Destiny Has Been Fulfilled

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It's clear to say this situation is fucked up. Scarlett was busy trying to convince her father that Travis was just a friend. Somehow out of everyone there, the half naked Travis was the first thing he saw.

While Samantha was having a stare off with Serena who happened to arrive in the room unlike everyone else who planned on coming here. Heather was sitting on an Ice stool and minding her busy , while Akari was taking notes and busy fan girling over her. Lucy and the girls were watching Vena and Valentina play games. And Travis was watching everything from the comfort of his bed.

'Maybe this is why most anime don't have a Harem ending. They're trying to save the main character from things like this'

Well he couldn't change anything in the plot, he has no choice, Travis is going to make all the girls this room a part of his harem whether he likes it or not.

20 minutes passed and  everything calmed down, they were all sitting like reasonable people and awaited for Samantha to speak since she seemed to have planned all of this. Then she saw Lucy.

' She's one of  Travis's harem but I don't quite trust her. Well I guess I'll just murder her when I hear that the Empire found out about our plan.' She thought.

Samantha purposely didn't restrict Lucy from reading her thoughts so she could hear her. Lucy trembled when she heard that Samantha would kill her if she was actually a spy.

" I'm am not a spy and I put that on Travis's precious family jewels" She exclaimed while pointing at them.

The girls got serious when she said this, because if she was lying they'd loose all their future plans on having kids with Travis. While Travis wasn't worried since he knew Lucy in and out and he had never made her a spy in the game. Then he remembered the butterfly effect.

' Fuck'

Samantha took her word and began speaking.

" Alright everyone this is the plan we decided to go with when it comes to you all. On the following year during the midd term you will all be taken out of this Kingdom, you will be moving around this world of ours and train with different types of people till you reach your peak. Now this is a covert mission so don't tell anyone In fact you shouldn't even think about this,  you hear me?"

" Noo!"

Samantha smiled" Good. Okay let the sleep over start!" Everyone cheered loudly while Heather just raised her cup gracefully. Akari took even more notes. Serena who wasn't originally invited was wondering how she was now in a sleepover in her students room. Who also happens to be a guy. She's really in a complex situation right now.


' When did they even plan on having a sleep over?'Travis wondered while staring at everyone. Somehow they all brought comfortable clothes to sit in, Serena was already wearing them since she was sleeping before she came here.

' They even solved the problem with space, ' he looked at his extended room. They had taken out the guy who lived next door and broke the wall which made more space in his room. It now looked like a normal room and not a small dorm room.

Samantha even replaced his bed with her own custom bed which was dark red. He's always wanted to be a red ranger so he didn't mind it. He looked at all the girls who were looking gorgeous.

' Bro I finally made it. I didn't even have to act gay. And that is destiny fulfilled'

He then remembered what Samantha had said.' The plot changed. This means Grace's arc shifted. Originally we were supposed to go to her Kingdom the following week since Ryan really fucked Chris up in their fight even though he won. And Grace couldn't really heal him since the attack was from a cursed item which restricts holy  energy. Then she remembered that her mom had Isis earings  that could pretty much heal everything. Which started the Arc'

He wasn't bothered about the plot change he's just not sure anymore about what is going to happen in the future. His knowledge on the future is becoming useless right infront of him.

[ Ding ]

[ Host has gotten sloppy head from the number 1 favorite girl In the game and completely flexed on Chris who didn't even get to smell her panties.

A Glimpse into the future: As the name describes,  you get a glimpse into everyone's future with you include.[ Only 1 use]

[ Are you gonna use it now? I'd advise you save it Travis it might be the thing that helps you in a drastic situation]

Travis was stunned at his system serious tone. He had always been playful even in tough times when Travis was holding the urge to beat his meat during the 2 year time Skip.

' Yeah I'm saving it  for later. And when the hell did you learn those huge words you dumbass!' He said to him.

[ Ohhh I've always known these words. I just never used them in fear of you not being able to understand them]


' Keep talking I might just turn you into a cute anime girl. You'll regret ever showing me that option'

[ No don't!! I'm sorry,  okay.]

' That's what I want to hear. Now go take care of your kids'

Travis was brought out of his thoughts by Heather  who came and sat next to him. She was wearing yoga pants that perfectly outlined her ass and pussy and sports bra which showed off her beautiful large breasts, Travis's eyes were glued on her boobs while she talked to him.

" Are you alright?" Her tone had concern in it even her facial expression was filled with worry.

This was very odd, Heather  normally acts like your menacing lady who covers her malice with her sweet tone. These types of ladies normally scare the protagonists in animes but Travis is immune to that. Well he wasn't gonna complain, this is what every guy in the previous world wanted. A cute Heather that would nurse them back to health.

" Yes, why are you asking?" Travis answered with another question. His eyes still glued to her cleavage.

" Well I saw you sitting all alone on your bed and I got concerned. So I'm came here to ask how you were doing" She replied while changing her sitting position into a more comfortable one. She was now facing Travis who was still staring at her breasts.

" You really like breasts huh?" She said while slowly taking off her sports bra. Her beautiful pink nipples came into view. Her pale white breasts which looked like a dream. Travis was sure that death wouldn't be that bad anymore.

" Do you want to touch them? You can if you Never lose a single battle in your whole life til you  kill the Dark King of course " She said to him while squeezing her breasts together.

" So do you agree with this arrangement?" She asked while pinching her nipples infront of his face.

Travis nodded and didn't take his eyes of her breasts. " Good then I might just add  myself in you harem if you do that. To reward your bravery I'll give you a present...." She got close to his ear, her breasts were pressed against his chest and she continued. " At midnight wake up then  go to the bathroom and I'll give you your gift"

After saying that she blowed on his ear  , which made Travis shiver in excitement yet his facial expression still nonchalant as ever. She got of the bed with her seductive smile and walked over to the girls who were playing cards , her ass jiggling as she walked making her even more mesmerizing.

' That was really a nice experience. Wonder what present I'm gonna get , maybe some Lego or a Wii.'

😏 Not even Close

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