronger.

Nothing interesting has happened, just Travis avoiding to fuck any girl. He still to this day wonders why he didn't fuck the girls who weren't on the plot yet. Well he was most likely going to do that in this Arc if not then he'll just bang a side character,  like Lucy or Lisa.

With Kevin and Chris , Travis doesn't really talk to them anymore,  well it's more of them avoiding him. He didn't care they weren't ever going to be relevant characters in this novel in the first place. While Travis was just sitting back relaxed on his comfortable sofa, he was brought back from his thoughts by Valentina who came up to him and tapped his shoulder. He slowly opened his eyes , the sight of the naked Valentina infront of him made his eyes widen.

" Let's go take a shower together. It's my turn today. " She said in her usual deep but feminine voice. " Sure, did you eat already?" He asked.

" Nah I haven't. I just want to get cleaned before I do that. You ready to go out this Kingdom for the first time?" She asked as they went inside the bathroom.

Travis grabbed her ass to which she didn't even react, this was the norm for her now.

" I am and  also  exited , I want too see all those places you all described to me during our nightly chats" he spoke as she took of his clothes. Travis doesn't know how but all the girls treat him like a wife would treat her husband. He's theory was that Lisa gave them a few pointers.

" I'm happy to you that. When we reach my Kingdom I'll personally give you a tour of the place. I also want you to meet the Eternal Dragon who is also my grandmother. She's pretty awesome and strong,  rumor has it she's the strongest woman on earth but it's only a rumor. "

Valentina scrubbed Travis's body with a cloth, while he just sat with his head down avoiding the soap to enter in his eyes.

" I would like to meet her as well. What about your father though , is he as scary as everyone describes him?" He asked.

" Well no, not to me though. Sure he's almost killed a couple guys that stared at me with lust , but other than that he's alright. The person you need to avoid is my mother. She's the scary one" She shuttered at  the thought of her mother.

" Noted, avoid your mother.I'll do that without any problem.' Of course I won't leave a chance to meet a dragon milf' "

" I know you won't do that Travis" She said while sighing. " I wonder if you'll be able to even tame my mother."

" Probably, give me a month in you Kingdom and she'll be mine, only if you don't mind of course" 

" Honestly you are an Unstoppable force, you even got women men in this world go crazy for to be in your Harem even though it's not official. So I can't do anything to stop you"

Travis chuckled in response.

" You're sort of right. Don't worry I'll try by all means to hold my Unstoppable rizz"

Hearing this Valentina giggled a bit and stopped scrubbing him for a second.

"We'll just have to see. What's up with you and the guys?" She asked and continued washing him.

" Well I don't know. You should probably ask them because just like you I'm confused. Not that I'm bothered though, I get to spend more time with you girls and I enjoy it way more than chilling with the guys"

Valentina smiled brightly even though Travis couldn't see it. She couldn't help but blush even, " That's cool I guess. Now wash me it's your turn." She suddenly said.

" What? You haven't even washed my cock and balls" Travis protested.

" You're a grown man and you want me to wash you cock and balls. Good grace Travis get some held "

After saying that she turned around and waited for him to scrub her. While Travis had a frown. He grabbed her tail which make her squeal loudly , before she was about to complain Travis pinched on the tip.

" Ahhn!~ what are you doing?. You're not supposed to be touching me there I'll....Ahhh ~"

" Or you'll what?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

" I'll cum. Auhhh, Travis no! I'm close. Fuck! Ahhn." She continued to moan and scream in pleasure, Valentinas face was flushed red , she tried to control herself from climaxing but she felt even more pleasure when she thought about it. Travis was gently touching her tails tip which would be torture to her normally, but now with Travis she doesn't find it that much of a problem, it's just that she felt.....

" Sooo gooood!!~~" She screamed out in pleasure, her pussy was trembling as her juices neared to the end. She had her toes curled in and clutching her breasts. She smiled erotically, drool coming out down her lips. Her beautiful greens eyes glowing with hearts on them.

" I'm about to cum Travis, faster please! I can't bare it any moreeee!!" She shouted at him.

Travis didn't listen of course, he continued to gently pinch and flick on the tip, making her twitch wildly as her juices drew near.

" Fuck!! "

A clear colored jet stream flowed out her pussy like water from a hose. Valentina bit on her lower lip hard as she felt the pleasure of feeling revealed. She touched herself even more trying to get it all out and more juices got sprayed out her pussy. Making her smile in satisfaction.

" Ahhn that soo good Travis. Can we do this again next time but with you cock inside?" She asked with her seductive smile on her face, facing Travis.

" Sure i don't mind. We gotta go get some morning pills for you though, in fact all the girls should get some. I don't trust myself when it comes to pulling it"

She laughed and got up , and  sat on his lap and wrapping her legs around his back with her arms doing the same.  Valentina kissed Travis passionately which her happily expected, he noticed her beautiful eyes glowing the whole time they kissed for some reason none of the closed their eyes.

" Does that mean your finally about to take us seriously?" She asked after they broke the kiss.

" No not really but hey you never know, you ask my homie NOTAKING "

" who's NOTAKING?" Valentina asked with curiosity in her tone.

" Well I don't know but he knows all is what I've heard. Now let me wash you so we can get out this bathroom, I don't really hear anyone talking outside so they're probably standing behind the door listening to our conversation"

Just liked that they heard the girls suck the teech in anger and disappointment when Travis said that.

" Wow I didn't even notice." Valentina said in amazement.

" You can never catch me lacking. I'm always woke like a One Piece Theory believer, they're never satisfied with what's cannon"


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