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They went on till they were now in the cinema and watching a movie. It was a boring romance movie which had Travis asleep the very second it started but Grace sat through all of it and learned many love lessons on that movie. It was about a woman who was obsessed with a man who had saved her from a murderer , and how she stalked him soon after she was saved. It showed her many things she could do to make her man safe from  "whores" who wanted some of her man's goodies.

When they walked out Grace plotting some nice ideas to kill women who wanted her man. Well except the women who she knew, random women from the outside world who craved for his cock. She frowned at the thought of there being such women.

They walked together till they stopped at a nice diner. Where Grace got her body gaurds to come and make food for them both. When the food came they sat together and ate while talking.

While with Dream who was currently outside the Mall and staring at the many security surrounding it. He wanted to terrorize this place and take Grace away, but seeing all these people he wasn't sure if he could do that. He then remembered that he had a nice subordinate that had  hefty powers. He called Paul who came the next second.

" Alright Paul I want you to terrorize this Mall using your abnormal strength. After that I'll swoop in and save Grace" He said.

Paul nodded and masked all his energy. He put a mask which spread and covered his whole head. He then leaped off the roof , this alarmed the many security outside,  when he landed Paul was already surrounded by them all. He smirked under the mask and began his assault. He moved fast , punching a girl in the face which instantly broke her nose as she flew off, the others moved at the jumped him.

Paul kicked a whole group away with powerful side kick, he quickly got back to the other and started  beating them all one by one. When he was done he blitzed into the mall and broke in. Immediately the alarm went off.

' That's not a good sound ' Paul thought.

Then the next second the whole mall was surrounded by many hunters. Paul's sweat dropped down his forehead as sensed everyone around the mall.

' Mission abort!'He thought and entered his door and closed it behind him. Travis and Grave were surrounded by body guards who looked ready for action while they continued to eat together like nothing was happening.

"Coast clear move out"

They all then dissappeared and the alarm was turned off, the day continued like usual. Dream who was watching from a tall building frowned and screamed in anger.

" Fuckkk!!! Why does this always happen. " He shouted. Dream was then taken by Paul back to their lair.

The day went by and Grace and Travis left the mall with many bag being carried by the body gaurds. They entered the car and it drove back to the Castle. When Travis arrived the girls huddled around him and started a circling him. Grace also joined in as she felt left out.

" Travis what did you two do today?" Nicolette clinged onto his arm while she asked. He shrugged since he honestly didn't understand what they did, but he's sure that they did something interesting.

" Travis took me to a love hotel and wee... Kyaaaaaa!!" She squirmed loudly while covering her face from "embarrassment". Everyone stared at her blankly, they turned back to Travis and acted as if they didn't hear what she had just said.

" Let's act like that never happened. Now Travis when are you going to take me on a date" Azusa came closer as she caressed his face gently. She really changed these couple of years. Then Cyrene shook her head cutely and hugged Travis as she hid her face on in his stomach.

" No Travis is going to have a date with me next I'm tired of waiting " She said cutely. Then Scarlett climbed on top of him and wrapped herself around him.

" Me and Travis are soul mates even though I don't have one, so I'm going on a date with him next" She said with a sly smirk.

Valentina pulled him with her tail and said." No it would be Travis's honor to have a outing with me so I should be next to I can grant his biggest disire" while everyone was arguing the girls who had went on a date with Travis were watching from the side lines. Travis didn't mind all their arguing he went to his room with them all still clinging onto him. After changing his clothes Travis laid on his bed and watched some anime as they continued to argue while the others were having a normal conversation about the economy.

' I did this to me I can't complain ' he thought. Travis opened his system and scrolled till he got to the useless abilities section. These abilities were things he had gotten for getting things from Chris. Like the first to kiss all the heroine's. The first to grab their breats and so on.

He then continued to watch Dragon Ball super. He was currently watching the fight between Jiren and Goku. The second Goku turned ultra instinct his body copied it.

[ New Technique Has Been Learned.]

[ Autonomous Ultra Instinct: The ability to move without thought. : This ability can level up with your power. ( Level 100 needed to be able to use this technique)]

' That's pretty cool and op. The Dark King won't even now what hit him. Literally ' he thought with a smirk.

He sat back and relaxed as the girls continued to argue , he didn't give a single fuck of course.


Night time came and Laura also came back from her business trip. When she returned she awaited for Travis who she knew would always come at night. And that's what he did,  Travis entered the room which was brightly lit. Laura was currently doing Yoga in on her mat. Her attire was very arousing, she wore tight yoga pants and a  sports bra. She was currently laid on her back with her legs spread out. Travis stared at h the outline of her pussy which had him drooling in his mind.

" My Son come help mommy exercise, I need to stay in shape for any possible chance that a handsome young man such as you wants to marry me one day" She said while giggling.

" Ohh alright let me help you. " He replied.

Travis walked over and crouched down, her placed his hands under her thighs and pined her legs onto her chest. He slowly spread them out allowing his cock to get placed onto her pussy. She smiled as she stared at him.

" Hmmm what's the thing on my lower region. It feels so hot" She said seductively. Travis shrugged and began to move back and forth as his cock went between her pussy lips. She smirked as started to feel good from what he was doing.  Since Travis was also clothed he couldn't feel much but it was stimulating. As it continued her pussy started to get wetter and wetter till her panties and pants got drenched.

" Wow your such a good Yoga instructor, you should become my permanent " She said.

" Yeah I wouldn't mind that. What do I get out of this though?" He asked with a smirk on his face. She pulled Travis down as looked into his eyes.

" You're looking at your payment, so do you want it?" She said seductively.

" Sure "

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