Time Skip

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Lisa arrived at the academy, when she was about to enter from above she was stopped by the barrier. She quickly used her energy and open a small hole for herself. This immediately turned on the alarm making everyone inside get off the feet and blitzed to the side. They reached the area a second later and saw Lisa flying in the hole.

" Lisa what the fuck are you doing!!?"

When she was about to fly off to Travis's location but she was stopped by a familiar voice coming from below. She looked down and saw The Chairwoman standing below.

" Hey Ester  What you doing here?" She asked in excitement, Lisa descended to the ground and landed infront of her.

" I asked you that first, you just caused a lot of havoc in the school " She scolded her.

Lisa looked around and finally noticed that she was surrounded by many people who wanted to fight her. Smiling awkwardly she bowed down slightly.

" Sorry guys I'm just on a conquest for love. " She apologized to everyone.

Ester , the Chairwoman smiled under her mask and pulled Lisa by her hand.

" Where we going, ohh Travis is in this direction. Are you taking me there?"

" Yes, let's go meet your beloved or whatever. Don't get angry when you see other girls around him, he's the infamous harem king of this school."

Lisa frowned when she heard that, she thought maybe Travis was only with her niece but turns out there are other women.

' I'll just have to take him for myself then'

They got to his room and knocked on the door. Samantha opened the door and instantly frowned when she saw Ester, but then a vortax made out of wind suddenly appeared right infront of them. This was made by the hers and Lisa's energy meeting each other.

" Alright ladies please try to condense all your energy. Now can we come in Samantha?"

She let them inside the room,  Travis was laid back on the bed while playing some games on his phone. The other girls were all around the room doing their own thing. Lisa blitzed to Travis , she was now atop on him in a cowgirl position.

" Travis, I've missed you so much. Why didn't you tell me about the other women in your life? I might have to kill them all so they can't have you " She turned to the other girls and flared some pressure on them all. Ever since she got here no one has ever felt her presence, yet now they were fully aware of it.

They all turned to her immediately , now they had their gaurd up , they were relaxed before but now they felt tense. But then Nicolette noticed that she was her aunt.

" Aunty what are you doing here?"
The other girls were a little surprised but then noticed that she looked really familiar.

" Ohh yeah that's Nicolettes Aunt, but what is she doing here?" Asked Vena.

The others were also baffled by her appearance. Yet they were now calm since they knew her.

" I'm here for my beloved Travis, I don't want to share  him with you, so I've decided to kill you all. Well except My darling Niece."

Heather appeared right infront of her with her usual icey stare.

"The infamous Ice Queen. It's nice to see you again. You might not remember me but I'm Heather Ford, the Ice-"
" Goddess, I remember you, "

Everyone could feel their tension coming from them both. Sadly Travis was basically in the middle of the battle and couldn't do anything but sit there and watch.

" If you're going to become Travis's women them you'll have to learn how to share. "

Samantha and Serena sat there on the infront of the counter top and watched.

' When the hell did get a kitchen. I'm so confused, I didn't even notice any of these things until now'

While Ester had already left, she didn't want to have any part of this.

" I don't really like sharing though " Lisa said with a pout.

" Well you'll eventually learn how to share. Now get off Travis,  I feel like cuddling today" Lisa shook her head in refusal. She held onto Travis tightly. Heather got annoyed and began trying to pull her off Travis.

" Noo Nicolette my dear , come help your beloved Aunty"  She didn't do anything,  Nicolette just stood there and watched from afar.

" Alright could you all stop fighting. You can both hold me I don't mind. Not now though I'm going to go take a shower "

Travis got up from the bed, he walked towards the bathroom while walking he felt the hungry stares coming from Most of the girls in the room.

"  Don't be staring at me like that or I'll fuck you all. " He said with  a serious tone. All the girls blushed and looked away.

" He's so manly, I'm about to have an orgasm"  You can guess for yourself who had said that. 

'All that procrastinating is coming to bite me. Well I feel like I can survive a couple more months while doing so. '


On the 15 day of the month of July 3019 , it's been three years since Travis arrived in this world. He's not a year older and has become a more alpha yet in all these days, Travis hasn't gotten any pussy. Right now Travis Is laying on his bed, the sun shining brightly on his eyes making him frown in his sleep. He opened his eyes and slowly sat up looking at his surroundings. Many women laid on his bed, they all were either naked or wearing skimpy clothes.

This was a familiar sight for him yet this time he hasn't even fucked any of these women. Well not to worry he'll get his chance.

Travis got off his bed and stretched himself, feeling a bit dizzy he walked over to the kitchen section and poured himself a cup of water. He gulped it down in one go, exhaling loudly in satisfaction.

' That felt great. Today is the begging of the Adventure Arc. I'm so excited '

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