Life Could Be Dream

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They all started sending their energy into the Boulder. But nothing happened.

"That's weird" they all thought.

Sending another wave of energy but to no avail. They started thinking this was probably a trick since it didn't break. So they decided to just continuously send their energy inside until something would happen. They stood their with their arms stretched and holding the Boulder.

After a couple hours with Nothing happening they all frowned.

" Whats up with this thing. Shouldn't it be breaking?" Scarlett complained.

"I'm not sure either. I've never done this exercise before. " Grace answered.

As they continued to do this they started to feel themselves getting tired. Which isn't normal in anyway. Why would they get tired of they aren't doing anything at all is what they asked themselves.

" Guys I think this boulder is stealing our energy " Travis said.

They all turned to Travis for a second then looked back at the boulder. Focusing their energy they could see the boulder being surrounded by their energy.

" What the fuck. So that's why it's not breaking " Lucy said.

" What should we do then?" Cyrene asked.

Non of them had an answer to that question yet. But after thinking for a while Travis found an answer.

" Energy is connected to our emotions right. Even though he never said that he did imply it when he told us that it takes the shape and color of our personalities. All this time we've been inputting our energy with the thought of destroying it, but we didn't put any emotion into it"

" Yeah your right. Why didn't in think of that?" Valentina said with a frown. Travis laughed a little and replied. " Its because you weren't thinking "

" So what should we do?" Nicolette asked.

" Well just feel the need to destroy it. Meaning try to become angry"


Instantly Kevin and Chris's Boulders shattered into nothing. They all stared at them with worried looks.

" Yo why you angry?" Azusa asked. Chris smiled and scratched the bath of his head and replied." I'm not angry, I just know how to control my emotions is all" He laughed as he said this.

Then they looked at Kevin who shrugged. They very well knew why these two were angry but hey density sometimes helps you. After that everyone else followed Travis's instruction and one by one they destroyed their Boulders. When they were all done they flopped to the ground as they tried to calm down.

" My body exerted to much energy, I  can't even move" Scarlett said while groaning.

Paul suddenly appeared and saw everyone laying on the ground. He smirked a bit then his smirk disappeared.

" Good job. That's it for today's lesson. See you all on the next day."  After saying that, he walked into any invisible door and vanished.

" What Attribute does that guy have?" Valentina asked Grace.

" He's actually a domain like Travis, but has a special artifact that let's him go through doors that send him to any desired area. He can do this anyone else also. Like how we suddenly changed locations without even noticing. " She explained.
" Wow that's a cool artifact. I would like to have that one day" Nicolette thought with a smirk. ' So I can go to Travis whenever I want. Even though we're dating right now and spend every day with each other. Not being with him upsets me alot '


During the night, everyone was in their own room except Samantha who was chilling in Travis's. She was currently crouched infront of him as he sat on the edge of the bed. His cock deep inside her mouth as she moved her head up and down.

" Mmmm, you like that huh?" She asked as she wrapped his cock with her throat. Travis was feeling bliss at this moment. Her sloppy wet mouth felt extremely good.

She spat his cock out as she took a deep breath, going down again and licking all around it, her hand cupping his balls as she massaged them sensually. Her other hand cupping the head and stimulating it. She licked all around his shaft, Samantha's beautiful eyes were staring right into his seductively.

Suddenly behind Travis Serena came out his shadow and wrapped her arms around his neck. He could feel her breasts right on his back making him smirk. Serena was frowning at Samantha who was gawking up and down on Travis's cock. She crawled over to the floor and grabbed his cock with both her hands. Travis could now see her body, she was wearing beautiful black and red lingerie. While Samantha came in wearing nothing but thong panties.

Seeing Serenas eyes filled with lust she back up leaving Travis's cock for her. Serena grabbed it by the shaft and pointed it at her lips. She gathered her saliva and slowly went down taking in his thick cock head. Slightly moaning as her  other hand was touching her pussy.

Samantha laid back and touched herself, staring at Serena taking Travis's cock inside her mouth. She soon felt it reach her throat making her tear up. Her throat was really sensitive since she had never deepthroated before.

Yet refusing to admit that Samantha was better than her she continued to Bob her head up and down his cock , her form was sloppy but felt good either way. Her pink lips wrapped around his cock was am arousing sight for him.

Samantha squirted her juices out as she moaned loudly. She got up and started sucking on his balls.


The sound of slurping and sucking came from mouth their mouths as they did their thing. Travis was just staring at them both with a smirk on his face.

'Thiss feels soo good man. I'm in heaven 'Is what he thought right now.

He suddenly placed his hand on Serenas head and pushed it down. His cock completely feeling up her throat as she gagged wildly. Tears came out of her eyes as she couldn't handle the sensitivity. She quickly backed up letting Travis's cock out of mouth. That very second Samantha dived in and took it all in with one good.

' Yeah this is the life '

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